We’ve seen it before, all the time, from the lies promulgated by the Southern Poverty Law Center, to having that lie acted upon by politically-motivated “law enforcement” groups. And if you want to see how complicit the media has been in spreading those lies, simply do a Google news feed search for the terms “'anti-government’ + ‘Oath Keepers’.” [More]If it’s not “authorized journalism,” it must be “fake news.” Right?
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Oath Keepers Racism/Terror Smear Raises Unavoidable Questions as to Which News is Really Fake
The THING that Would Not DIE!
Nancy Pelosi chosen again as House Democratic leader — but tally suggests deep division [More]That's really undemocratic, allowing these proxies to speak for all Democrats. Why don't they demand a popular vote?
During a demonstration on the Tulane University campus, protesters largely from social justice organizations demanded white students be held accountable for perceived racism on campus. [More]Or else what?
GOA: Tell Trump Petraeus Wrong Secretary of State Choice for Gun Owners
That’s because Petraeus broke his oath to the Constitution and joined with retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal and other veterans to form the Second Amendment-infringing Veterans Coalition for Common Sense. The group is part of retired Captain Mark Kelly’s and Gabby Gifford’s Americans for Responsible Solutions. As with all things Opposite Day “progressive,” there’s nothing “common sense” or “responsible” about it. [More]What, you don't think it's a good idea to put a globalist gun-grabber in charge of the UN Arms Trade Treaty or ITAR...?
There's Some...Thing on the Wing
Police said when the plane arrived at the airport, a woman pulled the overwing emergency exit on the plane, got onto the plane's wing and then jumped to the ground. [More]WarOnGuns has obtained exclusive footage:
[Via Steve T]
Your Tax Dollars at Work
Sanctuary Francisco wants to use tax dollars to defend illegal aliens from beinging [sic] deported. [Watch]I was just thinking what this country really needs is more "pathway to citizenship" travelers suffering from panic attacks and suicide attempts while blaming others for bad check charges. That and their "birthright citizen" offspring.
Thank goodness the resulting overwheming Democrat majority will have nothing to do with that "single issue." Right, NRA?
Rick Oltman gets a word in toward the end. He tells me "O’Reilly is going to lead with it on Wednesday night."
Ask the Experts
Masters at deception explain how it's done. [More]
Or at least they try to make us think that via conflation.
Or at least they try to make us think that via conflation.
A New Take on the Old Shell Game
Is Recounting the Vote Really the Goal? [More]Keep your eye on the pea...
Go Hoosiers!
"To me it’s immoral and even it is criminal ... to force an innocent person to jump through hoops and pay money to the state to prove their innocence and exercise a constitutional right," Lucas said. [More]Exactly.
I still don't call it "Constitutional carry" because there are plenty of "gun-free zone" infringements. The other consideration: How will this be incorporated into "national reciprocity," or is that a trap of sorts to keep the "permit"/gun owner registration scam going?
[Via Paul G]
A Member of Our Family
#BuckeyeStrong, Opposite Day "progressive"-style. [More]
Why is it in the interests of taxpayers to feed this retarded parasite again?
Why is it in the interests of taxpayers to feed this retarded parasite again?
The New Normal
I'd be more inclined to express solidarity if what I'm being urged to endorse were not coerced. Have we Opposite Day "progressives" told you lately how intolerant and backward you violent and xenophobic Christians are?
Milking 'em 'til They Bleed
Sounds like it's time for a dump truck full of manure to visit the Statehouse. [More]
And for a farmer strike. And for a lot more, but that requires a bit more awakening.
Who'd have ever thought jockeying for subsidies and special legislative considerations would lead to a senior "partner"? Who among livestock raisers could have imagined the hand that feeds might have motives other than filling recipient bellies? Or that "giveth" can turn into "taketh away"?
Thirsty yet? Don't worry, preferred constituents have plenty.
What is it about "progressives" and agriculture?
And official media co-conspirators...?
And for a farmer strike. And for a lot more, but that requires a bit more awakening.
Who'd have ever thought jockeying for subsidies and special legislative considerations would lead to a senior "partner"? Who among livestock raisers could have imagined the hand that feeds might have motives other than filling recipient bellies? Or that "giveth" can turn into "taketh away"?
Thirsty yet? Don't worry, preferred constituents have plenty.
What is it about "progressives" and agriculture?
And official media co-conspirators...?
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
OSU Lockdown Brings Out Hoplophobe Bigotry and Shows Refusal to Accept Reality
What that means is all the vulnerabilities will still exist. Next time, those in the potential victim pool might not get out of it so quickly. [More]Feel-good hashtags are no substitute for real-world solutions. The truth is, OSU is still #BuckeyeVulnerable and will be as long as “progressive” mandates remain in place.
'Charity' Begins at Home
OSU Attacker Abdul Razak Ali Artan Was Unvetted Somali Refugee Via Catholic Charities… [More]Oh, you mean via the Red-Green Axis?
[Via Keith B]
Gabbing with Emma
To the group calling itself the alt-right, which is really another word for white supremacists, any moderation looks like censorship. [More]Emma Grey Ellis said it, I believe it, that settles it.
Gab does look interesting, but my experiences with alternative platforms like MeWe have been unrewarding in terms of link sharing, and that's the only reason I can justify for spending any time on "social media."
Whammer Jammer
The 'death ray' that can knock out drones from more than a mile away: Rifle uses radio waves to kill UAVs [More]So will it work on "smart guns"?
We're the Only Ones Spicing Things Up Enough
A Pennsylvania county prison guard has been placed on paid leave and charged with simple assault for allegedly pepper-spraying an inmate’s genitals. [More]Red hots! Get your red hots!
It's Horrendous. It's Abominable. And it's Real.
Andrea Shea King talks #PizzaGate. (NSFW) [Listen]
Give it some time and it'll be the ones against this who are condemned.
Give it some time and it'll be the ones against this who are condemned.
About that 'Fake News'
My Fidel piece was on the Google News feed for a day, and then someone made the decision to take it off. This actually happens more often than not.
Not that it should surprise me.
Not that it should surprise me.
We're the Only Ones Outgunned Enough
By rookies... [More]
But wait -- there's more:
I'm wondering if limiting rounds for these guys might actually enhance public safety...
[Via Steve T]
But wait -- there's more:
Another cop said, “Why would you select a firearm that can hold 17 rounds, but then only allow 15 to be carried? It defies common sense. Officers may need those rounds if they find themselves in an active-shooter situation like Dallas or Orlando.”He, of course, would happily ruin your life if he caught you with any kind of firearm, regardless of your need.
I'm wondering if limiting rounds for these guys might actually enhance public safety...
[Via Steve T]
Guns that Kill
"...the gun that went off..." [More]The thought strikes that if all the reports about guns going off were true, the major companies would have been bankrupted with defective product lawsuits by now.
[Via William T]
Don't Know if it's this Planet or what Happened with Joe... I'm Sweating Like a Bridegroom.
Sulu's been snorting dilithium crystals again. [More]
I really only have one question: Why did his closed One Pulse group choose a logo that displays group fisting?
Monday, November 28, 2016
With Trust in Media at New Low, Establishment Tries to Shut Out Alternatives
These are the people claiming the mantle of legitimacy who would monopolize the public discourse and exclude all others. [More]The "progressives" and neocons really don't like what's going on. This is their pincer strategy attempt to control the narrative. Leave it to liars and fakers to accuse others of lying and faking. Leave it to Stalin's Apologists to accuse "conservatives" of being Putin's useful idiots.
Coming Soon, to a Caliphate Near You
Keep being militantly "tolerant", "progressive" women... [More]
Shelter in Place
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Here's the Google News feed to keep up.
I'll be back with more.
UPDATE: Need you ask?
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UPDATE: Columbus Police Dispatch scanner.
UPDATE: Shelter in place lifted per police dispatch. Hundreds of students out. Still in process of clearing garage. It looks like they were let out before all the cops were ready. Classes cancelled for day.
UPDATE: Relaying information -- police clearing 4th floor of building needed to be advised that others were clearing 5th floor.
UPDATE: Car dispatched -- someone called 911 saying he was going to kill people. 136 W. Woodruff...
The situation was initially deemed an "active shooting", though there have since been reports that the suspect used a long knife or machete, and the gunshots may have come from police.UPDATE: And this is what happens when the system is set up to spread hoplophobia:
At least eight people were stabbed, hit by a vehicle or otherwise injured in an attack Monday morning on the Ohio State University campus, and a suspect was shot, school and hospital officials said. Police did not immediately release the suspect's condition and gave no details on a possible motive. Hospital officials said the eight victims had non-life-threatening injuries.So much for smiley-face blood-dancing wishful thinking opportunism:
And her avatar says "God is Love"! For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.
UPDATE: Who could'a seen this coming?
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The dead attacker was believed to be an Ohio State student — a Somali refugee who lived near campus, NBC News reported. It said he was a legal permanent resident of the U.S.Well then, there's really only one thing left to say:
UPDATE: What's in a name?
Sloane Misses
Can She Take Away America’s Guns? Miss Sloane Gives It a Try [More]Keep rubbing yourself in anticipation, Bloomberg flack. From the opening weekend numbers, it looks like all the press inspired about as many people as showed up for the "No MoreNames" bus tour:
We'll see what happens when they expand the number of theaters in wider release -- although it doesn't exactly scream "heartland." Maybe it'll be as impressive as Michael Shannon's new flick.
Then again, it could just be that Hollywood elites are in denial about what their customer base just told the world on Nov. 8
C'mon Harvey -- spend the money. How many years are you going to keep your threat "in development."
If It Ducks Like a Quack
The scientific journal JAMA Internal Medicine has published a paper utterly devoid of scientific or public policy merit, fraught with abject error and ignorance, and utterly lacking any arguable purpose other than to deceive gullible readers about the nature and merits of Florida’s Stand-Your-Ground law. [More]Why not file ethics complaints against everyone involved?
[Via Michael G]
As the Worm Turns
North Korean Leader Called ‘Pig,’ ‘Incompetent,’ by Residents in Capital [More]Time was, no one would dare utter such sentiments.
A William Golding quote comes to mind.
Right after the Salish epiphany.
Speaking of Disruptors
We call on all people of good conscience to join in disrupting the ceremonies. If Trump is to be inaugurated at all, let it happen behind closed doors, showing the true face of the security state Trump will preside over. [More]That's kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, is it not? Does this psychopathic hive insect really believe a defensive response to aggression is some sort of "gotcha"?
"Ex-Workers' Collective"...
So who feeds these tools if they don't work?
Narrowing Down the Choices
I saw this some years back, was just reminded of it over the weekend, and thought now is as good a time as any to resurrect it. Especially in light of the "Authorized Anarchists" showing their true red colors in a recent solidarity with "progressives" manifesto...
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Castro’s Legacy Summed Up in His Three-Word Question about Arms
¿Armas para que? [More]Any other questions?
Friday, November 25, 2016
Obama Presidential Medal of Freedom Picks Show Opposite Intent
That the vast majority are strong supporters of Obama and then Hillary goes without saying. [More]Anybody feel any freer yet?
'A Car to Die For'
A rendezvous to make a late night car purchase goes bad when the seller's intent is to keep the cash and the car. [More]This week on "Stop the Threat"...
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Blaming Guns in Slaying of Congressman’s Grandson Will Not Stop Killings
“Davis said it’s unfortunate the teens ‘would have access to a gun that could lead to that kind of mayhem’ and that he will ‘continue to work with those who are trying to get guns out of circulation,’” CBS dutifully repeats. [More]Apparently, disarming you and me is just what we need to break the cycle of dependency and violence made inevitable by "progressive" rule. No?
About That Cultural Terraforming...
The jailed architect of 9/11 revealed that al Qaeda's plan to kill the United States was not through military attacks but immigration and "outbreeding nonmuslims"... [More]Who but an intolerant racist xenophobe would oppose that?
One Man's 'Fake News'
They're bound and determined to control the narrative. [More]
I still think the key to monkeywrenching this may be to use "progressive" antitrust laws to show collusion.
VLLA SELLA 'n all that...
[Via Mack H]
I still think the key to monkeywrenching this may be to use "progressive" antitrust laws to show collusion.
VLLA SELLA 'n all that...
[Via Mack H]
Impervious to Reason
Overprivileged little hive insect does not and will probably never have a clue. [More]
There's something to be said for having an adequate supply of easy-to-harvest cannibal food with which to keep roving marauders occupied.
[Via Michael G]
There's something to be said for having an adequate supply of easy-to-harvest cannibal food with which to keep roving marauders occupied.
[Via Michael G]
Where There's Manufactured Smoke
About this business of recounting ballots to give the election to Hillary ... there's a whole lotta nothin' peppered with "mights" and "coulds" revolving around unsubstantiated speculation. [More]
I'm glad to see the Opposite Day "progressives" consider this character "one of the 10 brightest minds." That simply bolsters the likelihood that all the wishful thinking "is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing.."
NOT the Only Ones
I thank my good friends at “Shoot Straight” who realized that the hero’s gun was taken as evidence and immediately gave him a brand new firearm. Above all, I thank the hero that recognized the imminent threat, rushed to Deputy Bardes’ aid, and ultimately stopped that threat. In a day and age where race is a near instant focus for media and other pundits in police incidents, the fact is that this hero happens to be a man of color who stopped another man of color from further harming or killing a white cop; thereby reminding us that black lives matter, blue lives matter, and indeed all life matters. [More]And that last bit is something mainstream "news" outlets don't seem all that eager to point out.
We talked about this on Armed American Radio the other night, and I posited fear of the personal consequernces of shooting an"unarmed" black assailant may have made the officer hestiate enough to let the attacker get the upper hand.
[Via Florida Guy]
Strong, Silent Types
"What we've found so far is it revolutionizes the way we fight," Love told Military.com. [More]So it has militia utility and will be in common use...?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Rearing Our Young Enough
A 19-year veteran of the NOPD accused of raping a 14-year-old male relative earlier this year was rebooked Monday (Nov. 21) on 16 new counts -- 13 of them sex crimes--including a count of first-degree rape and four new counts of second-degree rape. [More]In case you were wondering why he was trusted to carry a gun into schools but you are not...
[Via bondmen]
Not that I Couldn't Believe it, BUT...
Anybody got a credible source for this "Pelosi quote"...? [More]
I find lots of sites repeating it, but none providing any further information or proof.
I find lots of sites repeating it, but none providing any further information or proof.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
All the Fine Young Cannibals
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Once more unto the breach, dear friends: Berserker prepares to take no prisoners as squire/balladeer sings saga of heroic victory. |
Armed American Radio Redux
For those who missed it Sunday, and for those who tried and experienced a satellite blackout... [More]
I was on in Hour Three.
The Good Kind of Amnesty
Dean Weingarten tells us about "[a] little known law, passed concurrently with the Gun Control Act of 1968 [that] offers the Trump administration a powerful lever." [More]
[Via Dave Licht]
[Via Dave Licht]
Introduction to Reality
On this day in 1963, I was living in Tehran, Iran (my father was plant manager for the B.F. Goodrich tire factory there), having breakfast with my family, when the phone rang. It was a British friend of my father's who passed on the news that President Kennedy had been assassinated "in Delaware."
We picked up more news from AFRTS on the way to school, and newspapers were posted on the compound wall by the gate. It was a profound realization for an 11-year-old, considering things I'd never thought about before.
And so we learn and we grow. Some of us, anyway.
We picked up more news from AFRTS on the way to school, and newspapers were posted on the compound wall by the gate. It was a profound realization for an 11-year-old, considering things I'd never thought about before.
And so we learn and we grow. Some of us, anyway.
The One Percent
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We already talked about that. Here's something related that just came across the transom and merits being filed for future reference:
These are the groups and individuals who bear the brunt of individual responsibility for betraying their countrymen.
Poor Thing Has Suffered Enough
Trump Won't Pursue Charges Against Hillary [More]My assumption is this can be explained in one word.
[Via Dave Licht]
Barely Time to Grab Your Hat Before the Door Closes

We talked about a webinar for a neighborhood watch with teeth -- or at least I did.
It's being presented tonight by two U.S. Army Ranger veterans. Here's your last chance to register.
Where a Ped Can be a Ped
I'll confess I've been entirely out of the loop on "pizzagate." [More]
After hearing about "spirit cooking," nothing these evil bastards do would surprise me, including finding out they hold satanic rituals with human sacrifices, or that fetuses are served as hors d'oeuvres at their parties.
[Via Dave Licht]
After hearing about "spirit cooking," nothing these evil bastards do would surprise me, including finding out they hold satanic rituals with human sacrifices, or that fetuses are served as hors d'oeuvres at their parties.
[Via Dave Licht]
Let's Get Together
The protocols set forth in the amendment to NRS 202.254 may be in conflict with federal, state and county statutes, rules and regulations.Nevada Firearms Coalition requests a meeting with AG Laxalt on behalf of dealers to reconcile conflicts caused by Question 1.
Read the whole letter here.
Welcome Home, Boys, and Thank You for Your Service!
American jihadi fighters fleeing Iraq may try to make their way back to the US. Recent articles ... have highlighted the danger of these American natives returning to the US under new names with new passports and with fighting skills and experience that will make them especially dangerous. [More]Unpossible. Our safeguards are too rigorous.
Besides, everybody knows the real threat comes from us intolerant homegrown rightwing extremists.
[Via Jess]
Unclear on the Concept
Anti-Trump Protester: 'Make the NRA Regret Giving Us Right to Bear Arms' "Exercise your Second Amendment right." [More]I guess "junior Towsif Ahasan" is revolting against the truth. And he is pretty revolting.
[Via Michael G]
He Leadeth Me in the Paths of Righteousness for His Name's Sake.
After all, the guy is their "Jesus Christ." Nice of him to give his blessing to all the boisterousness by deeming it"righteous."
Setting a New Tone
U.S. military personnel can now request to carry concealed handguns for protection at government facilities, according to new Defense Department directive issued last week in response to a series of deadly shootings over the last seven years. [More]Who thinks they'd have done this were we looking at a Hillary inauguration?
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Hated Enough
How many of you guys with badges think it's gun owner rights advocates you need to worry about? [Watch]
How Can You Tell The Dallas Morning News is Lying?
We believe in the Constitution and its Second Amendment. We have long championed the Second Amendment and gun rights. [More]That right there is a pretty good indication.
And yes, of course gun-grabbers have made noises and more about repealing the Second Amendment and outlawing guns and even confiscating them. Anyone from the DMN (apt) editorial board care to make a substantial bet I can't back that up?
They sure do use a lot of words to misrepresent, parrot lame talking points and duck the issue: We've had the conversation on guns, which always seems to end up being a lecture delivered by an idiot. And we've heard how we have to do something about guns ad nauseam.
OK guys, here's what you left out and that you need to flesh out if you want to keep the "conversation" going:
WHAT must "we" do about guns?
Be specific and be complete. List all the "laws" you want to see enacted, and be sure to indicate when they are "enough" and you'll oppose any more.
Once we have your list we can see if you know what you're talking about.
On the plus side, the "progressives" continue not to get what happened or why people are sick of their shinola, and thus they continue to alienate.
Keep it up.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Democrats Try Predictable Tactic of Crying Racism to Obstruct Sessions for Attorney General
The one person who made them admitted he never said anything about it at the time. And there’s no other corroboration – hardly an indictment beyond a reasonable doubt. It’s also hardly consistent with experience, to think – over all these decades in public office – no one else would have also heard a racist spouting offensive words. And per PJ Media, Sessions’ other accuser, Gerry Herbert, the guy who made the “un-American” allegation, has a history of “crying ‘wolf’ on race [and] making it up.” [More]It's the oldest trick in the book. Don't let the Democrats (aided by opportunistic #NeverTrump "Republicans") get away with it.
Girls, Giggles and Goofs
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Paging Col. Cooper...
UPDATE: The Facebook post with a video of a news story about a gun class for women that this links to has been removed. I changed the link to the Fox 40 report.
And Your Point Is...?
In the State of Washington, Thousands of Gun Crimes go Unpunished [More]If the point is to demonstrate how the gun-grabbers are hypocrites, fine -- I've done that myself.
If it's to push the "enforce existing gun laws" line of crap -- and it sure seems like it is -- why not just cut to the chase and say "Enforce existing Intolerable Acts"?
REPEAL existing gun laws. I expect Bearing Arms to know that.
I must say I'm disappointed to see this go out as a JPFO alert:
Not only is there a lack of original, organization-generated writing, but Aaron would not have agreed with this. And it's not the first time I've seen such signs.
I'm sorry those of us who had "originalist" intentions were compelled to withdraw from the new incarnation. I've not seen anything to indicate we were wrong.
The original spirit, Aaron's, has moved on. What's in there now is something in possession of a husk.
We're the Only Ones Losing Enough
Secret Service Loses Guns, Badges, Laptops, “Other Equipment” [More]
Glad to see they're still maintaining the standards they're noted for.
We wouldn't want them to lose so much prestige even dog poop scoopers don't want to be associated with them...
[Via Bluesgal]
Glad to see they're still maintaining the standards they're noted for.
We wouldn't want them to lose so much prestige even dog poop scoopers don't want to be associated with them...
[Via Bluesgal]
Repurposing Tyranny
The parallels between the Supreme Court’s treatment of libel suits being used as political weapons and Congress’ treatment of gun-based tort actions being used in the same way are pretty substantial. [More]Leave it to Opposite Day "progressives" to rely on the disallowed harassment tactics of the past to attack rights.
[Via Michael G]
The Most Blood-Lusted Name in News
What could possibly have been their point and motive in juxtaposing the Reagan assassination attempt? [More]
If he'd only told them he was going to dinner with his family, the entire stable would have been prepared to ... do what exactly, besides watch their deepest fantasies play out?
[Via bondmen]
Sophie's Choice
So who asked you? [More]
I guess there's a big difference between what a "progressive" fasci... uh... fashion designer can get away with and what we can ram down the throats of Christian bakers.
I guess there's a big difference between what a "progressive" fasci... uh... fashion designer can get away with and what we can ram down the throats of Christian bakers.
Uncritical Thinking
The Faux News announcer positively gushes over one of the more useless "smart gun" designs, blissfully unaware of how ignorant he sounds to those who actually know what they're talking about. [Watch]
It's not even news -- this kid's story has been around for years.
This is just MSNBC-level shameful, it's so bad.
It's not even news -- this kid's story has been around for years.
This is just MSNBC-level shameful, it's so bad.
An Uncooperative Narrative
To every single Trump supporter trying to say that voting for Trump does not mean that you are racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, assholes… Your words are worthless ... I am proud to be part of a community that only projects love and education and the support of one another. I am proud to be the granddaughter and daughter of immigrants who were brave enough to leave their homes and come to a whole new world with a different language and culture and immerse themselves fearlessly to start a better life for themselves and their families. [More]Funny thing about that "community," at least the ones in it who know the difference from bitter experience:
Cuban-Americans Voted for Trump at Higher Rate than “White” AmericansStupid little girl.
Why Don't You Just Die?
And if you're a senior, you belong in an urn. And if you're an indignant snowflake, it's time to disown the people paying your bills. [More]
What an irredeemable douche bag you are, Michael Shannon.
Glad to see that movie you're out pitching is doing so well in the heartland you despise. You're quite the Opposite Day "progressive" salesman, aren't you?
Art imitates life.
What an irredeemable douche bag you are, Michael Shannon.
Glad to see that movie you're out pitching is doing so well in the heartland you despise. You're quite the Opposite Day "progressive" salesman, aren't you?
Art imitates life.
Consider the Source
According to Gizmodo, 38 percent of right-leaning news stories on Facebook contained inaccuracies or falsehoods as compared to 19 percent of left-leaning news stories. [More]Well then it's settled. If we can't trust the accuracy of that assertion about a site run by this paragon of "progressivism," what can we trust?
Maybe the disconnect comes from treating "Authorized Journalists" like they're neutral honest brokers.
A Plethora, You Say
There is a plethora of far-right leaders ... Austria's far-right presidential candidate ... Leader of the far-right Dutch Freedom Party, Geert Wilders ... far-right candidate Marine Le Pen ... [More]But rule by unaccountable globalists isn't "far" anything, right? That only applies to those extremist hater xenophobe deplorables.
Nope, no manipulation through characterization in this example of unbiased journalism. I'll bet most Irish are happy with that, too.
Cuck. Brit Cuck.
James Bond Sends ‘Toxic’ Message About Masculinity, Says British Member of Parliament [More]As opposed to a healthy "progressive" UK male, at least if you listen to the Opposite Day psychologists trying to rationalize the contemptible.
No worries. There are plenty of takers.
[Via Jeet]
It Came from Outer Space!
Did this astronaut warn of aliens before attempting suicide? [More]And let's not forget the diapernaut.
Or perhaps the most bizarrely warped alien mind of all...
Maybe it's exposure to cosmic rays. Or some kind of brain cell damage caused in the centrifuge...
Inclusive Exclusion
The US city of Bloomington in Indiana has renamed Good Friday and Columbus Day as "Spring Holiday" and "Fall Holiday" to be more "inclusive". [More]What about those who object to using a term derived from "holy day"? Can't we call it "ritual" or something?
And need you ask?
The Comfort of Authority
Nevertheless, observers said the recent seismic shifts in global politics were likely to drive traditionally risk-averse German voters back into her arms. "Society's need for predictability and stability could become so overpowering in the 2017 election year that even the creeping erosion of Merkel's chancellorship won't compromise her success at the polls in the end"... [More]Who do they think is putting them at risk, or aren't they thinking...?
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Armed American Radio
8 to 11 Eastern-- I'll be on in Hour 3.
Visit the AAR website to find a station near you or to listen via live streaming.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Economic, Social Privilege No Barrier to Death Threats against Trump, Supporters
It’s a pretty natural tendency to think of the threats as coming from the lowest common denominator mob elements, the lunatic losers, the special snowflakes, and the rage-fueled non-achievers. Some recent tangentially-related stories tell us that’s not a safe assumption to make. Privileged “progressive” kooks harbor violent sentiments with the best of ’em. [More]I guess when you're plagued by inner demons, there's a strong tendency to look outward for the source of your violent rage. It's not like those favored by the powers and principalities are immune...
Say You'll Keep Fighting
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And don't worry -- I will.
Just in Case There Was Any Doubt About 'Schools' Being Indoctrination Centers
The guide, called the “Lesson Plan on the November 2016 Election,” informs teachers that “a racist and sexist man has become the president of our country by pandering to a huge racist and sexist base,” and suggests they teach children the same. [More]So withhold all federal dollars.
With these Marxist liars and tormenters running things, I'm actually a bit surprised there aren't more kids who violently snap.
Welcome, Future Democrats!
Can we get you anything? Drop you off anywhere? [More]
As an aside, under what rationale does the Red Cross still ask blood donors what countries they've been to?
As an aside, under what rationale does the Red Cross still ask blood donors what countries they've been to?
We're the Only Ones Gone Enough
Houston ‘F**k Trump’ Protest Wants “A World Without Police’ [More]Well you don't need them (or even door locks) because of me and mine, but the thing is, they don't want us armed, either.
I wonder why that is.
And I wonder why they're hiding who they are behind a Canadian registrant. Because I'd give them higher marks for sincerity if we knew, and if they signed a legally binding document swearing never to call police or retain private armed security, and agreed to donate a substantial fine to victims and survivors of criminal violence each time they deviated from that pledge.
[Via Mack H]
The Year of Post-Truth
Because nothing says "progressivism" like denial of reality. [More]
They won't even call a lie a lie, will they? They have to "repurpose" it to "justify" their raging at the way things are.
[Via Mack H]
They won't even call a lie a lie, will they? They have to "repurpose" it to "justify" their raging at the way things are.
[Via Mack H]
Nicely done, albeit NSFW or around kids and probably your mom, which is why I didn't just embed it here. [Watch]
I've always been a bit baffled by men who complain the women in their lives mandate a choice between them and RKBA. Don't enough ignorant "progressives" try to control us without inviting them into our lives?
The coffee and apparel links included in the description are also worth a visit, and no, nobody asked me for a plug.
[Via Florida Guy]
I've always been a bit baffled by men who complain the women in their lives mandate a choice between them and RKBA. Don't enough ignorant "progressives" try to control us without inviting them into our lives?
The coffee and apparel links included in the description are also worth a visit, and no, nobody asked me for a plug.
[Via Florida Guy]
Amazing Disgrace
The Journal of American Medical Association disgraces itself by publishing a fatally flawed study of Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law. [More]Who didn't see that coming?
[Via Michael G]
Just Like 1933 Germany!
Says the national socialist... [More]
They even have their own nights of broken glass.
Say,this looks like another rally that could use some RAVE flyers...
[Via Bluesgal]
They even have their own nights of broken glass.
Say,this looks like another rally that could use some RAVE flyers...
[Via Bluesgal]
Unintended Consequences
Gun control laws that mandate a background check before a gun can be temporarily transferred to a friend or family member may interfere with suicide prevention efforts, researchers say. [More]What? You mean Opposite Day "progressive" common sense gun safety laws can actually increase danger and deaths?
Guess Who Else Loves a Parade?
Looks like the proponents of "the excellence of jihad" and "just terror tactics" have, among other wishlist items, Thanksgiving plans. [More]
Safar 1438, eh? Somehow, that century makes perfect sense.
Ah, those wacky, loveable rascals from the "religion of peace"! Don't they know Macy's dumped Trump? How much more groveling appeasement do they want?
Kind of makes you wonder what kind of deplorable racists oppose rigorously embedding them all around us. But no worries.
Our security screening is rigorous!
Why is this written in English again...?
How Snowflakes are Formed
Girl suspended from middle school for cutting peach with child butter knife [More]Well isn't that just peachy? And isn't that just one big "safe space"?
No wonder so many are unruly when they reach young 'adulthood" -- the rules have driven them effectively mad. No wonder so many don't know how to think critically. No wonder they respond with vengeful mob authoritarianism masked as "anarchy."
Every useful idiot teacher and administrator at the school and in the district, and especially that weasel-wording spokesflack justifying this, deserves to be ceaselessly ridiculed and hounded out of the "profession." Those who know full well what they're doing deserve quite a bit more.
[Via Steve T]
"Dangerous and Unusual"
In yesterday's Oath Keepers piece on Firearms Freedom Acts, I talked briefly about Wayne Fincher, including a link to all the WarOnGuns coverage during the years-long ordeal he will never get over.
Gary Marbut calls my attention to his analysis of the "dangerous and unusual" weapons application in Heller and Fincher.
He also tells me the MSSA v. Holder pleadings are at the FFA site, and they may be of use to the Kansas legal team. I can try to approach them, but if anyone has contacts in that case, it would probably be more effective if someone they know so advises them.
Gary Marbut calls my attention to his analysis of the "dangerous and unusual" weapons application in Heller and Fincher.
He also tells me the MSSA v. Holder pleadings are at the FFA site, and they may be of use to the Kansas legal team. I can try to approach them, but if anyone has contacts in that case, it would probably be more effective if someone they know so advises them.
We're the Only Ones in the Bloom of Youth Enough
Ex-cop gets prison after raping children while on duty [More]And yet again with the great unanswered question...
[Via Florida Guy]
Acting Like She's in Charge
The Head of DOJ’s Civil Rights Division Is Violating Federal Law and Her Actions May Be Void [More]I guess that's why Brandon at ATF is a "deputy director"...
So much for truth in labeling...
Best Gun Memes?
A picture can be worth a thousand words. Add a caption and it speaks volumes. [More]
That said, leading off with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly...?
[Via Florida Guy]
That said, leading off with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly...?
[Via Florida Guy]
A Morning Blast of Arctic Airtime
I'll be joining in on the program again this morning at 11:24 Eastern to talk about what Trump can and should do ASAP to start reversing iinfringements as well as his SecondAmendment Commission.
You can't stop the signal. If it doesn't get to where you are, you can listen to live streaming from Michael's website.
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