Monday, May 21, 2018

Until Further Notice

From the May 17 Weekly E-Cruiter email:
Until further notice is provided by the NRA Recruiting Programs staff, Recruiters are not authorized to display any materials advertising or referencing NRA insurance benefits.
They're not allowed to "refer to the $2,500 ArmsCare Basic Firearms Insurance or $5,000 Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance during your sales pitch. Recruiters should state only that the NRA endorses Lockton Affinity or AGIA as a broker." There are also prohibitions on displaying or advertising "the insurance benefits or insurance components of membership programs."

I thought Lockton threw them under the bus. Is endorsing them anything like giving a gun-grabbing political whore an "A"?

[Via ?]

1 comment:

Henry said...

From discussion elsewhere, the story is that Lockton will honor all its current contracts and continue to write new ones, but will not be doing it “in conjunction with” the NRA (associating their name, paying them commissions, etc.) The implication is that clubs and instructors will continue to be covered by dealing directly with Lockton. Not clear how one could continue the “arms care” membership benefit under this arrangement, but a rep assured questioners that NRA plans to continue a “strong affinity insurance program to serve our members’ needs.”