Wednesday, July 02, 2014

We're the Only Ones S-M-R-T Enough

When the man asks why he is being arrested, the officer replies, “you are being stupid.” [More]


rkshanny said...

"ROUTINE traffic stop"?! How mentally sick have amerikans become when they perceive being detained at gunpoint by govt. brigands for revenue-extraction non-crimes as . . . "routine"!! 17,000,000 last year alone! Gawd, how pathetic! And then allow the criminal brigand to assault them without defending themselves?! We have really lost it!

Ned said...

@rkshanny -

Where did you get those stats? A friend of mine - an ex-LEO - has been wondering just how much money is extracted via "traffic stops" over the course of a year in this country.

A link to the statistics you referenced could be helpful - if for nothing other than to extrapolate a minimum regarding driving infraction fines.

Longbow said...

The cop was a thug looking for excuse to thump someone. That is all.