Friday, August 16, 2013

Establishment Blaming the 99 Percent for Greedy One Percent Excesses

"One to 2 percent of the bad people make it dangerous for the 99 percent of the good people who live in this neighborhood.” [More]
So why don't you focus on them instead, you fool?

For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day!


Robert Fowler said...

I was reading some of the comments and ran across this gem.

I always thought this was a Mexican sport. I really don't see why this is illegal. It's chickens, not dogs. When your rooster losses you get to go home and cook it.

6 votes
#2 - Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:52 AM EDT

I laughed so hard I thought SW was going to call the guys with the net.

Robert Fowler said...

So because prosecutors and judges refuse to lock these scumbags up, I need to be punished. Another liberal idiot pisswit that thinks restricting the rights of the law abiding is going to have a effect on crime. Brain damaged assholes.