This is a blow-up of my fireplace mantle taken from my last Christmas photo. I also have a shuttlecraft ornament with "Spock's" voice recorded.
The decanter was a gift from years past, and when he was very little, younger feral son Qusay, who was just learning to grunt and kill, thought the bust's name was "No-No" because I could make the head swivel from side to side.
In spite of Leonard Nimoy being a conditioned "gun control"-embracing son of Orthodox Jewish immigrants from Ukraine (and you'd think they would have known and taught him better), and in spite of his being part of a TV series that perpetuated a "Space UN" theme, the show and the character he created are fondly-recalled parts of my childhood that remain a welcome presence to encounter in reruns.
The universe contains paradoxes, at least per our limited understanding of it.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Amnesty danger to gun rights conspicuously absent from LaPierre CPAC speech
“[T]o defend firearm freedom, we need more than just firearm freedom,” LaPierre admitted, reinforcing a recent NRA advertising campaign promoting the message that all rights are connected. “One right depends on another. They’re all cut from the same cloth of what it means to be free people.” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner analysis will be ignored by most and probably anger most of the rest. Ah well, if I wanted to be popular according to what trends, I'd be rewording other peoples' stories about celebrities.
Friday, February 27, 2015
Lawyers for Lawlessness, Doctors for Death
So these quacks and sharks are interested in reducing injuries and deaths? They ought to start with the Number One Cause, instead of escalating tensions between those demanding freedom be surrendered to a monopoly of violence and those who, if forced to choose between obedience or resistance, will not go gentle into that good night. [More]My latest JPFO Alert notes what's likely to happen when Opposite Day "progressives" listen to their "experts" on how to reduce firearms-related injuries and deaths.
Facebook blocks fundraiser to reunite father and son over gun connection
“Progressives” aren't content to just ban guns – there are still plenty of ideas that threaten their agenda. And while Facebook still permits advocacy “as long as it doesn't lead to the sale of any weapons,” the way things are going, it’s not all that hard to imagine such groups labeled “right wing extremists” and worse in the future. [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes it's not about guns, it's about those who consider freedom to be a threat.
No Bounds
John Richardson looks at the stunning level of hypocrisy that has been mastered (mistressed?) by Shannon Watts. [More]
I don't know if it's Opposite Day "progressivism" that drives her misogynistic brand of "feminism" or what, but her motivation doesn't really matter any more than wondering what drives a spider or a snake to bite.
I don't know if it's Opposite Day "progressivism" that drives her misogynistic brand of "feminism" or what, but her motivation doesn't really matter any more than wondering what drives a spider or a snake to bite.
Well Fancy That
The congressmen also allege that the ATF violated government transparency requirements. “The Administrative Procedures Act… requires that ‘general notice of proposed rulemaking shall be published in the Federal Register…’ To date, [the proposed ban] has not been published in the Federal Register.” [More]You don't say...
Trying to Track Down a SC PX Ammo Pull
Got this email I'm trying to check out, but I have no contacts to ask:
If you have any suggestions or know anybody who can verify, please share them in comments. Also, it would probably be a good idea to see if this is more widespread than one PX in SC.
UPDATE: Still have not verified, but just got this:
[X] is stationed at Fort Jackson South Carolina. [Y] just contacted me and said that the PX there has pulled all 5.56 ammo from the shelves. She asked the PX personnel why the ammo was pulled, she was told "because they had to". I don't know of any ongoing recall. Is there another known and/or logical reason for such a policy, and is this new?I can't even figure out which facility to call. I messaged these guys.
If you have any suggestions or know anybody who can verify, please share them in comments. Also, it would probably be a good idea to see if this is more widespread than one PX in SC.
UPDATE: Still have not verified, but just got this:
Was told that this involves all military retail sales, by 'executive order'.I contacted Gun Rights Across America SC via their Facebook page and they said they would look into it.
How Easy It All Would Be
Look at what just one person with a hacksaw can do. [More]
And we're supposed to believe resistance is futile?
[Via Jess]
And we're supposed to believe resistance is futile?
[Via Jess]
Got a Hanky?
Why yes. Yes we do. [More]
Have you met Mr. Hankey? He basically personifies everything she stands (sits?) for.
And isn't it something-- the link for her on the state's taxpayer-funded site goes to this:
Way to chill the First Amendment along with the Second, McAwful, you piece of Mr. Hankey. How the HELL is that an appropriate page to link to?
[Via Mack H]
Have you met Mr. Hankey? He basically personifies everything she stands (sits?) for.
And isn't it something-- the link for her on the state's taxpayer-funded site goes to this:
Way to chill the First Amendment along with the Second, McAwful, you piece of Mr. Hankey. How the HELL is that an appropriate page to link to?
[Via Mack H]
A Set-Up?
Twitter message just received in re the planned event discussed in today's GRE:
Has anyone stopped to think that Bosworth&Co.may be being set up? DHS staged incident of"Domestic Terrorism" 2 further restrict our rights?The people participating are well aware of provocateurs and false flag potentialities. The best insurance, aside from the outstandingly peaceable reputations of the principals, and the rest of us keeping a close eye on things, is ultimately provided by the company Mike has a policy with.
Wayne LaPierre at CPAC
UPDATE: From the CPAC Facebook page:
**IMPORTANT SCHEDULING NOTE** The CPAC schedule is running 30 minutes late. Stay tuned for more updates.
Today's Five-Minute Activism Task
I'd have stated things a bit differently, because it appears to cede to a non-existent authority to regulate handgun ammunition, but in this case, but this one still does the trick and I'm not going to dig my heels in when I'm offering no better-worded alternative. Besides, they're over halfway to goal. [More]
What? You don't want to be on a government list?
Too late.
[Via L. Neil Smith]
UPDATE: Workman advises bolting the back door.
What? You don't want to be on a government list?
Too late.
[Via L. Neil Smith]
UPDATE: Workman advises bolting the back door.
Protecting Their Rice Bowls
Eyewitness News has spoken with several other shooting instructors who say the same thing. They support the 2nd amendment, but also think anyone who carries a gun needs a lot of specialized training to keep both themselves and others around them safe. [More]Yeah, see, too much rice gives you a big "but."
Kansas gun owners need to be the ones to start a "Do Not Patronize" list.
Nullifying What, Exactly?
Arizona Senate Committee Passes Bill to Nullify Federal Gun Laws [More]Sounds good, doesn't it?
Except our friends at Nevada Firearms Coalition just issued an email caution:
Even if this sounds great on the surface, IF your legislature has included federal law under the state law, they become state law, and the nullification is moot unless they go into the state law and amend those parts out. For instance in NV, the definition of a handgun is
“3. “Handgun” has the meaning ascribed to it in 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(29).”
This laziness of the law writers has two negative effects. 1. It makes federal law state law 2. If the federal law changes, the meaning and intent of state law changes.
NVFAC is recommending against any wording in proposed laws that references USC. We are asking lawmakers to use the wording within the code they like and DO NOT cite the actual code.
So AZ and other states, check your statutes and if they have cited federal code, your law to nullify federal gun laws is ineffective.
Dirt Biking
He was asked, along with other members of the team, to lead the motorcycle brigade at the very front of the parade. Moutsos said he "felt uncomfortable doing what he considered celebratory circles with other motorcycles leading the parade because of his religious views" and asked to be placed somewhere else at the event. "It is unquestionably my duty as a police officer to protect everyone's right to hold a parade or other event, but is it also my duty to celebrate everyone's parade?" [More]"It" is easily operated using four flexi-grip handles. (NSFW: Do NOT click if you are offended by nasty humor.)
There's a huge difference between tolerating and being raped. And I still note for all their bitching and invoking the state to bend people of religion over, they were all awfully quiet about Cleveland's Muslim taxi drivers refusing to drive "Gay Games"-promoting cabs.
Who WAS That Masked Man?
It's not Halloween, so this must be something else. [More]
A terrorist? A robber?
Why don't we ask Col. Cooper?
[Via Florida Guy]
A terrorist? A robber?
Why don't we ask Col. Cooper?
Let us reflect upon the fact that a man who covers his face shows reason to be ashamed of what he is doing. A man who takes it upon himself to shed blood while concealing his identity is a revolting perversion of the warrior ethic. It has long been my conviction that a masked man with a gun is a target. I see no reason to change that view.Me neither, Col. Me neither.
[Via Florida Guy]
And Leave the Driving to Nosotros!
These lawbreakers will be guaranteed safe passage everywhere due to "full faith and credit." [More]
Try doing that with your "supreme Law of the Land" Second Amendment.
Thank goodness this represents no threat to that "single issue," otherwise, we'd really need to worry!
[Via Florida Guy]
Try doing that with your "supreme Law of the Land" Second Amendment.
Thank goodness this represents no threat to that "single issue," otherwise, we'd really need to worry!
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Eroding Confidence Enough
Fairfax County’s chief prosecutor called for the Virginia State Police to investigate a Fairfax police shooting outside a church in September because he had lost confidence in the county police department’s ability to cooperate fully with him, newly released e-mails show. [More]Gee, I wonder why.
[Via William T]
Not a Priority
While the government is busy fabricating hysteria over what a threat Americans who believe in the Constitution are, here's another preferred group that conveniently escapes notice for the evil done by predators in their ranks. [Watch]
Here's the other one.
[Via Ned W]
UPDATE: Also see "For death by ISIS you have to go out; Illegal aliens deliver!"
Here's the other one.
[Via Ned W]
UPDATE: Also see "For death by ISIS you have to go out; Illegal aliens deliver!"
I'm King of the World!
Sure you are, you domestic enemy son of a bitch. [More]
Arnhole would like to tell you something, Pete, and this time, he speaks for me.
New York gun owners who vote for this creep because of the lame excuse a Democrat will be even worse deserve every chain they wear. There's nothing worse than a traitor on "your side."
Any gun owner who donates to the Republican party, as opposed to individual candidates who have actually earned support, deserves similar chains, because they help elect traitors like this animal, and the contemptible Mark Kirk.
[Via Mike H]
Arnhole would like to tell you something, Pete, and this time, he speaks for me.
New York gun owners who vote for this creep because of the lame excuse a Democrat will be even worse deserve every chain they wear. There's nothing worse than a traitor on "your side."
Any gun owner who donates to the Republican party, as opposed to individual candidates who have actually earned support, deserves similar chains, because they help elect traitors like this animal, and the contemptible Mark Kirk.
[Via Mike H]
Washington activists plan peaceful armed assembly response to activist’s arrest
Liberty for All and Defend Amendment X will gather in front of the Tom Foley Federal Building in Spokane next Friday to protest the arrest and detention of Anthony Bosworth by DHS police on Wednesday. [More]This morning's Gun Rights Examiner report notes a protest all eyes will be on a week from now. My prediction is even the media is going to show up in anticipation of seeing some police action, even if they downplay it afterward if that doesn't happen.
Probing Actions
The IRS’s inspector general confirmed Thursday it is conducting a criminal investigation into how Lois G. Lerner’s emails disappeared, saying it took only two weeks for investigators to find hundreds of tapes the agency’s chief had told Congress were irretrievably destroyed. [More]Give that gal a bonus!
For IRS mucky-mucks, a "probe" seems ironically fitting, as does the potential prison toast of "Bottoms up!"
[Via Jess]
This Day in History: February 27
Reports are freely circulated here, that there are dangerous combinations in the army ; and, within a few days past, it has been said, they are about to declare they will not disband until their demands are complied with. I trust these reports are not well founded, and that the army will exercise, awhile longer at least, that patient forbearance, which hath hitherto so honorably distinguished them. To you it must be unnecessary to observe, that when once all confidence between the civil and military authority is lost, by intemperate conduct, or an assumption of improper power, especially by the military body, the Rubicon is passed, and to retreat will be very difficult, from the fears and jealousies that will unavoidably subsist between the two bodies. [More]
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Demanding Mom and WaPo shrink dismiss all college women as irresponsible drunks
Funny, how college women are competent enough to drive "deadly" vehicles, to vote, to live on their own, to join the military, to get jobs, to form contracts, to get married, to “choose,” and to assume all kinds of adult responsibilities. Funny how “progressive feminists” (and talk about Opposite Day on steroids – or would that be estradiol?) rail against “inequality” and the like, yet when it comes to choosing the right to keep and bear arms, their default position is along the lines of “There, there, dearies, don’t you worry your pretty little heads about it.” [More]This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report notes Opposite Day in Everytown, where the "feminists" are the biggest anti-women sexists around.
A Small Extremist Sliver
And we Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists get to decide who the extremists are. [More]
It goes with controlling the language and controlling the narrative, because that's our style.
Every year or so they dust this nonsense off and try it on a new crowd. I'm trying to get a deadlined article finished, and I see no point in repeating myself anyway...
[Via Michael G]
It goes with controlling the language and controlling the narrative, because that's our style.
Every year or so they dust this nonsense off and try it on a new crowd. I'm trying to get a deadlined article finished, and I see no point in repeating myself anyway...
[Via Michael G]
A Kapo for Kristallnacht
That's a comment under this story.
I guess for Opposite Day "progressive" Jews, the saying must be "Again."
[Via cycjec]
We're the Only Ones Stealing Enough
Despite acquittal, court rules Iowa can keep seized cash [More]Securing the Blessings of Liberty again, I see...
Thanks, "community heroes"!
[Via Michael G]
Vanderboegh BamaCarry speech highlights ‘two countries’ and new paradigm
He noted Americans “live in two different countries [that] share a common border and (mostly) a common language but we are divided along the lines of the answer to this eternal question – does the government serve the people, or do the people serve the government?” [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report is actually one I wanted to do on Monday, but I had to wait for overworked volunteers (are there any other kind?) to be able to get the videos posted. Also, meet Charlotte Bloomberg.
So Much for Outreach
What must Shannon and her benefactor patriarch think of you, young ladies... [More]
What else aren't you mature and responsible enough to decide for yourself?
What else aren't you mature and responsible enough to decide for yourself?
Doing Their Masters' Bidding
I wonder if they wash their hands after they pull them out of their puppets? [More]
You know what else we need?
Jingjing and Chacha.
You know what else we need?
Jingjing and Chacha.
Important Updates Added
...from Mike Vanderboegh and Kit Lange to yesterday's GRE about the Bosworth arrest. [More, then scroll to end]
Three Traitors
Ms. Lynch was approved by the committee on a 12-8 vote, with three Republicans joining in backing her: Sens. Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Jeff Flake of Arizona. [More]Oh, look.
Oh, look.
Oh, look.
Oh, and look.
The perpetual con jobs from "our side" continue to produce the unintended consequence that more people will say the hell with it and turn to the new paradigm.
[Via Jess]
We're the Only Ones Discharging Enough
...for officer safety, and the general safety of the public, the deputy had his weapon drawn. [More]Shades of Lee Paige, except his aim was off a hair...
Only Ones Blasts from the Past
![]() |
[The Nashville Union, Nashville, Tuesday, April 5, 1853. Vol. XVIII. No. 290. Pg. 2]
A Violent, Racist Hate-Monger
MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry... [More]
As noted, even Holder's motivate DOJ couldn't hang a rap on Zimmerman.
This is the equivalent of leading a lynch mob because she doesn't like the verdict. In other words, "progressive" SOP.
As noted, even Holder's motivate DOJ couldn't hang a rap on Zimmerman.
This is the equivalent of leading a lynch mob because she doesn't like the verdict. In other words, "progressive" SOP.
We're the Only Ones Scalping Enough
At issue are dozens of pages of internal affairs records from the police department’s investigation of officers who let friends and relatives use World Series tickets seized from scalpers. [More]I'd say more than that is at issue.
[Via bondmen]
A True Progressive
In congressional statutes and in court cases, he defended Second Amendment rights because those rights were necessary for the working man to resist oppression by the wealthy–for the freedmen in the Reconstructed South to protect themselves from de facto re-enslavement, and for the immigrant laborers of the industrial North to defend their rights to organize and protest. [More]Note I didn't put quotation marks around it this time.
Calling All Cars! Calling All Cars!
Be on the lookout for... uh... someone. [More]
'bout damn time. I mean, we've been withholding names from the public of "the officer" and female sexual assault accusers and kitten-burning minors since, like, forever, so this is the next logical step.
Thing is, this doesn't go far enough. I wish someone would introduce the Criminal Predator Protection Act, which aside from disarming potential victims because only racists stand their ground, would make giving a race description of an attacker to a 911 operator or a "first responder" a punishable hate crime.
[Via Kurt]
'bout damn time. I mean, we've been withholding names from the public of "the officer" and female sexual assault accusers and kitten-burning minors since, like, forever, so this is the next logical step.
Thing is, this doesn't go far enough. I wish someone would introduce the Criminal Predator Protection Act, which aside from disarming potential victims because only racists stand their ground, would make giving a race description of an attacker to a 911 operator or a "first responder" a punishable hate crime.
[Via Kurt]
What Can Brown Do to You?
Looks like UPS has joined Fed Ex in discriminating. [More]
Funny, what a government all set to destroy small Christian businesses that don't want to cater to "same sex marriages" lets huge corporations that jointly essentially control the market get away with.
[Via Florida Guy]
Funny, what a government all set to destroy small Christian businesses that don't want to cater to "same sex marriages" lets huge corporations that jointly essentially control the market get away with.
[Via Florida Guy]
Permission Granted
Kinda. [More]
But you can't actually do anything yet.
That'll entail another series of hoops designed to discourage anyone who doesn't have a reporter's incentive and ability to expose us from going any further.
But you can't actually do anything yet.
That'll entail another series of hoops designed to discourage anyone who doesn't have a reporter's incentive and ability to expose us from going any further.
A Lone Wolf Operator
Funny. With all the SPLC-primed brouhaha, I was expecting a different profile... [More]
A "Progressive" Social Worker
Imagine what they'd be doing if these parasites weren't on the "public" payroll. [More]
Yeah, my first reaction was "starving," but there's a work... uh ... loafaround for them, too.
Yeah, my first reaction was "starving," but there's a work... uh ... loafaround for them, too.
So Take a Tip from a Politician Who Does
Seeing as how we're all going Islamic anyway, just think of it as "baksheesh." [More]
An Innocent Man
If Holder's racist DOJ with covering fire from shrieking Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists can't hang a rap on him, he must be. [More]
Not that this will stop Opposite Day "progressives" from dragging his name out with the obligatory "Stand Your Ground" lie every time they want to dupe the ignorant.
Not that this will stop Opposite Day "progressives" from dragging his name out with the obligatory "Stand Your Ground" lie every time they want to dupe the ignorant.
A Person of Particular Interest
I was particularly interested that the FBI was particularly interested in talking to Anthony about me. [More]Talk about being particular...
I guess that makes Mike's friends persons of peripheral interest...?
This Day in History: February 26
I am sorry to have to acquaint your Excellency, for the information of Congress, that a project which I had formed for attacking The Enemys Post at Oswego, so soon as the Sleighing should be good, and the Ice of the Oneida Lake should have acquired sufficient thickness to admit the passage of the Detachment, has miscarried. [More]
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
A Growing Map
Grant And Jefferson On Board. Anti Gun Hearing Tomorrow. [More]Oregon Firearms Federation's latest alert...
"Quack Quack!" Cried Alan Delamater. "Quack Quack!"
Kurt's latest Gun Rights Examiner column notes that as a typical Opposite Day "progressive," Dr. Al's slogan appears to be "First do harm." [More]
"Our Solutions Connect People and Possibilities"
Except when they don't, and our kneejerk default to ignorant corporate cowardice creates disconnecting problems... [More]
Kurt's latest JPFO Alert notes another FedEx crash.
Kurt's latest JPFO Alert notes another FedEx crash.
Federal agents 'catch and release' open carry activist in Washington
With the potential punishment for a court violation being up to two years imprisonment and a lifetime firearms disability, the difference between “in” and “on” is important. [More]This afternoon's Gun Rights Examiner report details a story that unfolded and updated as I was writing it -- further highlighting the power of correctly applied social media at facilitating effective activism --which is why I'm always harping at readers here to put your prejudices aside and use it as a tool, not for the trivia that causes so many to turn a disdainful nose up at it.
The Honor Roll -- Better Not Step in It
There's some kind of Bloombergian memorial for stuff scraped off of Tarheels going on... [More]
Wait a minute...that's not tar...
Sigh. If only they'd disarm you and me!
Wait a minute...that's not tar...
Sigh. If only they'd disarm you and me!
Illinois Democrat’s ‘Firearms Registration Act’ may test new paradigm
Collins knows this, of course, as do all gun-grabbers who would require registration, which is a prerequisite for confiscation. That increasing numbers of gun owners know that and have defiantly told those enacting such Intolerable Acts to get bent is not lost on impotent and enraged state monopoly of violence cultists, who vent their fury by demanding others employ that violence to bend the “scofflaws” to their will. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the stage may have been set to find out just who serves whom.
Unelected Bureaucrat REFUSES
And the representatives of We the People are "disappointed." [More]
They ought to issue a subpoena and then hold him in contempt.
And bring back the special prosecutor.
They ought to issue a subpoena and then hold him in contempt.
And bring back the special prosecutor.
Through a Glass, Darkly
It looks like the AmmoLand link on WVA trying to ban night vision equipment is not working at the moment -- I leave it here in case it goes active again.
My initial critique of the piece was it sure would help if they linked to the bill. The one I found just says you can't hunt with it, not that you can't have it:
[Via Florida Guy]
My initial critique of the piece was it sure would help if they linked to the bill. The one I found just says you can't hunt with it, not that you can't have it:
"prohibiting the use of night vision technology and drones or other unmanned aerial vehicles in the hunting or taking of wildlife."That said, there seem to be plenty of ways this could be abused to harass citizens who wish to practice their skills at night for purposes other than taking game. I don't know enough about this to weigh in with an informed opinion, and probably won't have time to dig deeper . If you have specific knowledge, please advise below in comments to educate us, and let me know if I'm at all close in my suspicion that "sportsmen" may have been lobbying for more protectionism...
[Via Florida Guy]
Two from Workman
Good for the first one. As for the second, that's the unintended consequence of the media dragging them out as the sound bite boogeyman.
We're the Only Ones Conflicted Enough
Missouri's law allows a law enforcement officer to use deadly force to stop a fleeing felon under any circumstances. That conflicts with a 1985 U.S. Supreme Court case, Tennessee vs. Garner. [More]Dang -- I really wanted to watch Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby make a break for it.
Thank goodness for
Hey, they went for their waistbands.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Conducting Enough
BPD 'Officer of the Year' Charged With Lewd Conduct [More]Again, with the eternal dating etiquette question...
[Via Neil W]
We're the Only Ones Leaving Early Enough
I guess he was living up to his profession and his name. [More]
2:30 a.m., eh?
Let me guess -- by the time they caught up with him, he could claim any blood alcohol content happened after he got home, and had a few to settle his nerves? And any penalty for leaving the scene will be mitigated with paid time off?
[Via Neil W]
2:30 a.m., eh?
Let me guess -- by the time they caught up with him, he could claim any blood alcohol content happened after he got home, and had a few to settle his nerves? And any penalty for leaving the scene will be mitigated with paid time off?
[Via Neil W]
The Five
Gutfield started out OK, but they all suffer from provincial ignorance. [Watch]
I fully expected Williams to be an ignorant ass. Perino has some learning to do, and Guilfoyle made some conciliatory noises, but shows she really hasn't migrated all that far from the statism that she fed off of while married to Gavin Newsom with her registration nonsense.
The joint consensus that the government isn't coming for our guns is oblivious to the reason why that is.
I fully expected Williams to be an ignorant ass. Perino has some learning to do, and Guilfoyle made some conciliatory noises, but shows she really hasn't migrated all that far from the statism that she fed off of while married to Gavin Newsom with her registration nonsense.
The joint consensus that the government isn't coming for our guns is oblivious to the reason why that is.
Settled Science
You know, a sexual predator's "religion and dharma"... [More]
And so much for separation of church and state from those who would force us all to worship at the altar of their "god":
Worldly rewards certainly are bestowed upon curious recipients.
And so much for separation of church and state from those who would force us all to worship at the altar of their "god":
In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the order that makes life and universe possible, and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living."Oh look -- two globalist perverts accepting their "honors":
Worldly rewards certainly are bestowed upon curious recipients.
We're the Only Ones Manhandling Enough
More like "little old lady handling"... [More]
Here's something we've seen countless times before:
Here's something we've seen countless times before:
... an officer ... the Clovis Unified police officer ... the officer ... an officer ... the officer ... the officer...Funny. We know Poole's name. I guess it's not in the public interest to know his, even though he "still works for the school district," with all that implies.
To Catch a Predator
A senior State Department official in charge of federal counterterrorism programs was arrested Tuesday afternoon for allegedly soliciting sex from a minor... [More]Gee, no way that could be compromised.
I wonder if Chris Hansen told him to have a seat...
What the hell else would you call it? [More]
Here's why.
Great on point comment by Carlos Perdue in response to a serial disruptor/troll:
Orwellian lick jobs like you are what make it Bizarro. It's the DHS that's been *importing* the terrorists and jihadis and the illegal invaders all along, through intentional gross dereliction (subversion), first under Bush and accelerated under Obama. It's Obama who is now pretending to hold America's national security and immigration enforcement hostage to his illegal amnesty. Of course he has no intention of preventing terrorists and illegals from coming in. Quite the contrary, he is attempting to give amnesty to both and pave the way for more. It's Obama who is refusing to fund the DHS until he gets the rubber stamp for DHS to further subvert the law, defecate on the Constitution, and undermine the USA. Obama could fund DHS tomorrow if he didn't insist on abusing national security for the Democrats' illegal, treasonous agenda.
Republicans are willing to and are trying to fund DHS immediately, without paying ransom by rolling for Obama's illegal, treasonous acts and agenda. It's Obama & the Dems who are "shutting down the government" etc. unless they get their ransom.
Don't be coy, Lickter. You know this is all about a coup d'etat, to import tens and hundreds of millions of 3rd worlders and other future Democrats to permanently overwhelm the native born citizenry's voting control of our country, as they already have in California.Oh, look:
Also, learn how to spell Bizarro, dumbo.
Mitch McConnell is a true champion of our Second Amendment rights...Where have I heard those words before?
This Day in History: February 25
This letter reports what proved to be a fatal setback to American hopes that Britain would adopt liberal trade policies toward the United States or would include such provisions in a revised final peace treaty. [More]
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
When It Absolutely, Positively Isn't Going Anywhere
After months, Wilson tells me this morning, of trying to set up a merchant account with FedEx (via the NRA Business Alliance, no less), he says he was informed Friday on the phone by a FedEx representative that they were not going to be able to ship his Ghost Gunner. [More]Ask them why.
[Via Florida Guy]
So THAT'S Why We Need to Fight Global Warming
We obviously need common sense temperature safety controls! [More]
What a polite way of saying "not motivated to riot if they have to undergo discomfort."
[Via bondmen]
What a polite way of saying "not motivated to riot if they have to undergo discomfort."
[Via bondmen]
A "Gun Owner" with a Huge "But"
I am an Iowan and a gun owner ... But I am also a mom. [More]Really? I thought having a gun in the home made it 274,369 times more likely someone, probably your kids, would be blown away, plus that women living in such circumstances were all a bunch of domestic violence victims who would just have their guns taken away and used against them. No?
I figured that's why Amber preferred to concentrate on the Trayvon Martin "Stand Your Ground" lie the hive insects are always trotting out. Funny, how she disses lawful self-defense and then turns around and cites "excellent existing self-defense laws."
Nobody expects MILMs to be consistent, I hope. Or truthful.
They sure do milk that "I'm a gun owner" line, don't they? I'd like to see all FFLs I'm willing to do business with post a sign like this on their premises:
[Via Michael G]
Rule of Man
Such restraints are for little people, not demigods. [More]
That said,in fairness, there are plenty of restraints I ignore, too. The difference is, my decisions aren't binding on anyone else, and when I make them, there are actual personal risks involved.
[Via Mack H]
That said,in fairness, there are plenty of restraints I ignore, too. The difference is, my decisions aren't binding on anyone else, and when I make them, there are actual personal risks involved.
[Via Mack H]
Hard for Whom?
Some go around hoops, not through them. [More]
There's a new paradigm in there somewhere that good people had better learn from...
[Via Mack H]
There's a new paradigm in there somewhere that good people had better learn from...
[Via Mack H]
The Lesson of Iceland
One is there, you know. Actually, several are, and not all are related to policing. Important ones. [More]
[Via Mack H]
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Expertly Trained Enough
Columbia University professor who teaches peacekeeping skills to cops, firefighters is charged with assaulting boyfriend [More]You should see how peaceful they get when you lay 'em out.
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Justified Enough
Both the county and the department have ruled the shootings justified, despite the lack of a firearm and the fact that the two cops shot a man 16 times as he lay in bed. [More]Besides, there was no "malice." Heck, we'd do that to you too, and we don't even know you.
We're the Only Ones Professionally Trained Enough
He said the suspect also previously worked at the Gainsville Police Department. [More]At least he was well-qualified...
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones Reenergizing Enough
A newly emerged video appears to show Florida police officers tasering an elderly man with his hands up. [More]That ought to put a spark back in the old boy's life!
[Via Florida Guy]
We're the Only Ones More Highly Rated Enough
So putting the police numbers at an annual rate gives you a rate of 0.01%. Both 0.01% or 0.0003% are both extremely low and the violations might not be comparable in that the private individuals might run into problems that a police officer (even one off duty might not run into), but the rate for police is still 23 times higher. [More]I wonder if there's a statistically valid way to extrapolate incidents that are never prosecuted in the first place because of institutional interests in keeping a lid on things.
Oregon Democrat confirms amnesty danger to gun rights
Calling it the “civil rights battle” for millennials that will decide who controls the the country for the next three decades, Democrat Rep. Kurt Schrader of Oregon says immigration “will decide who is in charge of this country for the next 20 or 30 years”... [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report says don't take my word for it-- this time, I want you to believe what a "progressive" Democratic is telling us, because it happens to be the truth.
Sure, Gomer, your input will always be welcome here. Go ahead.
Sure, Gomer, your input will always be welcome here. Go ahead.
We're the Only Ones Pranking Enough
A person who works in the courthouse said the prank involved the courthouse's chief bailiff, Delbert Garrison, opening the door to a side room where lawyers work and pointing his service weapon at a deputy attorney general in the room. [More]There is nothing I can add to this. It needs no further comment.
[Via Russell S]
An Exaggeration
The result is that gun violence appears to be four times more frequent than it really is. [More]There's that refusal to use the "L" word again.
[Via Neil W]
Weasel-Wording with Rob
I did not have high hopes approaching Sen. Rob Portman would produce results. I see his machine hasn't changed my opinion by the response I got to my approaching him to do something about ATF's latest ammo ban proposal.
Here's what I got back:
[Click to enlarge]
My reply:Now try being actually responsive to what I wrote you about instead of having your staffer pick an approximate self-serving boilerplate reply from a category menu. Care to give me something unequivocal related to my reason for writing, instead of this squishy, say-nothing BS?At times like this, I wish I had a baby I could hold up for him to kiss, just to restore my easily-manipulated faith in his deserving high office and power.
Read the damn message I sent you. Are you going to do anything about ATF's proposed ammo grab? Yes or No?
Then again, maybe I'm wrong about him just being self-serving. After all, look at his most recent tweet:
Well then, I'm convinced.
An "Erroneous" Claim
How the hell does telling someone you were in the Special Forces when you weren't qualify as "misstating ... erroneous ... incorrectly stated ... inaccurate ... mistake"? [More]
There's another word that seems more fitting, one that starts with an "L" that I don't see here. I guess that's another example of "AP Style."
So naturally, the "progressive" Opposite Day position is "We take him at his word," because after all, "mistakes" will happen.
There's another word that seems more fitting, one that starts with an "L" that I don't see here. I guess that's another example of "AP Style."
So naturally, the "progressive" Opposite Day position is "We take him at his word," because after all, "mistakes" will happen.
This Day in History: February 24
The joy inspired by the speedy prospect of Peace, wch the King’s Speech to his Parliament affords, naturally turn’d my thoughts to the Army, to whom we are so much Indebted for the Accomplishment of the great event of peace & Independence... [More]
Monday, February 23, 2015
Terrorists abetted by Mall of America gun policy
It’s also curious that fortunate Americans would value consumerism over unalienable rights secured with blood, powder and steel, submitting to foreigners who forbid the exercise of their right to keep and bear arms -- instead of refusing to surrender on that point and just shopping someplace they're respected. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner report notes the food court seems as good a place for clueless beneficiaries of untold sacrifices to surrender the last vestiges of their freedom and dignity to foreign invaders as any...
Mike the Gun Kapo's Bottom Line
[P]hysicians should continue to ask patients to immunize themselves against gun violence by getting rid of the guns. [More]That's what these hive insects want. Everything else is just deceptive noise-making.
A Victim of Gender Inequities
A voice for all womynkind! [More]
Say, nice swag bag!
Yes, of course she's one of these.
Where's Skip Coolzip when you really need him?
And when the hell are the Occupy Wall Streeters going to turn some attention to these fascist media pigs, who so far, seem to have been given a pass?
Say, nice swag bag!
Yes, of course she's one of these.
Where's Skip Coolzip when you really need him?
And when the hell are the Occupy Wall Streeters going to turn some attention to these fascist media pigs, who so far, seem to have been given a pass?
Last Night on Armed American Radio
Live and outdoors under the desert sky from Scottsdale, AZ, Alan Korwin, Alan Gottlieb, Dr. John R. Lott, self-defense attorney Kevin Maxwell, AR builder Mike Piwoworski, regular contributors David Codrea, Amber Kunau, and George Hill, Crossroads of the West gun show promoter and owner Bob Templeton. [More]I was on in Hour Three. The discussion we had during the last segment of that hour previews the Gun Rights Examiner piece I'm getting ready to post this afternoon, about the Somalia-based Islamist terror group Al-Shabaab and its threat on the "gun-free" Mall of America.
Two from Workman
UPDATE: Make that "Three." Looks like the rights rapists are trying to forcibly insert themselves without lubrication again.
A Known Health Risk
You know, eating baseboard paint. [More]
Maybe that's what got into the "Molly."
Funny, Wesleyan U is generally so careful about banning some kinds of lead...
You have to wonder about well-heeled "progressive" parents shelling out this kind of dough to put their children under such influence. Perhaps the term "making a sacrifice" doesn't refer to the money in this case.
[Via Jeet]
Maybe that's what got into the "Molly."
Funny, Wesleyan U is generally so careful about banning some kinds of lead...
You have to wonder about well-heeled "progressive" parents shelling out this kind of dough to put their children under such influence. Perhaps the term "making a sacrifice" doesn't refer to the money in this case.
[Via Jeet]
Exactly What Was Prescribed
The footage shows Radcliff beat Gillenwater on the draw and fire a shot that hits the robber in the chest. A second shot hits Gillenwater's gun, knocking it to the floor. As Gillenwater runs off camera, Radcliff fires a third shot that hits the suspect in the abdomen and brings him down. [More]He was lucky.
Not because he was prepared and capable, but because he wasn't working at some place like Walgreens, where corporate risk managers place their gutless policies above the lives of employees and customers.
Be It Resolved
As you can imagine, every county that joins us in sending a message to Salem represents another powerful roadblock to the gun grabber’s plans. And every county that steps up makes the commissioners of others ... that refuse, look more and more out of touch with the people who elected them. [More]Oregon's Jefferson County will be discussing a pro-gun resolution on Wednesday. Those resolved to doing something constructive could let the commissioners know what's expected of them.
AP Style
Words have meaning. [More]
Meaning by controlling them, we control the narrative...
[Via Andrea Shea King]
Meaning by controlling them, we control the narrative...
[Via Andrea Shea King]
We're the Only Ones Penetrating Enough
11 women accuse cop of assault, rape or harassment [More]Hey, he just wanted to make it to their homes at the end of his shift...
[Via Harvey]
In League with Tyranny
The stupid, it burns. [More]
The creature's name is Fran Mazzara. It is a League of Women Voters "leader."
The creature's name is Fran Mazzara. It is a League of Women Voters "leader."
We're the Only Ones Planting Enough
“I have a method for getting people off the street that should not be there. Mouthy drivers, street lawyers, assholes and just anyone else trying to make my job difficult. Under my floor mat, I keep a small plastic dime baggie with Cocaine in residue... [More]Think of the type of total evil creature who would do something like this, and what else he'd willingly -- even enthusiastically -- do.
This ought to be a capital crime.
[Via Florida Guy]
Liberty Watch Redux
First half with David Codrea of "The War On Guns," about proposed ATF banning of M855 ball .223 ammo. [More]Yesterday's radio chat with Charles Heller is now archived. Scroll down to "2 22 15 Liberty Watch" to listen.
We're the Only Ones Fatherly Enough
Retired NY police officer kills teenage daughters, then self [More]Curious. I can't even find this story over at MSNBC.
I wonder how they'd be treating this if he'd been a retired NRA employee.
No I don't.
[Via several of you]
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