Thursday, August 15, 2013

Matt Damon projects ‘The Bourne Hypocrisy’ on ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws

“We have a police force for that,” the “action hero” concluded. “We should leave the novices at home." [More]
This morning's Gun Rights Examiner commentary notes the respect level of privileged Elysium inhabitants for Earth-bound rabble is about what you'd expect...


GaryM said...

Easy for someone who can afford body guards to make comments about never being in a position to want, or have, to kill someone.

I wonder if he'd be willing to wander around Detroit or Chicago, or even North St. Louis alone and unarmed. How about riding the bus from Bush Stadium to North St. Louis after a night ball game? Anyone..Bueller..Damon?

Ed said...

Places like Home Depot, Home Depot and Ace Hardware do well because while we would like to hire a contractor to take care of maintaining our homes, we do it ourselves when it makes more sense. At least, if your plumbing starts to leak then you should be able to turn off the water to minimize the damage and wait for a plumber to fix the problem.

Sometimes, if you have to wait for a police officer to arrive to help you, you will already be dead or seriously injured. The initial response to a threat is your responsibility.