Thursday, February 13, 2014

Another Reason Why I Never Waste My Time on Gun Boards

Having to deal with obnoxious ignoramuses like "Aimless"... [More]

It's real easy to attack another man from the comfort of anonymity.  All the prog trolls and infiltrators do it.


Robert Fowler said...

That's why I post with my real name. If I'm going to call someone a son of a bitch, I want them to know who did it. I have a really low tolerance for the keyboard rangers.

The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit said...

On the other hand, there's much to be said for the "publication anonymity" of the Founding Fathers - though one would hope that the use of that anonymity would not be for less-than-philosophical purposes.

But I don't believe that the Federalist Papers had "moderation enabled," unlike our host here... ;-)