Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Whoreganizing for Action

Just got this email:

[Click to enlarge]
OK, so do we get to talk back and tell the fool to go fire himself off his balcony or through the front door, or just listen to his moronic blather? Still, they've already got my edress, so why not check out what I need to do to get that exclusive "off the record" dope for dopes?

[Do I need to say "Click to enlarge" again at this point]
My edress automatically appeared. The bottom box had an asterisk, and it took a bit of trial and error to get the word "ZIP" to appear and figure what they were asking me for.

Oh, look, this is what they're asking me for (and why the hell do I need to promise "I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States"? Tell me they won't fix that when they think they can get away with it!). Let's see what happens if I just want to hear the call for free...

[You know what to do]

"0" isn't an option? If I were a minority (and how many Transylvanians do you know?), wouldn't this disenfranchise me?

You know, Obama's right. His is the most transparent administration in history.

UPDATE: Oh, look what was waiting in my inbox:

Looks like once they get a nibble, they have no intention of letting a fish go.

They're "hosting" the call on YouTube. They couldn't just say that right up front?

Now the question is, will comments be enabled?

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