Monday, November 14, 2016

Peace in Our Time?

Does anybody really think it's possible with such as these?  Does anybody think they'll allow it?

Does anybody really think "it" can't happen here?


Elmo said...

I just watched a couple of YouTube videos on Social Justice Warriors in Meltdown. These people are freaks. With about a fourth of them, it takes hard studying to be able to tell whether they're biologically a man or a woman.
I suppose that makes me a cisonygist for even trying.

Anonymous said...

Agents Provocateurs as a Type of Faux Activist are being used to try to force us to react before we are ready. Allow our patriot groups to gather intelligence first then move to disrupt the paid street monsters.

Longbow said...

Oh come on now! I'm sure they're nice people who mean well! We just have a sincere disagreement on policy...

Anonymous said...

They will become, dare I say it, easy targets if they come to my neighborhood with all that red & stuff. Just sayin'.

AnHourOfWolves said...

Elmo, physiognomy is REAL

Roger J said...

They couldn't even get a Soviet flag right. The hammer and sickle was yellow and surmounted with the yellow outline of a five pointed star. What maroons! And yeah, you can tell there's Hillary supporters where they're burning an American flag.