What you've got to ask is what sort of cravenly person wastes invective on me? [More]A sadist/psychopath, Mike. An infiltrator/disruptor. Tellingly, someone who needs to, which means you're actually the one who has power over him. And yes, absolutely, a coward who must hide, because he knows what he is and is terrified others will see.
Such a demon-haunted creature cannot be happy or loved, or even genuinely liked. Talk about pathetic.
Nor is anonymity for perpetuity something anyone can count on. Trolls have been unmasked in the past and those hunting them are getting better at it, developing new capabilities and tools.
I doubt that headcase is sophisticated enough to cover his tracks against someone who knows what he's doing. They've stepped up to the plate before: perhaps your friends can help with retaining a consultant.
I wouldn't be surprised if, some day, you'll be able to buy software to do the job.
UPDATE-- the comments troll continues to crave attention. I said he's done here, and he is, but this one is too rich to pass up-- just received this:You solicited multiple federal crimes on behalf of a third party. You should call a lawyer. That's black letter RICO. All that remains is to see how bad the USJD wants to seat a grand jury and destroy you. "DONE" was you the instant you posted your open solicitation for retaliation for a comment not made on your blog. You might slip by this one. Then again maybe not. But the Federals hate you, and Federal vengeance never sleeps. Sooner or later, they'll come for you.
Laughing at you here, you fool, but just to throw your pathetic ignorance back in your face, go for it: Tip 'em off: https://tips.fbi.gov/.
I "confess" that I meant everything I wrote above. I am offering a thousand dollars as the bounty to the first person who turns me in for this, to be paid upon my conviction on "black letter RICO" charges for what I wrote here. Anyone else reading this who wants to see me "DONE," feel free to forward this post link to the FBI, as I am certain puss boy here doesn't have the guts to do anything more than make ignorant, anonymous noise.
Like I said, pathetic.
Matter of fact, hold on a sec -- I'll snitch on myself, and the thousand will go to the troll on my conviction, provided he publicly identifies himself and proves he's the one. I'll be right back.
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https://twitter.com/dcodrea/status/711656844993929216 |
What your post says is that like Mike, you (1) Hate free speech. And (2) don't know what the federal courts have ruled in this matter. You are both public figures by your own hand. If you don't like negative feed back then stop blogging and stop calling yourself a "reporter". Mike has always wanted it both ways and has made many enemy's over the years with his high handed ways. I see this as someone seeking vengeance for anyone of the thousands of evils Mike has done over the years. Myself I couldn't care less about words. That's all they are, words. If Mike has become a special snowflake then maybe he should just go to his safe place and hide. This is the real world. People play rough here. If you call yourself a reporter and can't hack that, you have come to the wrong game.
I think that as a reporter you should be aware of federal cyber stalking and hacking laws. Saying mean things is lawful. Retaliation is a federal crime. Asking others to help is RICO, and the federals would LOVE to crush both of you. So what can you do, that doesn't crush both of your families like bugs? You and Mike are idiots to think that Mike can be a hateful little cockroach and not receive the same treatment from others. The USJD HATES both of you. So PLEASE, just try stalking, and see where the federal court and torts take you.
And yet, another "anonymous" chucks a dull spear. After going to the trouble of finding your website and reading it, the pretend that they expended all of that effort just to say you aren't worth anything.
Yep, like any demonic entity, they expose their own hypocrisy.
Keep up the good work here.
Yeah, he's saying I'm guilty of RICO violations now, but he's done here. The most that'll happen is he'll try to post some more insults until he gets tired of not getting a rise.
You solicited multiple federal crimes on behalf of a third party. You should call a lawyer. That's black letter RICO. All that remains is to see how bad the USJD wants to seat a grand jury and destroy you. "DONE" was you the instant you posted your open solicitation for retaliation for a comment not made on your blog. You might slip by this one. Then again maybe not. But the Federals hate you, and Federal vengeance never sleeps. Sooner or later, they'll come for you.
What in the world would you be brought up on RICO charges for? What's this idiot even going on about?
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