Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Great Arizona Gun Grab

AzCDL posted the betrayal plan. [More]


Anonymous said...

How spineless! None of the Dems will vote for him, so why play nice with them?

Anonymous said...

This is all playing out just like the Weimar Republic did post-WW1.

Fractured political groups, gun registry, a well-spoken strongman rallys together some of the public and dupes them into his take over of the country, ending in the removal of any guns and in some cases the owners themselves.

Shawn said...

Apparently Ducey was going to invoke some special thing to force full house and senate votes the day he introduced it. That was Monday (yesterday to me). Apparent it landed with a thud to the democrats who didn’t like it and pissed off a few republicans. Both what it was and HOW Ducey wanted to force it NY SAFE act style.

I’ve called and emailed my state critters and even some not in my district. Going to do it a couple more times to keep the pressure up. We’ll see what happens. I’ve been trying to keep my ear to the ground and telling people in my gun circles. You said it yourself Arizona is Bloomberg’s crown jewel.

millwright said...

I find it significant this diatribe completely ignored Arizona's citizenry ( and gun owners ) when listing 'stakeholders' in this essay . IPOF all those list4ed as 'stakeholders' are employees of the Arizona citizenry . IOW, the help now thinks its running the business !