Wednesday, January 03, 2018

More Like Impotent Assymetries

I uncover two important asymmetries among partisans. First, Republicans tend to increase support for VID upon learning of even a miniscule amount of in-person voter fraud, but appear relatively insensitive to strategic considerations. Second, Democrats’ support for VID depends significantly upon which party stands to benefit from the laws, but Democrats do not appear sensitive to information about fraud. [More]
I'd like to see the questions, but not badly enough to pay for it. Because while I have no trouble believing Democrats are dicks, that theoretical Republican support sure doesn't appear to prompt much in the way of platform sea change when the GOP candidate is a Groverian cheap labor whore on immigration.

In other words, they talk a good game but don't insist on fidelity.

Hence we get trial balloons to reimpose establishment lumps like My Man Mitthead while the neocons do everthing in their power to sabotage anyone espousing the beliefs that put the man he tried to torpedo in the White House. With a few notable exceptions (Dave Brat comes to mind), the part of the herd that bothers to vote generally goes with party and name recognition über alles.

[Via Michael G]

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