Thursday, October 08, 2015

Shutting Down for a While

I have to prep for AZ.  I don't expect to be back posting until Monday.

If I don't catch comments, they'll have to wait, If I can't get to emails, Tweets and FB messages, I may not, depending on how many there are. The best thing to do would be to show some mercy and hold off so I'm not facing hours of processing when I get back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

David, Thank you for coming and speaking at our annual meeting! AzCDL wants the best speakers and this year we got the best. While I only got to hear part of your talk(as is the norm for these meetings), everybody mentioned that they got much from your speech.

Once again, David, Thanks for helping make the AzCDL 10th Anniversary a huge success!

Tom Woodrow
Secretary, Arizona Citizens Defense League