Friday, November 14, 2014

Behind Enemy Lines

He's made it through the gates of Mordor. [More]

Don't they have any decent places to eat there?

UPDATE (11:41 a.m.): I just got off the phone with him. They're driving past Newtown. I advised him that CT is an all-party consent state in terms of recording, so if they get stopped by the cops, advise them the machine is on and they shouldn't say anything unless they consent to be recorded...:-)

UPDATE: (8:10 p.m.): I see Anthony Martin reported on this.

1 comment:

FedUp said...

Michigan Open Carry had a luncheon at the Grand Rapids MI Panera last Saturday, invited by the store manager. If the manager is willing to ignore the Corporate non-policy on guns, I can ignore it too. (this only applies to stores where I know the management is gun-friendly and I don't want to punish the management for the sins of the home office)