Tuesday, August 06, 2013

And Leave the Driving to Us

Prosecutors will determine whether to charge the driver with child neglect. [More]

Your average bus driver is hardly likely to be  able to physically intervene in a situation like this, and he's legally prohibited from having the means at hand to stop it instantly.

If any responsibility is shared -- beyond that primarily belonging to the little savages -- it would be with legislators and administrators who knowingly places those they compel attendance from in mortal danger.

You go ahead and question his actions, Chief Vincent.  Even after the fact, you don't know that the guy wasn't trying to make sure he didn't have a heart attack. How armed "Only Ones," who have no duty to protect -- and who lock themselves up and hide when real danger appears, with no legal repercussions -- have the gall to suggest unarmed bus drivers have a greater duty than they do  is just insane.

1 comment:

Ned said...

Aren't these the same people who tell us to run away, call the police and let them handle it?

Would an Only One have involved himself, or hidden and waited until it was over?