Thursday, May 19, 2016

This is How Propaganda Redirects the Focus

But of course the entire Trump phenomenon has nothing to do with policy or ideology ... Their allegiance is to him and him alone. [More]
That right there is some bullshit.Then again, consider the source and the alternative.

Sure, there are some cultists in any camp, but of the people I know, it's the demands Trump brings into the political discussion that are dangerous to the establishment, starting with the idea that borders and citizenship mean something.

Trump is merely the front man who articulated those ideas to where they could not be ignored, and brought them to the fore. People flocked to that because he was saying what they've been thinking --- that's very different from being led. If he turns out to be a goddam liar, the people he betrays will be remembering the way fascists who bring ruin instead of fulfillment of promises have been historically treated.

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