Yeah, between that and the tingling up my leg, I just may have a stroke, I'll be in such awe in the presence of He who walks among us...
It really is a cult.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Showing How in the Show Me State
Second Habit, LLC, run by WarOnGuns Correspondent Hayden B, offers an NRA Basic Pistol and Missouri Concealed Carry course. [More]
You Must Remember This, A Kiss is Just a Kiss...
Just look at what most Hollywood hopefuls will do for their shot at "stardom": Anything. [More]
The ones who have it made were once like these, which ought not be forgotten when the opinions of "distinguished actors" are treated as qualified and important just because they're famous.
The ones who have it made were once like these, which ought not be forgotten when the opinions of "distinguished actors" are treated as qualified and important just because they're famous.
Grassley Staffer Ignoring Commitment on Question to ATF about Waco Ballistics Results
Almost two weeks ago, one of Chuck Grassley's staffers promised me the senator would send me a detailed email in response to a simple request:
Ask ATF when Waco ballistics report will be released.I have reminded them several more times of this since receiving that promise, and they have not responded. The Facebook thread with all messages is here.
"A Leader in Preventing Gun Violence"
On October 14, 2014, Amelia Suarez, a civilian employed with the LA County Sheriff’s Department as a security officer at West Los Angeles College, allegedly purchased two Smith & Wesson 9mm pistols from Botach Tactical, located at 3423 West 43rd Place in Leimert Park. Each firearm was allegedly sold with three magazines, each with a 17-round capacity. Barkochba Botach, a licensed firearms dealer and owner of Botach Tactical, allegedly gave Suarez an improper exemption available only to sworn law enforcement personnel, which allowed her to purchase the large-capacity magazines and more than one handgun in a 30-day period. [More]So a member of McDonnell's Maurauders exploits her employment to take advantage of the Only Ones Loophole? And shows the quality of such employees by lying and by the company she keeps?
And naturally, Detestable "Der" sets his sights on destroying the life of the guy who made an understandable assumption and who can't read minds?
A Win/Win
The ultimate RNC/GOPe goal is to get Jeb Bush on one side of the primary equation, and then see the DNC get Hillary Clinton on the other side. Together they represent a Win/Win for Wall Street regardless of general election outcome. [More]Ah-- Tragedy and Hope. How much longer are the suckers gonna fall for that old con?
And the maneuvering to ensure that continues.
North Carolina, eh? Why does that not surprise me?
Say, anybody wanna buy a Liberty Medal...?
And How Did the Politicians Respond?
By lying through their teeth and ramming it down your throat in the dark of night. [More]Oh, you mean"standard operating procedure."
No Waffling About It
There are plenty of other places that don't insult our freedom of choice and that serve better breakfasts anyway. [More]
This tells me Waffle House management knows better, but would still rather see their customers dead than armed. I think I'll find out if they'll sign one of these:
I'll let you know if they respond on either Facebook or Twitter.
[Via several of you]
This tells me Waffle House management knows better, but would still rather see their customers dead than armed. I think I'll find out if they'll sign one of these:
I'll let you know if they respond on either Facebook or Twitter.
[Via several of you]
This Blood's for You Redux
There's been a new development following yesterday's post.
They've got a suspect in custody-- naturally one with a long record.
Here's the "person of interest."
Say, he is interesting. Especially posting that "If you can't walk, then crawl" quote.
If you're interested, visit his page before it gets taken down, which will probably be pretty soon judging from past Facebook responses.
[Via bondmen]
They've got a suspect in custody-- naturally one with a long record.
Here's the "person of interest."
Say, he is interesting. Especially posting that "If you can't walk, then crawl" quote.
If you're interested, visit his page before it gets taken down, which will probably be pretty soon judging from past Facebook responses.
[Via bondmen]
A "Progressive" Honor
City Council honors Ethel Rosenberg for ‘great bravery’ [More]What with it being Opposite Day in the Big Apple 'n all, I'm just surprised they didn't give Julius a Patriot Award.
[Via Florida Guy]
A Singular Favour
[H]e did not only with fixed eyes upon the heavens confess the same, but also acknowledged it a singular favour and mercy of God, in that He did not strike him dead at once, but gave him space to seek repentance and reconciliation. [More]So he didn't blame the gun?
Who's Responsible?
An inmate who escaped from a high-rise federal jail in Chicago has an unusual theory on who's to blame: He says the government was negligent in enabling the breakout, so he sued for $10 million for damages. [More]This is actually a logical extension of prevailing finger-pointing and entitlement mentalities, that is, the same mentalities that blame "the gun lobby" and the gun. Talk about "chutzpah."
It's Official
Why is it even necessary to order law enforcement officials not to arm criminals? [More]Or military officials not to arm terrorists?
And why is it the political officials behind it all move on to more lucrative endeavors?
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Some Vets Demand ‘Gun Control’ in Spite of Oath
VanDiver is another in a long line of veterans who seem to have taken a different pledge than Oath Keepers did. We’ve seen anti-gun vets who served and even saw action like Al Gore and John Kerry, and on the Republican side, the late Sen. John Chaffee and current Senator Mark Kirk. All of them swore an oath to the Constitution, and all have embraced draconian citizen disarmament legislation in spite of the clear “shall not be infringed” proscription in the Bill of Rights. [More]Just because you once served does not give you a right to betray your oath, as Ben here amply demonstrated.
Gabby Giffords Calls for Grace-Based Gun Control
Whenever religious conservatives broach theological concepts in government-occupied settings, many are quick to loudly complain, some by reminding everyone of Jefferson’s (misapplied) “wall of separation,” some by leveling “Taliban” accusations, and some with lawsuits and even arrests. If for no other reason than maintaining logical consistency, those who object also ought to decry faith-based “gun control” justifications. [More]So "separation of church and state" is just a phrase of convenience, and when its to their advantage, the Prozis are all for merging the two?
It's Only a Movie
Conservative talk radio host and gun-rights advocate Dana Loesch says she has reached out to the FBI after an Internet troll edited a promotional video she recently did for the National Rifle Association to depict her bloody gun death. [More]Not sure what the problem is here without seeing the video.
Sure, the guy is an obvious Prozi dickhead, and I have no doubt whatever he released was obnoxious and revolting, but it seems that would reflect on his diseased mind more than anything else, and ought to actually be useful to illustrate how devoid of worth the hate-consumed wretch is. For that to rise (sink) to the level of an actionable threat requiring an FBI investigation would require a lot more than this story describes.
Deadline Passed
Y'know, every time I give away all my worldly possessions and gather with other chosen ones on the mountaintop to await being rescued before the end of the world, the exact same thing always happens. [More]
A True Assault Weapon
With no legitimate spurting purpose... [More]
Yeah, the reporter is Emily Miller. Looks like the hive insects at CSGV didn't succeed at getting her fired.
I wonder how many dozen signatures they ended up with...?
Yeah, the reporter is Emily Miller. Looks like the hive insects at CSGV didn't succeed at getting her fired.
I wonder how many dozen signatures they ended up with...?
The Coalition of the Willing
U.S.-Trained Syrian Rebels Gave Equipment To Al-Qaida-Linked Group [More]Mock and awww...
Welfare Queens on Mars
RIDLEY SCOTT CONFIRMS NASA TIMED MARS WATER FIND TO BOOST DAMON’S ‘MARTIAN’ MOVIE [More]So what do you think this PR is worth, courtesy of the "public servants" you fund, whether you want to or not...? NASA has been wearing its "progressive" agenda on its sleeve for some time.
Watching a privileged hoplophobe, who pretends to be courageous for millions of dollars, say "In your face, Neil Armstrong" in the trailer struck me as totally unnecessary and disrespectful to a man who actually did have the courage to put his life on the line.
Matt Damon!
‘No Guns’ Sign Doesn’t Square with Texas Law, School Policy
One could also argue Smith-Soto is creating a discriminatory and hostile environment against those who choose to exercise a right he does not agree with, willfully disregarding UTEP’s “harassment” policy. That makes it fair to ask if a student who refuses to comply, and who makes known his objections and intent, might suffer resultant discrimination and retaliation, and if that might cause a chilling effect on the free exercise of rights. [More]Or are "progressive" policies only binding on those they don't agree with?
No Effect?
No, I don't imagine peaceable people carrying has all that much impact on where the lion's share of violent crimes by "prohibited persons" occurs -- and those same peaceable people are prevented by law from deterring violence in "no guns zones," so "permits" are irrelevant in those instances. [More]
That said, a DGU where no shot is fired and no police filing is made stops an unreported crime, and the fact that the perp is allowed to go on his way probably means the can just got kicked down the road. But the fact remains, that crime was stopped, and the professor and his fellow agenda "scientists" would rather see the defender dead than armed.
That said, a DGU where no shot is fired and no police filing is made stops an unreported crime, and the fact that the perp is allowed to go on his way probably means the can just got kicked down the road. But the fact remains, that crime was stopped, and the professor and his fellow agenda "scientists" would rather see the defender dead than armed.
A Free Ride
I know freebies are wildly popular with those receiving them, but somebody pays for them. Why should those who don't share in the burden have a say in how the load is apportioned and how the pot is divvied? [More]
And do the "beneficiaries" really believe there are no strings attached?
And do the "beneficiaries" really believe there are no strings attached?
Choking Back
The group and payday lender Advance America, Cash Advance Centers Inc, which has more than 2,400 offices and is also a plaintiff, claimed that the defendants exerted "back-room pressure" on banks to drive them out of business. [More]And they weren't the only targets of the "public/private partnership."
Fighting Race-ism
A local chapter of activist group Black Lives Matter is planning on stopping Twin Cities Marathon runners from crossing the finish line. [More]Blame people who aren't responsible for your grievances? Check.
Alienate people who might otherwise be sympathetic? Check.
Hey, who cares what happens to a bunch of damn race-ists anyway?
[Via Florida Guy]
This Blood's for You
With the Cardinals on the verge of clinching the division, there is an new focus on safety outside Busch Stadium. This comes after gun violence left a House Springs man paralyzed after Friday`s game. [More]Yeah, it's the fault of "gun violence." Hell of a reporting job there. And thanks to Busch Stadium's "focus on safety," the victim -- who gave the monster "what he wanted" -- did not have the means of defense to dissuade the execution attempt.
If it's any consolation, Chief Dotson made it home safely at the end of his shift.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Shot-Spotting Enough
But we're not listening to anything or anyone else. Honest. [More]
Why, that's not even possible...
I like the way the "authorized journalist" at the start of the video refers to this as "a new technology." Ah well, they're being paid to deliver a message, not to know what they're talking about.
[Via cydl]
Why, that's not even possible...
I like the way the "authorized journalist" at the start of the video refers to this as "a new technology." Ah well, they're being paid to deliver a message, not to know what they're talking about.
[Via cydl]
We're the Only Ones Better Safe than Sorry Enough
[W]e were ultimately told that MSP was operating under guidance from Mark Bowen, who stated that, “it is better to be safe than sorry, that’s why a 77R is required.” After unsuccessfully trying to communicate that that is not how the law works, we turned over the requested documentation to MSP. [More]Hey forget being on thy shore, the despot's heel is on thy throat. And you're paying for the "service."
What piqued my interest:
MSP had received a customer complaint that an AR-type lower receiver was transferred without the completion of a MSP Form 77R as a lower is a Regulated Firearm.SO: Who's the kapo snitch?
[Via Standing Liberty]
Monday, September 28, 2015
Not the Only Ones
A group of sheriffs from different Colorado counties are moving forward with their fight to repeal stricter state gun laws put in place three years ago. [More]I see Hickenlooper's AG is "seeking clarity." Perhaps I can help:
Clarification 1.
Clarification 2.
Clarification 3.
Clarification 4.
Anyone who says that's not clear is lying.
[Via cydl]
Speaking of Fantasies
Mike the Gunkapo disparages DGUs in a way that's sure to impress the militantly ignorant, that is, the minority of his readership that actually believes he knows what he's talking about. [More]
I wouldn't be surprised to find most of his column visitors are pro-gunners looking to see how much more obnoxious the guy can make himself, and if there's anything they need to do to counter his BS.
Case in point -- the DGU I had 20+ years ago in CA went unreported. Not only did simply producing end the encounter without further incident, that is, without the bloodshed the antis seem to crave and demand, had I called the police, I'd have ended up behind bars, as a mundane can't get a "permit" in L.A. to save his life -- literally.
I heard he stopped selling firearms, but he still is registered as site owner at Ware Guns. Anyone who takes classes from him is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
I wouldn't be surprised to find most of his column visitors are pro-gunners looking to see how much more obnoxious the guy can make himself, and if there's anything they need to do to counter his BS.
Case in point -- the DGU I had 20+ years ago in CA went unreported. Not only did simply producing end the encounter without further incident, that is, without the bloodshed the antis seem to crave and demand, had I called the police, I'd have ended up behind bars, as a mundane can't get a "permit" in L.A. to save his life -- literally.
I heard he stopped selling firearms, but he still is registered as site owner at Ware Guns. Anyone who takes classes from him is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
Climate Change
...the assembly was held “to find ways to change the campus climate”... [More]I'm thinking either fire or flood ought to do the trick...
[Via Michael G]
The Safest Place
Let me guess: The safest place would be one where Fairfax can avoid any mention of the most critical threat to that "single issue" so that they don't jeopardize relationships and so they can keep future fundraising cards close to the vest...?
We're the Only Ones Aggravated Enough
A suspended Middlesex County sheriff's officer is facing more trouble after being accused this week of aggravated assault. Neil Raciti, 47, of Milltown, who also serves as Borough Council president, was charged Friday with possession of an assault weapon and possession of a high-capacity magazine... [More]Hoist on his own petard...?
In re the removed "trigger mechanism," I was wondering if enough of the guts were taken out if it would no longer be a legally-defined "firearm." Preliminary feedback advises:
In NJ the magazines and the flash hider are themselves regulated under state law separate from the "firearm". There are no photos, by trigger mechanism did they mean triggers parts. or since it is an AR-15 type firearm did it mean the lower receiver was removed? There is a distinction, an AR format lower receiver is regulated by the ATF as "the receiver" as such it is considered a firearm even if no other parts are present or in ones possession. Moreover; to purchase a stripped AR type lower receiver from an FFL requires a 4473 and a background check, the same as it is for the complete firearm.[Via BE]
A New Jersey "Gun Criminal"
New Jersey State Police confiscated Danny Burt’s M1 carbine along with 20 other firearms in compliance with a domestic violence prevention law in April 2013 after a temporary restraining order was lodged against him. When the order was dropped, Burt attempted to retrieve his property, but was informed he’d committed a felony by owning the M1 and was no longer eligible to own firearms. [More]Everyone involved is an oath-breaking domestic enemy.
A Compelling State Interest
On the plus side, if history is any guide, "intellectuals"are the first ones to go.
[Via Michael G]
Privileged "Progressive" Prohibited Persons for Hillary
Many in Vermont came away upset at how much leniency was showed to Zaccaro—he was allowed to spend his prison term in a $1,500-a-month luxury apartment, equipped with a maid service and cable. It was advertised by the building as having the advantages of living in a hotel. [More]Another champion of the little people...
Coming Soon, to a Caliphate Near You
Germany in a state of SIEGE: Merkel was cheered when she opened the floodgates to migrants. Now, with gangs of men roaming the streets and young German women being told to cover up, the mood's changing [More]No doubt "progressive" women will demand the burqa for all under the rationale that it's a sign of liberation from the Western patriarchy, and besides, the "pilgrims" have a right to feel that their beliefs are embraced.
A Perfect "Progressive" Storm
Bed bugs are an increasing problem in many American cities, following bans on several insecticides thought to cause environmental damage. [More]And the "progressive" Opposite Day answer to government-created problems will always be more government.
Bachman Turncoat Overlord
Better gun control is a national problem that needs a federal solution that VCDL is not willing to consider. Sen. Tim Kaine is on the right track with respect to background checks — and I am a Republican. [More]So was Sarah Brady. And he also said he's an FFL. Is this the right list?
Looks like Art is a curmudgeon who just likes to bitch.
As with all gunkapos, if I were an FFL and he came into my shop, I'd tell him to get the hell out.
[Via Mack H]
Sunday, September 27, 2015
The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms Shall Not be Arbitrarily and Capriciously Infringed
The ATF’s classification of Sig Sauer’s device as a firearm silencer was not “arbitrary, capricious, . . . or otherwise not in accordance with law.” [More]Thanks for showing us the superiority of Republican nominees, George H.W. Bush appointee Paul Barbadaro!
I do have one question, putting the pesky Bill of Rights aside for a moment: Without being able to assess and compare all ATF rulings, enforcement and determination actions, how do you know if they're consistent?
Probably the same way you determined infringements are legal: Because you wear a black robe and you said so.
[Via everrest]
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Good Thing This Has Nothing to Do with That 'Single Issue'
I'm sure it's just a coincidence that every one of the mayors who signed the "open the floodgates" letter is also a member of Bloomberg's coalition.
But heck, it must not have anything to do with that "single issue," since NRA Director Grover has partnered with Mike on "immigration" himself...
Hey, when they are made citizens, forget the xenophobic fear-mongering by religiously intolerant bigots like Ben Carson, and listen to what the "pilgrims" have to say themselves:
But heck, it must not have anything to do with that "single issue," since NRA Director Grover has partnered with Mike on "immigration" himself...
Hey, when they are made citizens, forget the xenophobic fear-mongering by religiously intolerant bigots like Ben Carson, and listen to what the "pilgrims" have to say themselves:
I Guess this Means 'Smear the Queer' is Definitely Out
Mercer Island School District communications director Mary Grady explained the district’s decision via email: “The Mercer Island School District and school teams have recently revisited expectations for student behavior to address student safety. This means while at play, especially during recess and unstructured time, students are expected to keep their hands to themselves. The rationale behind this is to ensure the physical and emotional safety of all students. [More]And like the "progressive" weenies they are, they backed down, but still did so using collectivist terminology like "stakeholders."
I got your stakeholder right here:
Friday, September 25, 2015
Game of Thrones
The Environmental Protection Agency over the past decade has spent a whopping $92.4 million to purchase, rent, install and store office furniture ranging from fancy hickory chairs and a hexagonal wooden table, worth thousands of dollars each, to a simple drawer to store pencils that cost $813.57. [More]Please: Tell me some of the higher-tier stuff is made with ebony and ivory...
Hey, you wouldn't want to put an expensive gorilla hand ashtray on that institutional crap from Office Max that comparable private sector offices are stuck with.
Who Speaks for Oath Keepers?
[W]e need to be careful to make it clear when we’re speaking on behalf of the organization, such as while participating in directed operations and outreach efforts, and when we’re speaking solely for ourselves. [More]Hey, neat hat. So can I presume you're on board with personally arresting politicians...?
Anti-gun Academics Presume to be Above Law, Not Liable for Consequences
The most telling thing about all this is no one who wants to prohibit the tools of self-defense is willing to acknowledge a special contractual relationship with a duty to protect all who submit to their demands, and to assume an attendant liability should they fail in that obligation. Why wouldn’t they – unless they know they have no way of guaranteeing it? [More]Make the antis accountable for damages made worse by their policies.
Bad Invasion
When a home intruder breaks into the wrong home, three residents point their weapons on him simultaneously in a crime scene defense that may be considered excessive. [More]Unless they sodomize him before the execution and eat him afterward, I'm wondering what the problem could be...
Guess I'll have to watch and find out...
Caught Up in the Spectacle
“When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby talk, when, in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk: culture-death is a clear possibility.”—Author Neil Postman [More]It seems like a pretty good time to revisit some words about mass madness.
Say, did you hear what Kim Kardashian tweeted about the Pope?
A Tale Told By an Idiot
That's why Heidi Kendall, a volunteer for the local chapter of Moms Demand Action, called the ordinance a first step. [More]An estimated 20,000 "gun laws" already on the books nationwide and these liars always characterize the infringement du jour as "a first step."
Want to hear what the next steps sound like?
It's obvious Jim is no relation to Ted.
Quentin M. Rhoades attempts to inject some rational considerations into the discussion.
But ultimately, for those of us who are done giving up a thing, and for whom "I will not comply" is more than just a slogan, the idiotic proposal is full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Just take a look at compliance rates in places like Connecticut and New York if you doubt that comprehensive enforcement is something they don't dare try once their bluff has been called.
The bottom line response to all the would-be controllers and their useful idiots who demand a step-by-step forced march to a monopoly of violence:
No. Your move.
Make sure you bring that "lot of great supporters."
[Via Catherine]
"I Don't Want to Hear the Name 'Old Yellowstain' Again"
And I was all set to go with this:
But, still, why would Nunes, considered a conservative himself, so scathingly attack fellow conservatives, as well as repeatedly defend Boehner?Is a puzzlement:
Hey, maybe "conservative" Devan or someone equally acceptable to the establishment will replace him...?
UPDATE: Look who "House conservatives [are] warming up to":
Of course the fix is in.
A Prince Among Men
I'd say throw him in with the general population, except such creatures have the resources to buy safe passage anywhere. Maybe the best thing to do is swap him to a rival tribe for someone of value. [More]
And then we have Speeyad al-Raceer, here...
And then we have Speeyad al-Raceer, here...
Thursday, September 24, 2015
We're the Only Ones Offended Enough
Off-duty cops who plan to see the pope during his tour of the Big Apple are being warned to leave their guns at home — or face being sent away and reprimanded by NYPD brass, police officials warned in a memo ... “This is our city and we should be able to carry,” a police source said, describing the policy as “very offensive.” [More]What, you don't like it? Awww, poor baby.
And whose city is it, again...? The mansion now belongs to the hired help?
What's offensive is the rest of us would get a hell of a lot more than a reprimand. From you disgruntled "Only Ones."
Question of the Day: Would You Send a Gun to Defend a British Home?
Knowing what we do now, noting the likely course the UK and its people seem determined to chart for themselves, if a similar plea for help went out today, would you send a gun to defend a British home...? [More]Be sure to leave a comment under the article with your answer for all to read.
And Remember, for "Progressives," Every Day is Opposite Day
On public lands, Congress should stand with American people, not anti-government extremists [More]How the organization -- that centers its entire existence around the oath its members take to the Constitution -- can be characterized as "anti-government" is not explained, naturally.
Sympathy for the Devil
![]() |
Gimme that old time religion? |
Thinking they've found a prime "Gotcha!" to exploit, people who ignore the Constitution whenever they find it an impediment are dragging out the First Amendment Establishment Clause, and the Article VI prohibition on religious tests. The thing is, Carson never said there oughtta be a law -- he merely stated what he made clear was his personal viewpoint, and last I checked, we're still allowed to have those, even if some might take offense and issue fatwahs.
Here's the thing. Were a Muslim to be elected president (and yes, I know some will say one already has been), if he did not hold Shariah "law" above the secular as the "supreme Law of the Land," prevailing worldwide Islamic thought would brand him an apostate. And this is the person who would appoint an Attorney General, Supreme Court Justices, and... Again, there can be no law against those positions being filled by the "faithful," so whether or not you're OK with that is up to you. But as with all the politically correct uproar following Carson's response, the devil is in the details, because the implication is that anyone not OK must be a xenophobe, an extremist, a bigot...
Since we're talking about religions, do you think there'd be such an uproar if Carson had opined he wouldn't feel comfortable with a chicken-sacrificing Santeria practitioner in the White House?
Hell, let's cut to the chase. Let's talk about an ancient and established religion, one that is recognized by the government, one with practitioners throughout the land, and one that involves itself in vigorous legal and outreach actions centered around all kinds of Constitutional issues, including, as a plus for those who value "progressive" causes, women's reproductive rights and same sex marriages.
I'm talking, of course, about Satanism.
I'm also talking about moral and logical consistency, which means if the "outraged" rival candidates and pundits are going to exhibit any, they have to agree that they could support a Satanist for president, and condemn as intolerant anyone who would venture that they are disqualified by "virtue" of their religion.
If what everyone in the field is professing truly reveals their unwavering principle that religion doesn't matter, they should have no problem publicly agreeing with consistent substitutions. Whether such a candidate would have a chance is not the point. And would the establishment candidates decry that as unacceptable intolerance?
Let's test some convictions, shall we? How would these alterations to on-the-record statements of conviction fly with the respective campaigns?
Marco Rubio: "I personally do not believe that
Jeb Bush: "The former Florida governor believes
Lindsey Graham: “[Carson] is not ready to be Commander-in-Chief. America is an idea, not owned by a particular religion ... [he]needs to apologize to American
Ted Cruz: In trying to navigate a minefield, Sen. Cruz got it right that the Constitution prohibits religious tests as a matter of law, which, as we've already noted, is irrelevant to what Carson actually said. Cruz should now weigh in on if he'd have issued a different statement had Carson said he "would not advocate that we put a Satanist in charge of this nation."
John Kasich: "Although Kasich did not say he would have a problem with a
Bobby Jindal:“If you can find me a
Rand Paul: "...did not indicate he would have any objections to a
Donald Trump: "Would I be comfortable?" (Well, would you be?)
Mike Huckabee: "I don’t think we ought to just disqualify from somebody because of his or her Satanist faith."
George Pataki: "You know, they said the same thing back in the past, you couldn’t have a Catholic president, you couldn’t have a Jewish president, you couldn’t have an African American or a women president and now Dr Carson is saying you can’t have a
Carly Fiorina: "When host Jimmy Fallon asked Fiorina if she was affirming that she would be fine with a
Bernie Sanders: "I am very disappointed that Dr Carson would suggest that a
Hillary Clinton: "Hail Lord Sata... uh, not really, but she did tweet:
Martin O'Malley: “American people are better than latest Trump/Carson/GOP anti-
Lincoln Chaffee: “Regarding Dr Carson’s statement that a
Lest anyone think this comparison for the sake of establishing consistency is insulting to Muslims or Satanists, and God forbid I'd ever want to do that, I'd presume to think the latter would agree that the candidates ought to extend to them comparable recognition to their beliefs. As for the Islamic community, I'll offer them the most respectful acknowledgement I can: Equal treatment.
So how about it, fellas? Can I put you on record as agreeing with and embracing this change?
And maybe getting some of your high ranking religious leaders to endorse it...?
All Things Considered
Missoula considers background checks for all gun sales [More]Since when has a little thing like the law stopped determined "progressives"?
Speaking of which, between transplanted Californians bent on continuing to foul whatever nest they fly to, and the young skulls full of mush, look for this not to be the last attempt.
[Via Catherine]
The Pilgrim's Progress
Heck, what American doesn't like pilgrims? And he's right, you know, at least about that "enriching the Church" part:“The Church in the United States knows like few others the hopes present in the hearts of these ‘pilgrims.’ . . . Offer them the warmth of the love of Christ and you will unlock the mystery of their heart. I am certain that, as so often in the past, these people will enrich America and its Church.” [More]
Immigration from Latin American countries has kept Catholic number stable in recent years, and 39 percent of American immigrants are Catholic.Now that the hemorrhaging has stopped and they're stabilized, the birthrates'll have things climbing in no time.
And don't worry about that "wall of separation" forcing all Americans to bear burdens that will benefit the Church. Prozis only bring that up when they want to go after conservative value issues.
We're the Only Ones Practical Enough
The vehicle can withstand fire from almost any armament, and while some would say that's overkill for a local police force, Winder said it’s a matter of practicality. “I think people should be aware that in the Salt Lake Valley there are hundreds, if not thousands, of 50-caliber rifles in the possession of civilians," Winder said. [More]They oughtta be OK as long as they don't run into any "unarmed" men...
I also nominate Max Roth and Fox 13 News for an "Excellence in Authorized Journalism Award," for definitively informing us:
With the proper permit, these big guns are legal to own.Really?
On a side note, who's the smirking idiot who introduced the segment?
[Via Todd S]
We're the Only Ones Objectively Reasonable Enough
U.S. District Judge Kenneth Ryskamp ruled that Deputy Ramesh Nandlal was entitled to qualified immunity, and that he made an "objectively reasonable mistake" when he shot and killed Richard Montero, of Greenacres, in April 2010. [More]Yeah, it was all a "mistake":
CCDL Poker Run
[Click to enlarge]
In what looks to be a fun event and a nascent tradition, Connecticut Citizens Defense League is raising money for its litigation fund. [More]
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
You May Already Be a Weiner
According to an internal memo from MWW chief Michael Kempner, Weiner was a victim of the media who left of his own accord to start his own company and “He understands that his presence here has created noise and distraction that just isn’t helpful.”[More]What, you idiots didn't think Carlos Danger would be an unhelpful distraction from the start?
And he really didn't go willingly?
I love the insult-trading that's followed. Hopefully, more laughs at the expense of that sick joke will be forthcoming.
Put Out My Hand and Touched the Face of Allah
Just in over the email transom:
Hey, what the hell... ?
[Click to enlarge]
Can I bring my radio?Hey, what the hell... ?
Promotion open to all U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States and District of Columbia...What a bunch of xenophobic racists!
Called Out on a Callout
A pet peeve is "readers" who aren't actually readers, and who glom on to a headline or an isolated highlight and presume that's enough to condemn the article and the writer as unprincipled betrayers and worse. That's the case with a callout in my "Rights Watch column, "I Will Not Comply," in both the print and digital edition of the September issue of GUNS.
Understand that I submit articles months in advance of the publication sent to subscribers and newsstands, and have absolutely no layout input or control. That said, let's look at context, which you can read for yourself in either the above-linked iPaper version or on the website preview copy:
“[T]he bottom line is the state must try to enforce the law,” The Hartford Courant railed, noting “scores of thousands of Connecticut residents failed to register their military-style assault weapons with state police.
“If you want to disobey the law, you should be prepared to face the consequences,” the editors, who had no personal skin in the enforcement game, proclaimed.Read the whole article. I was condemning that statement, not endorsing it.
Over the years I have consistently challenged those who advocate "Enforce existing gun laws" by asking if they would also urge the government to "Enforce existing Intolerable Acts."
Cry 'Havoc!' and Let Slip the Dogs of War
"What I want for you to do is call off your f–king dogs, Barack!" [More]Narcissistic. Entitled. Persecution complex. Paranoid. Yep, just the qualities the job requires.
And what could illustrate the "progressive" Opposite Day truism better than "Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill" saying they're "not going to get down in the gutter" and then launching a totally ad hominem attack including making fun of a guy because he's bald?
When Pigs Fly
I don't suppose it's in the public interest to know "the former official's" name...? [More]
For Shame
Fox's Shep Smith Shames Those Who Call Pope's Agenda 'Political' [More]I wouldn't worry about a self control-challenged headcase who brings such shame to himself shaming anyone else.
Fun with Hoplophobes
Bring some of these foam beauties into "No Guns" zones and leave them laying around. With a message screened on the side, these could make for a good guerrilla marketing campaign.
You'd probably need to make them fluorescent or Furious Mike red, though, just so the Only Ones can make it home at the end of their shift without having to resort to standard protocol against anyone who thinks they're pretty neat and picks one up.
Then again, the thought strikes that the Demanding MILMs are dumb enough that you could probably leave these black and convince them to put their logo and the Everytown url on 'em as a way to shock the public into the need for "common sense gun safety laws."
You'd probably need to make them fluorescent or Furious Mike red, though, just so the Only Ones can make it home at the end of their shift without having to resort to standard protocol against anyone who thinks they're pretty neat and picks one up.
Then again, the thought strikes that the Demanding MILMs are dumb enough that you could probably leave these black and convince them to put their logo and the Everytown url on 'em as a way to shock the public into the need for "common sense gun safety laws."
My 91-year-old mother was visiting my sister, who flew her back from Arizona on Monday. Mom had to have knee replacement surgery a while back, and she always so informs TSA when she flies. They still subjected her to the full group grope experience. But hey, I remember the last time radical American nonagenarians took over a plane, so thank God for otherwise unemployable goon vigilance!
Especially with Mad Maxie et al. on the job!
Still, I wonder how our crack guardians of the skies would fare against someone who actually is a threat.
Nice to know the plan is to bring in bunches more unvetted refugees from places that do have a track record...
Especially with Mad Maxie et al. on the job!
Still, I wonder how our crack guardians of the skies would fare against someone who actually is a threat.
Nice to know the plan is to bring in bunches more unvetted refugees from places that do have a track record...
Further Urgency
The Atlantic notices the suspicious goings-on in Waco. [More]
Time to poke the Grassley staffers and remind them of their promise to me...
[Via Jake S]
UPDATE: I'm told the second link doesn't work for some. Here's what I was referring to:
Time to poke the Grassley staffers and remind them of their promise to me...
[Via Jake S]
UPDATE: I'm told the second link doesn't work for some. Here's what I was referring to:
Fantasy Matchup
I Would Vote for Donald Trump over John Kasich [More]I would vote for a turnip over John Kasich.
When he decided his vote for the "assault weapons ban" was politically the wrong thing to do, he didn't apologize, tell us why it was wrong and ask forgiveness.
He told us it's because it wasn't "effective."
[Via Mack H]
We're the Only Ones Not Kitted Up Enough
Four police officers who were flagged down by a store manager as his colleague detained a thief just feet away allegedly said they were "not kitted up" to help and drove away. [More]Life across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...
So, what do you think?
Would you?
[Via Steve T]
The Art of the Possible
I referenced a quote the other day in my "American Lives Matter?" post.
War on Guns Correspondent JFC notes:
War on Guns Correspondent JFC notes:
Origin and comment on "politics is the art of the possible." Politics is the art of the possible. Otto von Bismarck, said in 1867. Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable. John Kenneth Galbraith Letter to John F. Kennedy (1962-03-02), printed in Galbraith's Ambassador's Journal (1969).Good rejoinder.
The Secret Room
Assuming you'll still need one if a home invader is in a position to find it... [More]
Special Dispensation
Pope Francis met with 89-year-old Fidel Castro, who holds no office in Cuba, but not with any members of the dissident community — in or outside of prison. [More]But...but...but...
This weekend, Pope Francis will visit Philadelphia’s Curran-Fromhold Jail as part of his visit to the United States.It's no doubt because prisons in Cuba are a lot more "progressive" than ours...
Why We Fight
You tell me. [More]
Tell me the cause of diversity and tolerance wouldn't benefit from a mass infusion from this culture -- a voting infusion.
Tell me the cause of diversity and tolerance wouldn't benefit from a mass infusion from this culture -- a voting infusion.
Some Bozo's Hand
“I’d probably just fix some of the gun laws,” he said. “In Canada, we don’t really have any guns and there’s no gun violence, so that really solves it. I mean, they think that it’s for protection and stuff, but it always ends up in some bozo’s hand.” [More]The Biebs says as he ignores all rules and as his bodyguards brandish...
It would almost be worth it if he led a raid...
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