I won't be able to make tonight's broadcast, but the show must go on.
Visit the AAR website to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Armed woman repelling attackers refutes evil demanded by gun-grabbers
The bottom line, and this is something the antis will never address directly, is they would rather see a woman brutalized, raped and killed than armed. When confronted with that observation, they deflect and insult, and try to redirect and accuse. [More]They would rather see you and me dead than armed.
Signing Off
This will be Kate Kreuger's last live "Talking Guns" broadcast.
I'll be joining her at 2 p.m. Eastern.
The show is broadcast on Independent Talk 1100 KFNX out of Phoenix. If you don't live in the area, you can tune in by clicking the "Listen Live" button on the "Talking Guns" website.
I'm going to miss our monthly chats.
I'll be joining her at 2 p.m. Eastern.
The show is broadcast on Independent Talk 1100 KFNX out of Phoenix. If you don't live in the area, you can tune in by clicking the "Listen Live" button on the "Talking Guns" website.
I'm going to miss our monthly chats.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
In an Ideal Scenario
In an ideal scenario, Barron said, congress would pass a law that would require gun makers to include Lockdown’s technology on weapons [More]In an ideal scenario, ignoramuses who don't even know enough to keep their booger hooks off the bang switch would be pointed and laughed at every time they presumed to offer "common sense gun safety" legislation.
Gosh, and what ever happened to that other bit of advice for giving the advantage to home invaders: keeping your ammunition stored and locked separately form your firearms?
Right, pal, you keep appealing to Piers Morgan and ignoring what we know about the government's ability to track smartphone data.
I don't know who sold this kapo his gun collection, assuming it's his, but if I were an FFL, I'd tell him to get the hell out of my store.
[Via Russ S]
Obviously Can't Be Trusted with a Gun
So what makes people think we have the advanced psychological and spiritual assessment certainty to determine this monster can ever be trusted without a custodian? [More]
27 years, and then we set him free to walk among us, with access to things like knives and gasoline?
Would we cage a man-eating lion, and then at some arbitrary point decide it's time to set it loose on a playground?
27 years, and then we set him free to walk among us, with access to things like knives and gasoline?
Would we cage a man-eating lion, and then at some arbitrary point decide it's time to set it loose on a playground?
Friday, August 29, 2014
Lawsuit faults Gander Mountain for failure to read minds
Gander Mountain is being sued for following the law to complete firearms transactions, and for not having ESP and being able to read minds, and look into the souls of other human beings. Gander Mountain is being sued for not having special powers and abilities not possessed by any other mortals, but expected and required of gun dealers. [More]My latest JPFO Alert notes you don't need to be telepathic to read the minds of the Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists at The New York Times, or the predatory blood dancers at the Brady Campaign.
‘Defensive Use of Firearms’ author to host Reddit Q & A
“I have been invited to host a Reddit ‘Ask Me Anything’ Q&A session on Sunday, at 6:00 p.m. MDT/PDT,” author and instructor Stephen P. Wenger told his email newsletter subscribers in a special announcement Friday. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a chance to get some important tips from someone qualified to give them.
It's Very Exciting!
I'll say! [More]
I think when it's idiot Jorgen's turn, I'll make an exception in my viewing habits.
I think when it's idiot Jorgen's turn, I'll make an exception in my viewing habits.
One Ring to Rule Them All
Dr. Kissinger served as national security adviser and secretary of state under Presidents Nixon and Ford. Adapted from his book "World Order," to be published Sept. 9 by the Penguin Press. [More]Oh, so that's why Establishment Republicans are different...
Part of the Program?
It could be the wake up call people need. [More]
Of course, it could also be a disinformation false alarm to discredit critics who repeat it.
And we also can't forget the potential for a Reichstag fire.
One thing is certain: If something bad goes down based on circumstances you and I have no control over, look for more restrictions and costs imposed on us, and more power usurped by them.
Of course, it could also be a disinformation false alarm to discredit critics who repeat it.
And we also can't forget the potential for a Reichstag fire.
One thing is certain: If something bad goes down based on circumstances you and I have no control over, look for more restrictions and costs imposed on us, and more power usurped by them.
Lotta Comments Going On...
Yesterday's GRE has stirred up no small amount of observations and attracted the usual crop of sadist-psychopath / infiltrator-disruptors.
I do see one guy, nominally on our side, arguing Hitler was a creature of the right and not a socialist, citing as "proof" the economic fascism he engaged in with German industrialists. It's a common ploy of latter day national socialists, to accuse people who believe in freedom of being Nazis, and to put distance between themselves and the inevitable evil fruits that always result from their gaining political power.
They're counting on people falling for that, like our hapless comment poster.
Don't let them. Because like everything the Opposite Day Prozis try to deceive people on, it's a self-serving lie.
I do see one guy, nominally on our side, arguing Hitler was a creature of the right and not a socialist, citing as "proof" the economic fascism he engaged in with German industrialists. It's a common ploy of latter day national socialists, to accuse people who believe in freedom of being Nazis, and to put distance between themselves and the inevitable evil fruits that always result from their gaining political power.
They're counting on people falling for that, like our hapless comment poster.
Don't let them. Because like everything the Opposite Day Prozis try to deceive people on, it's a self-serving lie.
We're the Only Ones "In Soviet California, the Messenger Kills YOU" Enough
Deputy who killed former Napster COO after drifting into the bike lane while distracted by his laptop will NOT face charges because he was answering a work-related email [More]Yeah, why would anyone expect a public safety officer, tasked with enforcing state texting and driving laws, to wait until he's not endangering everyone on the road to answer routine messages?
[Via John Comeau]
Leaping to Illusions
Yo, Hunter (what a name for you!): I don't suppose you and all your smug Prozi comment fluffers are actually smart enough to extrapolate what the "frenzy" signified and still means. [More]
[Via Jess]
[Via Jess]
Feeling Froggy
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Heqet said it, I believe it, that settles it. |
Just in case you were wondering why the agencies are all arming to the teeth...
I'm wondering when those who feel victimized are going to notice how many location opportunities there are to express displeasure, where and when the swarms aren't deciding the time and place of interactions. Unfortunately, there are an increasing number of people approaching the Bobby McGee definition of freedom, and I see no let-up in the squeezing until it's too late for those doing it to ease off...
Species die out. Extinction is a part of that process. So in typical "every day is Opposite Day" fashion, the Prozis seek to control and stop it.
They would do the same with the weather, of course. They would do the same with everything.
They know best. They are the dispensers of commandments, the "givers of pain and delight." They are the acolytes of god, which is why they will brook no competition. And woe unto non-believers, heretics, infidels, who will perish in the flames they would cast us into.
[Via Michael G]
No, We Have to Put Her Through Hell First
I'm not sure what Christie's legal options are prior to a verdict, but he could certainly use his bully pulpit to condemn the prosecution and New Jersey gun laws, and pledge to work toward their repeal. [More]
Not that he will. At heart, he's always been a gungrabber.
What I see as a likely outcome will be for him to commute her sentence afterward, like he did for Brian Aitken. As we've noted before, that's not the same as a full pardon, so she'll still be a "prohibited person," and "legally" disarmed for the rest of her life by "public servants," whose prime directive is "to secure the Blessings of Liberty," and who are themselves well taken care of.
[Via Hayden B]
Not that he will. At heart, he's always been a gungrabber.
What I see as a likely outcome will be for him to commute her sentence afterward, like he did for Brian Aitken. As we've noted before, that's not the same as a full pardon, so she'll still be a "prohibited person," and "legally" disarmed for the rest of her life by "public servants," whose prime directive is "to secure the Blessings of Liberty," and who are themselves well taken care of.
[Via Hayden B]
Where are the Second Amendment’s Billionaires?
Running groups like Everytown and companies like Microsoft.... [More]
They believe strongly in the right of the plutocrats' Praetorians to keep and bear arms. It's not in their vested interests to cede power without a personally compelling reason for doing so. And if we could get an angel to save us with no effort on our part, what would that do to our drive? What happens to that of welfare recipients?
This is a repost from a column by the late Kirby Ferris.
They believe strongly in the right of the plutocrats' Praetorians to keep and bear arms. It's not in their vested interests to cede power without a personally compelling reason for doing so. And if we could get an angel to save us with no effort on our part, what would that do to our drive? What happens to that of welfare recipients?
This is a repost from a column by the late Kirby Ferris.
We're the Only Ones Securing the Blessings of Liberty Enough
To ourselves and our Posterity,,,
Guy's got a lost of damn gall, minding his own business and wanting to be left alone. And insisting he has rights! What a menace to the established Order!
Let's hope our Valiant Community Heroes charge him with assault! He's lucky they didn't use their full continuum of force.
Note it's not what he did -- it's what he didn't do.
[Via Florida Guy]
Chicken Little
Workman notes similar hysterical and unfounded "Sky is falling!" behaviors. [More]
He also notes someone who got served.
UPDATE: And he just released another one on a Senate committee jawing about surplus military equipment for the cops.
He also notes someone who got served.
UPDATE: And he just released another one on a Senate committee jawing about surplus military equipment for the cops.
This Day in History: August 29
I do not know what service the Boats we have lately drawn are to be put to—but I am fearful they will disappoint us—the most of those in this Division are so leaky that they cannot carry half the Burden they ought to do if they were in good Order—I suppose it is known that we have not received Oars for them. [More]
Thursday, August 28, 2014
No Remaining Honor
These Prozi Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists oughtta know... [More]
UPDATE: Anthony Martin has a lot more to say.
UPDATE: Anthony Martin has a lot more to say.
Anti-gun women continue to corroborate ‘progressive’ contradiction
In other words, someone who says she wants more laws to protect innocents recommends victimizing innocents and breaking the law. And the pathetic thing is, her enthusiasm for criminal acts is tame compared to two “common sense gun safety advocates” who think that “SWATting” gun owners by calling 911 and reporting armed threats in the store, upping the chances of “gun violence” and potentially getting innocent people killed, is the appropriate way to deal with citizens who are peaceably open carrying. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes perhaps the name of the organization ought to be changed to Moms Demand Tricking Police into Performing Executions of Gun Owners.
Just Give Them What They Want
I won't watch these. I know what's going to happen and I don't need to in order to know what happens when you are forced to rely on the mercy of demons. [More]
That's why I will not submit to their enablers, which is what everyone who interferes with the defense capabilities of good people is.
[Via Florida Guy]
That's why I will not submit to their enablers, which is what everyone who interferes with the defense capabilities of good people is.
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Susceptible Enough
"A U.S. federal appeals court has ruled that Connecticut police cannot claim immunity to quash lawsuits seeking millions of dollars in damages from a botched 2008 raid by a SWAT team that severely injured a homeowner and killed his friend." [More]So who is going to pay any settlement? The victim pool?
We're the Only Ones Promising Enough
I'll put a round in your @$$ so quick... [Watch]I wonder how the "good citizen" in comments who thinks this was proper will feel when it's his turn in the barrel.
I sure didn't see anything where I'd feel justified to threaten deadly force.
UPDATE: The BPPD left a detailed comment under the video explaining why they did.
[Via Florida Guy]
No Offense
Everything else is just posturing and airing of personal prejudices without force of law. [More]
Via Leonard Embody, who writes:
Via Leonard Embody, who writes:
Remember I was charged with the crime of possessing a silencer even though they didn't know what was inside my gun case. They opened the case without a warrant. Then they said I had to show them paperwork. Then when they found the form 3 inside the gun case they continued anyway. A magistrate approved the charge. Then I went to a preliminary hearing where the judge said there was probable cause for the charge and that my federal paperwork looked like it had a "boy scout seal". then 10 months later I was indicted by the grand jury. finally yesterday the criminal court judge wrote an order dismissing the charge. His order and opinion definitely has some inaccurate findings, but the main thing is that the charge was dismissed.
What Difference Does it Make?
If that is so, then why bother with the process? [More]Been asking that one myself for some time...
[Via Jeffersonian]
We're the Only Ones Killing the Messenger Enough
Boom boys, boom boys what'cha gonna do? What'cha gonna do when they come for you? [More]
[Via William T]
[Via William T]
Agent, Investigate Thyself
So if you find you committed a crime, do you have to advise yourself of your rights, take your gun away and arrest yourself? [More]
What if you resist?
[Via JM]
What if you resist?
[Via JM]
We're the Only Ones Exposing Ourselves Enough
Marshall said people can be intimidated by someone carrying a gun if they're not wearing a badge.
"Show me in the Second Amendment where the right to bear arms says you've got a right to carry it exposed," Marshall said.
When the new law took effect last year, Marshall ordered about 3,000 stickers to distribute to business owners who did not want guns on their property. [More]See, you have to be a super-professional Only One to go around in public exposed.
I don't know how they were able to get that quote. I searched all over for an online English-Huttese translator.
[Via DB]
Today's Five Minute Activism -- If It's Worth the Time in Your State
What if Barack Obama could create 5,000,000 new anti-gun voters ... in a tyrannical act of unconstitutional usurpation ... all by the stroke of his pen? [More]And what if only GOA and a handful of us gave a damn? That NRA is avoiding this in order to promote establishment sellouts and suck up to the neocons is inexcusable. Those who say this has no bearing on the "single issue" are either kidding themselves or conning others.
I took a moment to do this. I'm not sure why, probably just reflex loyalty to GOA. Being in Ohio, Democrat Brown is a waste for me. So is that POS RINO Portman.
Do it if you think you can influence someone. You could always ID a good senator in a closely-contested state. A few of us have urged GOA to identify good alternatives in other states for supporters who would prefer not giving Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer a good cackle at our helplessness to effect political change in Prozi states. We've also urged updating the GOA website to show how a politician's position on amnesty has affected their grade.
I don't think it's Larry. I'd like to see Tim Macy publicly address this, because it's created problems in the past to have a candidate who can make a difference and not see that difference exploited.
This Day in History: August 28
I do myself the honor to enclose you a farther list of the exiled Citizens of South Carolina, who wish to return home in the flags to be furnished by the british Commander in chief—the list designates such as are entitled to return in the flags from the manner of their being sent away—and it describes three families who request it as an indulgence. [More]
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
A Numbers Game
Kurt says play it with your own rights and leave everyone else's alone. [More]
Works for me. I almost never make statistical arguments anyway, except to call foul on the way the antis do.
Works for me. I almost never make statistical arguments anyway, except to call foul on the way the antis do.
We're the Only Ones Passing the Buck Enough
A Florida man was charged with murder on Tuesday in connection with a woman's death at an Orlando bar last week - even though a police officer fired the bullet that killed her, law enforcement officials said. [More]So if they're coming to your house on a no knock raid and run over someone, is it your fault? Or just the fault of the guy whose address they were really supposed to raid?
Maybe they could lay the rap for that playpen baby whose face they flash-banged on the family whose bills they refuse to pay...
[Via Florida Guy]
Too Far Gone?
What? [More]
What do you mean I "may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves”...?
What do you mean I "may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves”...?
Happy Mothers' Day
Sounds like too much too soon, which is on the instructor, who has paid in full, the facility, which is about to, the parents, who will have to live with the aftermath of what they permitted, and the child, who could emerge scarred for life. [More]
The MILMs, meanwhile, are no doubt insatiably rubbing blood all over themselves, soon to add orgasmic screams of eye-rolling ecstasy.
[Via Mike H]
The MILMs, meanwhile, are no doubt insatiably rubbing blood all over themselves, soon to add orgasmic screams of eye-rolling ecstasy.
[Via Mike H]
Dumb Prozi Columnist
I wish I could post here what I would say to Dan Rodricks' face. It would start with an "F" followed by a character assessment delivered in no uncertain terms.Apparently, gun lovers think such a safety feature might become mandatory and, as we all know, anything mandatory constitutes a threat to their absolute Second Amendment rights to bear whatever guns they wish, public safety be damned. [More]
Malloy intentionally distorting gun group's potential support for Foley
The choice they face is to decide which of their two options available to them -- allowing a committed gun-banner to re-secure political power without significant opposition, or sending a message to anti-gun politicians that there is a price for undermining rights by supporting a moderate -- is preferable. [More]This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a rock and a hard place. Wouldn't it be better if we were all involved now, to keep things from devolving to this sad state of affairs where we live?
We're the Only Ones Putting You in the Driver's Seat Enough
Man with shotgun at large after stealing police car [More]Because nothing says standard department protocol like leaving the engine running and all your keys in the car during a suspect stop...
[Via Steve T]
One Or the Other?
I'm not sure I agree. [More]
You can train and train and train under conditions where your life is not forfeit if you make a mistake.
Were I a juror, depending on the credibility of a witness and his testimony, I can envision being somewhat receptive and sympathetic to a claim of being so flustered by unfolding events that someone temporarily -- for that critical split fraction of a second -- lost his bearings, focus and discipline, and reacted based on panic.
Sure the standard is high, as it should be, but very few of us are put to the test of meeting it while we desperately fear for our lives.
I don't actually know enough about this particular case to comment on the appropriateness of findings here -- I'm speaking in general terms. A good rule of thumb: Try not to induce panic in anyone. Unless they deserve it.
[Via Michael G]
You can train and train and train under conditions where your life is not forfeit if you make a mistake.
Were I a juror, depending on the credibility of a witness and his testimony, I can envision being somewhat receptive and sympathetic to a claim of being so flustered by unfolding events that someone temporarily -- for that critical split fraction of a second -- lost his bearings, focus and discipline, and reacted based on panic.
Sure the standard is high, as it should be, but very few of us are put to the test of meeting it while we desperately fear for our lives.
I don't actually know enough about this particular case to comment on the appropriateness of findings here -- I'm speaking in general terms. A good rule of thumb: Try not to induce panic in anyone. Unless they deserve it.
[Via Michael G]
Stop the Threat: Morning Surprise
It's Wednesday..."Hump Day"...the weekend has almost arrived. You rush through breakfast and kiss your wife goodbye. Finding a stranger in your car was the last thing you expected.Plus find ATSNtv on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.
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We're the Only Ones Academic Enough
The same military-surplus program that has sent more than 300 M-16 battlefield rifles to local police departments has also sent the weapons to local colleges. [More]What better locations to implement such "progressive" ideas?
Hold on a sec... I feel like listening to some music.
C'mon guys, you can do a lot better than just four!
I wonder if these pampered pinko troubadours envisioned this as where their politics would take us? If they didn't, assuming they were just highly useful idiots, you can bet somebody was steering things toward the inevitable.
[Via G(S)T]
An Evolutionary Dead End
Ir Prozi women want to cull themselves from the herd, who am I to interfere with Darwinian natural selection? [More]
There are no doubt very real species survival benefits to having females who self-defend reproduce, and while learned behaviors aren't carried in the genes, the importance of nurturing has a very definite impact on ideological evolution.
[Via Michael G]
There are no doubt very real species survival benefits to having females who self-defend reproduce, and while learned behaviors aren't carried in the genes, the importance of nurturing has a very definite impact on ideological evolution.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones At a Loss Enough
Fusion has learned that 184 state and local police departments have been suspended from the Pentagon's "1033 program" for missing weapons or failure to comply with other guidelines. We uncovered a pattern of missing M14 and M16 assault rifles across the country, as well as instances of missing .45-caliber pistols, shotguns and 2 cases of missing Humvee vehicles. [More]And what would happen were an FFL to produce similar results?
[Via several of you]
Most gun owners appear unaware of or indifferent to gun group merger
If that's true, the scarcity of comments, on the "pro-deal" pieces, bringing gun owners information they have not heard before, leads to the disturbing conclusion that the pro-gun community just doesn't care that much about what happens to JPFO one way or the other, leading back to an observation I made in my first Gun Rights Examiner piece: "The inescapable conclusion is, had gun owners stepped up and supported a group struggling after the passing of its founder, its rescue would have been unneeded." [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes, no matter which side of the divide you fall on, apathy is the greatest obstacle keeping the activist community from reaching even a fraction of its potential.
Captain's Log
In re the JPFO/SAF deal, I wrote an update here.
In re Christian's requiring the flock to bare their throats to those who would revel in slitting them, I know a former Lebanese Christian militia member -- good man, and we'd better pray to God we never experience a fraction of what he's had to survive. Also, "Gun Dean" John Snyder has some comments specifically from a Catholic perspective.
In re the Chi-Town phenomenon, as I said the other day, I'm not convinced things have percolated down to the street level on that yet. Give it time, but I'm not convinced we have the data to establish causality with certainty.
This Day in History: August 27
The arrival of a British Fleet of 18 or 20 Sail of the line at New York within these few days has been reported but is at least doubtfull the French fleet are in Boston Harbor and the Van of the French Army is expected at this place on their way to the Northward in two or three days. [More]
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Moderation in Va. Senate race will advance special interests, not principles
I don’t suppose espousing principles and showing leadership to an electorate and educating them on what they’re being defrauded on is an option among the politically pragmatic, who prefer noncommittal platitude sound bites over substance. That may be so, but the “safe” approach does not give the inspiration a team needs to win a championship game. It’s not enough to hold noses and vote for the perceived lesser of two evils. Supporters need to be not just willing, but enthusiastic about giving it their all for a campaign, working, spreading the word, and importantly, donating. [More]Today's gun Rights Examiner notes we need more than a postcard to tell us a candidate is in our corner. A lot more.
Can't We All Get Along?
Spring-boarding off the SAF/JPFO schism, Bear looks at what is and tells us how he thinks things ought to be. [More]
So THAT's What Happened!
It finally ended when leader David Koresh and his followers set fire to their compound, resulting in the deaths of Koresh and 81 Branch Davidians, including women and children. [More]Authorized Journalist/real reporter for legitimate news media Bill Hudson (and the government!) said it, I believe it, that settles it!
A Higher Stakeholder
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. [More]
That and "to each according to his needs," right Jason Patzfahl?
There's only one kind of stakeholder I identify with.
[Via Bluesgal]
That and "to each according to his needs," right Jason Patzfahl?
There's only one kind of stakeholder I identify with.
[Via Bluesgal]
Up for a Vote
Why don't they vote on other rights, too? [More]
One thing I don't see is the name of the dictatorial town manager.
That would be this grinning Prozi-- he appears to be an Illinois import.
[Via cydl]
One thing I don't see is the name of the dictatorial town manager.
That would be this grinning Prozi-- he appears to be an Illinois import.
[Via cydl]
Cliff Schecter, Anti-Gun Male
The Alinsky Rule 5 is strong in this one. [More]
Backing the billionaire and scorching the grassroots -- there's a Prozi egalitarian for ya!
Hah! He's the head of a group called Libertas.
What is it we see proven time and time again about "progressives" and Opposite Day?
The Daily Beast. Hmmm...
Backing the billionaire and scorching the grassroots -- there's a Prozi egalitarian for ya!
Hah! He's the head of a group called Libertas.
What is it we see proven time and time again about "progressives" and Opposite Day?
The Daily Beast. Hmmm...
We're the Only Ones Taking Your Breath Away Enough
Pleading suspect dies in police custody: 'You can breathe just fine' [More]Besides, where in the Constitution does it say you have a right to breathe?
[Via Florida Guy]
There Oughtta Be a Law!
Just think of all the potential applications! [More]
It ain't the technology. It's the mandating.
[Via Florida Guy]
It ain't the technology. It's the mandating.
[Via Florida Guy]
The Finest Citizen Disarmament Money Can Buy
Why not just drive over to Bill and Melinda's house, ring the doorbell and politely tell them you don't appreciate multi-billionaires using their fortune to engineer infringements on your rights? [More]
Maybe they'll invite you in for some pie.
Maybe they'll invite you in for some pie.
Florida Carry encourages us on something that can be done in any state. [More]
What, you refuse to have anything to do with "social media"?
Guess who that pleases no end?
What, you refuse to have anything to do with "social media"?
Guess who that pleases no end?
Let's Play the Assumption Game!
Reid's position on 'assault weapons' for police sounds familiar [More]Wait, let me guess: As "a true champion of the Second Amendment," his position is that they should be allowed access to the same weaponry as We the People...?
Did I win...?
A Right Delayed
Fed. judge rules Calif. waiting period violates 2A in some cases [More]Workman weighs in on yesterday's decision.
Meanwhile, Over at the SAF/JPFO Controversy
Mas Ayoob weighs in. [More]
I did a little looking around, and aside from the stuff we've already talked about, I found an original report on Guns.com as well as some blog posts linking to the source reports. I saw one forum entry on a discussion of Claire's original piece that says much:
How is that even possible?
I did a little looking around, and aside from the stuff we've already talked about, I found an original report on Guns.com as well as some blog posts linking to the source reports. I saw one forum entry on a discussion of Claire's original piece that says much:
I skimmed through the article and still have no idea what SAF and JPFO means.
This Day in History: August 26
Some of the Companies have only a partial supply of Ammunition.A deficiency of Commissioned & Noncommissioned Officers.A Deficiency in the Music, & the necessary articles for repairing Drums much wanted.No mode for repairing the Arms.Wanting a Brigade Major—Brigade Qr Master—and a Forage Master.Waggons for moveing the Tents & the Officers light Baggage. [More]
Monday, August 25, 2014
Reaction to student's fantasy dinosaur-shooting shows zero tolerance insanity
This is nothing short of child abuse under color of authority. [More]I'm reminded of a line by one of The Keepers on Star Trek: "Wrong thinking is punishable. Right thinking will be as quickly rewarded."
Last Night, on Armed American Radio
Live from the MN State Fair. AAR Regular Contributor and founder of the Second Amendment Foundation Alan Gottlieb, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, NY Times best selling author, founder Crime Prevention Research Center and Fox News Contributor John Lott, trainer Rob Pincus, author Michael Martin, regular contributors David Codrea, George “The Mad Ogre” Hill and special guest co-host Managing Editor of Concealed Carry Magazine Kevin Michalowski.
The Cool Part of Living in a Diverse Community
I'm still waiting to hear it. [More]
What about the diversity of people who like bacon?
Prozis. Opposite Day.
These diseased people, like Mayor Frenchie, are a pathogen. We need a public health model.
We need a vaccine.
This right there tells me I'd never eat at Sneakers, just for being miserable cowards who don't have the guts to tell fanatics who aren't even customers to go to Jahannam.
What about the diversity of people who like bacon?
Prozis. Opposite Day.
These diseased people, like Mayor Frenchie, are a pathogen. We need a public health model.
We need a vaccine.
This right there tells me I'd never eat at Sneakers, just for being miserable cowards who don't have the guts to tell fanatics who aren't even customers to go to Jahannam.
The Way Things Are
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I have written numerous trouble tickets to Examiner and they blame Disqus. I don't know if it is because people have put urls in their comments to trigger an auto-moderation or what, but I have seen obvious spam comments allowed through while timely, thoughtful and informative ones have been delayed until weeks after anyone is even bothering to revisit the story. I've also speculated it might be comments flagged by trolls and even blogged about it.
Between that and driving readers away with obnoxious pop-ups and autoplay videos, I lose subscribers almost as quickly as I gain them, plus take no small amount of heat for something I have no control over.
I have no solution for you. I wish I had an economic option to post somewhere else, but I have not been successful in making that happen.
I've talked before about the need to use the AdBlock Plus add-on to keep the intrusive ads from taking over, and believe it is everyone's responsibility to learn how, do it and practice "safe surfing" instead of complaining to me about something within their control. Still, that makes sharing my links problematic for many.
I also have to put each article through a "Facebook Debugger" after it publishes, or else either the wrong thumbnail will appear or an "Uh-oh Examiner" message will post instead. That screen capture included in this post is hardly unique.
Then I get the people who complain that gun magazines suck because all they do is whore for manufacturers, so my stuff there is off-limits for them, and others who have chewed me out for doing stuff over at The Shooter's Log because that makes me a sell-out to Cheaper Than Dirt, and I can't wait to see how the fallout over JPFO will make me persona non grata to some. And it's not like NRA or its loyalists want anything to do with the views I often express.
It is what it is. I'm doing what I can. If it isn't enough, I'll have to make a decision about what other options are open to me.
A man's gotta eat. I've figured out how to do that before, and will again.
And no, I don't expect anybody to do anything about this. It's mine to figure out.
I dunno. Seems a bit early to be drawing conclusions, before significant real-world examples have been set. [More]
The Finest Election Money Can Buy
Who needs grassroots when you have super-wealthy "progressives" laying down AstroTurf by the hectare? [More]
He does it all over, because he knows best.
Don't worry about it. You're not sophisticated enough to understand.
He does it all over, because he knows best.
Don't worry about it. You're not sophisticated enough to understand.
My Kind of Party
If only they would disarm you and me. [More]
I can't tell you how many times this happens at events I host.
I can't tell you how many times this happens at events I host.
"All Clear"
Isn't that what the Eloi said after the Morlocks had captured enough of them in the Sphinx, turned off the sirens and closed the big metal door? [More]
UPDATE: Look like it was Xanax, Warrior Princess...
UPDATE: Look like it was Xanax, Warrior Princess...
We're the Only Ones Dated Enough
Court documents show that Fairfield Police Officers Stephen Ruiz and Jacob Glashoff used company time and equipment to search for women on internet dating sites. The documents also show that two used the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System – a statewide police database – to screen the women they liked. [More]If the women weren't doing anything wrong, what have they got to hide?
Oh... that's not the issue...?
Because we're all being screened in the interests of somebody...
Murphy's Law
Democratic State Representative and candidate for U.S. representative Pat Murphy said Tuesday that if the underage migrants who have come to the U.S. from Central America aren’t given a “pathway for citizenship” they could become terrorists....Murphy, who has called himself “a liberal’s liberal,” was endorsed by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee...[More]
And that right there is all you really need to know.
He sounds more like an extortionist's extortionist, and a domestic enemy's domestic enemy...
Oh, look: He's also a gungrabber's gungrabber!
The Top 10
Well, yeah. The misery and terror are, for the most part, happening in other communities ... housing those people ... [More]
Moneyed "progressives" -- is it any wonder that we love them so?
Moneyed "progressives" -- is it any wonder that we love them so?
The Art of the Possible
Fouchier complained, “People are acting like I am some mad scientist” after he and his team “mutated the hell out of H5N1”. He explained “I wanted to see what was possible” [More]I used this general topic last month as an intro for a JPFO piece. What I reads here is evil and insane, and wholly unsurprising.
"Politics is the art of the possible"...? Anyone think a bill or hearings would rein this in and hold the people responsible accountable?
[Via Kid Sister]
This Day in History: August 25
Five companies of light-infantry have been assigned at a time to do duty on the lines—the corps of light-infantry now consists of five battalions... [More]
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Tonight on Armed American Radio
From host Mark Walters:
This weekend's show has shaped up to be a great one! Concealed Carry Magazine managing editor Kevin Michalowski will be co-hosting with me for the full show. Since I will be traveling tomorrow and the live show is being done from a remote location on Sunday, at the Minnesota State Fair:Visit the AAR website to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.
8p-830p ET (5-530p PT)
Alan Gottlieb
830-900p ET
Sheriff David Clarke
9p-930p ET
John Lott
930-1000p ET (830p-900p CT)
Michael Martin
10p-11p ET
Rob Pincus
David Codrea
George Hill
I just sent the following to a friend in response to something else, and decided what the hell, I may as well share it here:
I was so busy, I didn't even have time to give feral sons Uday and Qusay their daily beating.
Spent a needed day with wifey. Went to the outdoor farmer's market yesterday morning in the heart of Hudson. Took our goodies home after making fast friends with a happy poodle pup we met along the way, and then went to the art fair -- we always get our Christmas cards from a local artist who does home-towny Thomas Kincaid-type stuff we're suckers for.
Then went to visit my Mom. She got out of the hospital a week ago after having her knee replaced. Visited, went grocery shopping for her, then found out she forgot her cell phone charge cord at the recovery hospital-- they couldn't find it so we had to buy a new one.
After that it was time to grill bacon cheeseburgers in time to leave by 7, when we went to Blossom --every year I get her Cleveland Symphony Orchestra summer season tickets, and we take out lawn chairs and listen under the stars, last night to Bach and Liszt, followed by the main event, Carmina Burana, which I just then realized is where Milius got some of the music for his Conan the Barbarian movie.
We got home in time for me to light a cigar on the back porch, pour a couple fingers of the good stuff, and continue my appreciation for the arts and culture by watching horror host Svengoolie present "Abbot and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."
I hope with all the negative crap we feel compelled to devote so much of ourselves to dealing with, you find time for soul restoration and just plain enjoyment for its own sake.
I was so busy, I didn't even have time to give feral sons Uday and Qusay their daily beating.
Spent a needed day with wifey. Went to the outdoor farmer's market yesterday morning in the heart of Hudson. Took our goodies home after making fast friends with a happy poodle pup we met along the way, and then went to the art fair -- we always get our Christmas cards from a local artist who does home-towny Thomas Kincaid-type stuff we're suckers for.
Then went to visit my Mom. She got out of the hospital a week ago after having her knee replaced. Visited, went grocery shopping for her, then found out she forgot her cell phone charge cord at the recovery hospital-- they couldn't find it so we had to buy a new one.
After that it was time to grill bacon cheeseburgers in time to leave by 7, when we went to Blossom --every year I get her Cleveland Symphony Orchestra summer season tickets, and we take out lawn chairs and listen under the stars, last night to Bach and Liszt, followed by the main event, Carmina Burana, which I just then realized is where Milius got some of the music for his Conan the Barbarian movie.
We got home in time for me to light a cigar on the back porch, pour a couple fingers of the good stuff, and continue my appreciation for the arts and culture by watching horror host Svengoolie present "Abbot and Costello Meet Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."
I hope with all the negative crap we feel compelled to devote so much of ourselves to dealing with, you find time for soul restoration and just plain enjoyment for its own sake.
Deep divisions continue on JPFO acquisition
I don't presume to be smart enough or influential enough to play peacemaker in this. What I'm interested in doing is helping, and seeing that positive efforts toward liberty are promoted and supported. So all I can do is that which I've said from the start, from before the JPFO news became public knowledge: I will continue my efforts for the organization until such time as someone tells me they don't want me to, or until I come to see that my faith has been misplaced. [More]Beats me what's going to shake out from this. All I can do is share the reasons I've come to the interim conclusions I have. Your mileage may vary.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Announced takeover of Jewish gun group provokes controversy
The inescapable conclusion is, had gun owners stepped up and supported a group struggling after the passing of its founder, its rescue would have been unneeded. [More]I got SAF's Alan Gottlieb to comment on the pending JPFO acquisition. I've seen the emotions this one has raised, so did my best to keep this a straight news story with links that people can follow to help decide for themselves.
Armed black demonstrators display egalitarian diversity of right to arms
Honest liberty advocates laud natural and civil rights being exercised, not crimes being committed that take advantage of the trust that must come with freedom. If rights are abused, we condemn the individual abusers, not the right. And skin color has nothing to do with any of that – unless you're a "progressive" and want to have something to cynically exploit. [More]My latest JPFO Alert notes the folks accused of intolerance are actually the ones being inclusive -- and the ones doing the accusing are actually the narrow-minded bigots. Funny how that works.
What's in a Name?
Now that she's passed her lower-level ideological purity tests, Proziette Alison Thoet has a great future in "Authorized Journalism." [More]
[Via Florida Guy]
[Via Florida Guy]
Oversight Committee responds to court-ordered Fast and Furious log release
“What they are counting on is that they can delay the truth coming out until long after they've left office -- or longer,” the source explained, offering a cynical outlook on what those interested in meaningful and timely results can expect. “The court order does not scare such people who are very skilled and exceedingly well-practiced in the cover-up of lies and misdeeds. People looking at this as a potential Shakespearean tragedy where the villain gets his in the end will find that it is merely cheap Kabuki theater.” [More]
Today’s Gun Rights Examiner report notes being a step closer is meaningless on a treadmill.
Huge and Troubling JPFO News
Claire Wolfe has resigned over a proposed takeover by SAF. [More]
I've been part of some behind-the-scenes conversations with her and others on this.
For now, I'm simply going to link you over to her piece and suppress my own comments. My columns will continue until I'm told they are no longer wanted or I until have personal reasons compelling me not to go on. I do not foresee, nor would I tolerate, having my writing directed.
My goal is for the group to continue true to Aaron Zelman's vision for its purpose. I will presume that to also be the goal of anyone coming in until I see it proven differently.
This saddens me, and I do understand time has run out to say something before it's a done deal. Claire is an amazing talent and intellect, and JPFO has been a unique, no-compromise effort that is desperately needed. I want to see us all emerge unified and stronger.
I will say this much: Anyone who opposes the merger but will not personally help with needed operating funds wants something from others for nothing.
I've been part of some behind-the-scenes conversations with her and others on this.
For now, I'm simply going to link you over to her piece and suppress my own comments. My columns will continue until I'm told they are no longer wanted or I until have personal reasons compelling me not to go on. I do not foresee, nor would I tolerate, having my writing directed.
My goal is for the group to continue true to Aaron Zelman's vision for its purpose. I will presume that to also be the goal of anyone coming in until I see it proven differently.
This saddens me, and I do understand time has run out to say something before it's a done deal. Claire is an amazing talent and intellect, and JPFO has been a unique, no-compromise effort that is desperately needed. I want to see us all emerge unified and stronger.
I will say this much: Anyone who opposes the merger but will not personally help with needed operating funds wants something from others for nothing.
A Wake-Up Call?
I dunno -- if most of those people were capable of being alert, this wouldn't even be an issue. [More]
Peeling Off the Mask
The Los Angeles Times has put aside the pretense that it is an objective newspaper. They just hired a major Democrat donor, with NO media experience as the publisher. Prior to this he was an advisor to Mayor Villaraigosa. The Times is to become the MSNBC of the newspaper business. [More]Not that we didn't know these wretched propagandists to be Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists all along.
I'm told the attacks on the Second Amendment will become even more fraudulent, frequent and hysterical, if that's possible.
It's what Prozis do.
We're the Only Ones Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places Enough
Oklahoma City policeman arrested for raping women while on patrol [More]So does anyone in law enforcement argue victims would not have a right to use deadly force to defend themselves in these situations?
Besides those who say just give them what they want...?
Had a woman decided to fight, what kind of additional hell do you think she'd have been forced to go through? Assuming she survived...
[Via William T]
The Selective Empath
That's a polite way of calling him a racist. [More]
Oh, but he can't be racist, because he's disenfranchised and has no power.
Oh, but he can't be racist, because he's disenfranchised and has no power.
The Heartbreak of CFS
Fool can't figure out why they keep failing? [More]
Yeah, I know this is from 2012, but it does help illustrate Chronic Fudd Syndrome.
Yeah, I know this is from 2012, but it does help illustrate Chronic Fudd Syndrome.
Meanwhile, Over in Big Sky Country
Meet Amanda Curtis. She’s a gun control-supporting vlogger. She’s also the Democratic Senate nominee in Montana. [More]Thing is, I know of "progressives" from places like the Chicago area and urban California who have moved there, and guess what they bring with them.
And it doesn't help when gun owners are defrauded by people they should be able to trust.
We're the Only Ones Lobbying Enough
Fighting for the standing army since people stopped caring... [More]
I'm sure someone could come up with a better logo...
I'm sure someone could come up with a better logo...
Time to Ban Assault Hoovers
Welcome to Europe in the Dark Ages, living in filth. Now that's "leaning forward." [More]
In typical Opposite Day fashion, all they've proven is "progressives" suck even more. Let them, and they'll suck up everything in sight.
Since she obviously knows better than the industry, I'd like to videoDiana Moon Glampers Marlene Holzner trying to change a bag or belt.
In typical Opposite Day fashion, all they've proven is "progressives" suck even more. Let them, and they'll suck up everything in sight.
Since she obviously knows better than the industry, I'd like to video
Welcome...to Jurassic Park!
A South Carolina teen's writing assignment ended in an arrest after he says he made a reference to using a gun to kill a dinosaur. [More]Well, in fairness, they do say he was being disruptive, and what have we said about challenging the masters' proxies?
I wonder how much Prozi sphincter-tightening it would cause if this discussion could be resurrected in online teen social media communities...
[Via several of you]
This Day in History: August 22
As this is the second instance in which Genl Birch has contravened my Intentions in grantg Flaggs to come from the Enemys Lines by other Routes than that of Dobb’s Ferry—you will be pleased to write to that Gentleman on the Subject & inform him, that if any other Flags are granted by any other Way than that of the Established post of Dobb’s Ferry, they will be positively detained as prisoners. [More]
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Kroger does not bow to Bloomberg pressure to ban guns in stores
“The safety of our customers and associates is one of our most important company values,” Kroger responded on its website and to online inquiries. “Millions of customers are present in our busy grocery stores every day and we don't want to put our associates in a position of having to confront a customer who is legally carrying a gun. That is why our long - standing policy on this issue is to follow state and local laws and to ask customers to be respectful of others while shopping. We know that our customers are passionate on both sides of this issue and we trust them to be responsible in our stores.” [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes along with a "Right Store, Right Price" slogan, Kroger has given the right answer.
Right Store, Right Price, Right Response
I asked a question here.
Liston Matthews shares the answer and tells us "thank yous" are in order.
It's certainly worth a moment of my time. (That phone number is theirs--I see no need to give them mine over this.)
Why not make it worth a moment of yours?
UPDATE: And have some fun while you're at it?
Liston Matthews shares the answer and tells us "thank yous" are in order.
It's certainly worth a moment of my time. (That phone number is theirs--I see no need to give them mine over this.)
Why not make it worth a moment of yours?
UPDATE: And have some fun while you're at it?
The Lesser of Two Evils?
Kapo Konservative David Frum shows exactly why "moderate" establishment Republicans are a false hope for gun owners. [More]
That's What It Will Probably Take
Ominous signs point to ISIS connection at US southern border [More]Plenty of "gun-free zones" for a Beslan reenactment.
I Think You Are Getting Into Semantics
“For me, that’s an automatic weapon.”And that's all that matters if you're Don Lemon, Authorized Journalist.
Besides, "no one is saying you should take away anyone's Second Amendment rights."
That's a relief, getting such an assurance from a demonstrable ignoramus and liar.
[Via Michael G]
And Now a Word from the Guy Who Doesn't Want YOU Having "Weapons of War"
We're the Only Ones Out of Uniform Enough
Maryland trooper suspended after accused of being naked in bar [More]Maybe he thought he was being spoken to when somebody ordered a Fuzzy Navel and got carried away...
[Via Herschel]
Mum's the Word
We've already told everyone it was a "botched sting." What more do they want? [More]
Nothing ever changes.
I believe Gomer would like to have the last word here.
[Via Michael G]
Nothing ever changes.
I believe Gomer would like to have the last word here.
[Via Michael G]
Up in Smoke
Maybe they're so expensive because his go through a secret and exclusive moistening and curing process... [More]
It's Personal
Glad to see that old "nation of laws vs. nation of men" question finally settled... [More]
Anybody who didn't think hatred was a core component of what motivated these psychopaths...?
Anybody who didn't think hatred was a core component of what motivated these psychopaths...?
We're the Only Ones Premeditated Enough
A Tulsa police officer was charged Monday with first-degree murder in the off-duty shooting death of his daughter's boyfriend earlier this month. [More]Hey, what did we just get done saying about listening?
[Via *Gotta go back into Hotmail and find out who sent me this--Later*]
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