Friday, March 21, 2014

Rally in Connectict

Another announcement just went out. [More]

Two days ago I was starting to wonder if my recent bout with pneumonia might end up putting me in the hospital (again)--but I had my follow-up with the doctor yesterday and, among other things, he gave me some kick-@$$ anti-inflammatories, and while I'm still not 100%, I'm noticeably better in just one day, giving me hope that my obligation will not be jeopardized.

I just hope I don't end up looking like this...


Mack said...

Regarding Prednisone,

"It's safe and effective, when used as directed."

See, Doctor-Speak!

Anonymous said...

IANAD, but:

I he just put you on a steroid dose pack you'll be fine. These typically start off w/6 pill on day 1, 5 on day 2, and so on until you finish the pack. This along with antibiotics helps clear you out c quickly with little long term danger.

OTOH, long-term steroid use, while medically necessary in some cases will leave you with the stereotypical "moon face". Dosage and duration mark the difference.

Anonymous said...

For those who don't know, the state
capitol of Connecticut (CT) is
Hartford. I don't see this on the site.