Friday, June 29, 2018
What Day Is It?
I'll be calling in at 1:20 Eastern. Assuming most of you don't live inAnchorage, you can pick up the live stream here.
Ripping Off the Mask
The Democrats Are Done Pretending to Be Moderate [More]Ha! Good one.
Soon they'll quit pretending to be peaceable. We see signs of that facade crumbling daily.
[Via Mack H]
The Impossible Dream
CA Supreme Court: Bullet stamping law survives despite being impossible to comply with [More]If you people would turn in your guns already, we wouldn't have to keep resorting to these half-measures.
[Via Michael G]
The More Insidious of Two Evils
Other organizations may be happy with a hunting and fishing ballot initiative posing as pro-gun legislation, but we at GRNC are not fooled by a wispy, token gesture in the absence of real pro-gun legislative action. Second Amendment voters like you played a pivotal role in Republicans gaining and maintaining a supermajority in the NC legislature, but how has Republican leadership repaid you for this? Simple... [More]A short term loss now that sends a clear course correction message will be less costly than letting the betrayals continue.
What's Going On in Leon Valley?
The livestreamers were arrested for threats and DOX information being posted in their live chats by other parties. The others were detained or arrested as witnesses. All recording capable electronics were taken by the police regardless if they recorded anything or not. News Now Houston and Thresa R has reported that the police are also towing cars once again. [More]I was sent links to a couple videos that I just won't have time to watch completely if I'm to stay on schedule and get my work done:
- Tyrants of Leon Valley mass arrest
- Leon Valley,Tx-Police attack
Because I have not watched these entirely through and because this is all new to me, I am not qualified to assess their claims, although the portions I did see aren't setting well.
Facebook comment posters are not pleased.
[Via Florida Guy]
Channeling Roseanne
Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos recently told at least two news outlets that he wanted vigilantes to start shooting journalists, but he insisted Thursday that he did so to taunt reporters. [More]I don't see how anyone will ever hire him to do what he does in today's climate of economic exile.
Even though "authorized journalists" trivialize and ridicule when such sentiment directed against those they oppose is not a joke.
And even if what he was joking about were, in real life, what Vanderboegh called "Bill Clinton's Rules of Engagement."
[Via Steve T]
We're the Fauxnly Ones Holy Enough
This guy is a "pastor." [More]
As always, be aware of the Fauxnly One Files. You never know when they might offer a body of defense evidence for why you didn't automatically comply with an inappropriately-acting enforcer.
[Via bondmen]
And So It Begins
Mainstream Media Blame Donald Trump for Maryland Newspaper Shooter [More]We knew they'd try.
Plus the cops were warned about the guy.
Naturally his social media accounts have been disabled so we're dependent on information being dispensed after interested parties have filtered it, rather than being able to see for ourselves and draw our own conclusions.
Just going on what's not being said, if he were a big NRA guy it would have been headlines by now.
All the antis have out of this is "Ban shotguns," and they know that won't go anywhere.
Term Limits
Mexico goes to the polls this weekend. 132 politicians have been killed since campaigning began, per one count [More]Just think what it would have been without all those "commonsensegun safety laws"!
I see the "open borders" antis at Grover's pal's propaganda site have dug up the old "guns come from the U.S." lie that was the pretext behind Gunwalker.
Not Up for Debate
There will be participants representing organizations on both sides of the gun rights debate. [More]I didn't realize the truth was debatable.
[Via bondmen]
The Blind Men and the Elephant
St. Louis mayor, public safety director & clergy to announce plans on reducing crime [More]This should be good.
Hey, what happened to that "wall of separation"?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Reticent Enough
Goodlatte: In closed-door deposition, it was FBI lawyers telling Strzok not to answer questions [More]Out of the hearts of men like this...
[Via Michael G]
We're the Only Ones Tracking Enough
Investigators said the stalking allegations involved Reid allegedly placing a tracking device on his ex-girlfriend's car and then sending her several text messages of places she had traveled. [More]See? If you or I stalked an ex, there's no way we'd be able to do it as well as a trained professional.
[Via Portly Pirate]
FBI Refusing Appeals on NFA Denials
"So basically, the FBI is denying you based on its database, and then wholesale refuses to allow you to appeal." [More]Again and again those of us who simply want to exercise rights supposedly protected by the Constitution find the biggest perpetrators of infringements are its “guardians.”
Nevada legal brothel owner and HBO "Cathouse" star Dennis Hof, who won a GOP primary to run for the Nevada state Assembly earlier this month, was accused in a newly released police report of raping a sex worker at his brothel in 2005. [More]I guess that explains his affinity for enabler Hillary.
Mad Maxine: Fury Road
The California Democrat canceled two scheduled appearances in Alabama and Texas this weekend after saying she got threatening messages and "hostile mail" at her office, including "one very serious death threat" on Monday from an individual in Texas. [More]Having seen time and again sentiment ("I hope") characterized as a threat ("I will"), I'll withhold judgment until after an arrest and plea, or trial and conviction.
That said, I note no constituents wondering what the hell she's doing in Alabamaa nd Texas when there are plenty of issues in the home district that need 24-7 dedication.
Let's Get Physical
Michael Moore: We Have to ‘Put Our Bodies on the Line’ to Stop Trump [More]This is the stage where fights break out. Sensing that threatened "blue wave" posturing devised to unnerve hasn't worked, Team Marx desperately needs an "incident" to sway public opinion to its side, in this case a reaction where protestor deaths can be blamed on Trump -- or just plain urban riots to spook the herd into demanding "change."
That said, his on the right line would help tremendously with the wall.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Immediate Thoughts on the Annapolis Shooting
Gleaned from this:
- Don't they still sell shotguns at Dick's? What now, "sporting purpose" Fudds?
- Maryland is a "may issue" (e.g., may not) state.
- Reporters hiding under desks and hearing the misfit reloading without emerging to take him down (as some antis have suggested in other stories) kind of takes away their argument for insufficient capacity magazines.
- A personal grudge against the paper takes away the argument that Trump is ginning up hate against reporters.
- Let's hope the guy in the other office who kept two handguns in his desk drawer doesn't get in trouble with "the law." He was the only man on scene who did not "feel helpless."
- Now that it's touched them directly, expect the media to be even more shrill in its demands for disarming you.
In legislation led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the Democrats are demanding that all immigration and border enforcement be ended across the U.S., allowing the 12 to 30 million illegal aliens living in the country and all future illegal aliens to be free to travel back and forth across the hemisphere without enforcement or protections for Americans. Every Democrat in the Senate signed onto Feinstein’s open borders legislation. [More]Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."
Right, Fairfax, SAF, state groups and fellow "gunbloggers"?
[Via Wynn A]
We're the Only Ones Terrorizing Enough
On August 29, 2013, while executing a search warrant in her grand parents’ home, an officer pointed and held a loaded gun – point blank – to the chest of 3-year-old Davianna Simmons. Davianna watched another officer hold a gun to her grandmother’s head and saw a third officer repeatedly shake, strike and push her handcuffed mother into a wall. Then, while officers were searching the home, she saw and heard an officer damaging and destroying her dolls, other toys and bedroom furniture. [More]The important thing is they got home safely at the end of their shift.
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.
[Via Mack H]
If You Need It Before Then, Tough
Ohio delays 'Stand Your Ground' law that would expand gun rights for residents ... It’s a law, very similar to that in Florida George Zimmerman cited during the Travyon Martin case. [More]But he didn't cite it. And the curious thing, ABC affiliate WEWS, is that your network reported on that.
Funny how News 5’s Political Analyst Tom Sutton doesn't seem to grok who has the burden of proof.
Curious: A reporter, two anchors, a director, a producer, assorted news staff and a legal "expert" and no one seems to know the basics on a story they're presenting under the guise that they're authorities the public can trust to bring it to 'em straight. All they need do is cite the Zimmerman name and they automatically plant in a significant portion of their audience the notion that the proposed law is hateful, harmful and something to oppose.
In Its Simplest Form
“Let me put it to you in its simplest form. I’ve been on this earth for 30 years, and there’s been so many things a Caucasian person said I couldn’t do ... Get good credit. Buy a house in an urban city,” he adds. “So many things—’you can’t do that’—whether it’s from afar or close up.” [More]Really?
What conduct of yours led "a Caucasian person" to say that -- assuming one really did?
Rumblings from the Outliers
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[More] |
Leftist misfits scaring "normals" is fine with me. Doing it before the midterms will be even better.
New York, New York, It's a Wonderful Town
Police say the 37-year-old man was walking at the location when he was approached by two unidentified men. One of them then punched the victim in the head, causing him to fall to the ground in the middle of the intersection. The thugs then walked away. While the victim remained on the ground, unconscious, other people came up to him and began to go through his pockets, removing his phone and ID. [More]There's a lesson about collective character in here somewhere...
Dead in the Water
For whatever reason, my Facebook pages are coming up with missing elements that won't let me post. Since that's the primary way I have to publicize new article links outside of this blog, I'm hamstrung until such time as this resolves itself.
That's OK, I can always count on you, right?
Life in Arkham Asylum
It is the 'Batman syndrome': the hero refuses to kill, he systematically saves his enemy who escapes and kills new victims until the hero catches up with him, and so on." [More]That's what happens when mad criminals run the place.
[Via Michael G]
The Self-Draining Swamp
Ex-GOP strategist Schmidt: Dems should 'do everything conceivable' to block Trump SCOTUS nomination [More]Who says self-deportation doesn't work?
One thing about this administration -- enemies within the Republican Party are finding it increasingly difficult to hide.
[Via Mack H]
A Swatting Incident
Maxine Waters did not like the questioning and swatted at Laura. [More]I have mixed feelings about filing a police report.
On the one hand, it seems kind of much, and the impulse control revelation exclusive should be reward enough. On the other hand, VLLA SELLA 'n all that, and I have no doubt a reverse situation would be loudly and furiously exploited.
[Via Mack H]
Conspicuously Absent
Hundreds line up for vaccines after possible hepatitis A exposure at Charlotte Hardee's [More]Anybody see any mention of a likely source for the outbreak? Anywhere?
Seeing as how this involves vital public health information, would we be wrong to suspect some would rather that not be part of the discussion?
[Via Steve T]
Life in the 'Progressive' Zone
A Bond Hill mother was shot while driving when she and her children were caught in the middle of a downtown Cincinnati shootout. And she broadcast the aftermath in a Facebook Live video. [More]Don't worry-- your intrepid Democrat city leadership is hard at work making sure you can't own a bump stock.
I do have a question though: With "free" K-12 "education" in this country and with school administrations and teachers' unions run by "progressive" thinkers, how is it possible that a citizen can emerge from that system and say something like "My babies is OK"?
Maybe that's because they get less money? No?
Maybe Mr. Adams can help explain things, because frankly, Yul is stumped.
[Via Steve T]
Rest Assured
Workers of Hawaii agency that sent false alert seen sleeping [More]Life in the Igeocracy...
[Via Steve T]
Where It's Needed Most
In those states where they are most at risk, such as New York and New Jersey, for example, it lacks critically important provisions to ensure their protection. [More]So what good is it?
[Via Felix B]
We're the Fauxnly Ones Unmaneuverable Enough
Horton said impersonating a police officer is illegal and extremely dangerous. He said officers are trained in how to safely maneuver through traffic. [More]Is there anything they don't do better than us?
[Via bondmen]
The One that Got Away
No-show witness triggers dismissal of double-murder retrial in St. Louis [More]Any bets this guy's name will resurface in the papers before too long? Maybe the bet should be how soon.
If nothing else, this illustrates the importance of making sure the "law-abiding" are disarmed if we really want to make an impact on violent crime in St. Louis.
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Retooled Enough
Wichita won't be pulling its police officers out of Wichita high schools, but plans to retool the program to make it less about security and more about mentoring and counseling, the city manager said Tuesday. [More]Well someone's gotta teach 'em how to hide...
[Via bondmen]
Curtis Cuck
COMEDY CENTRAL WRITER WISHES ANTHONY KENNEDY WAS SHOT [More]They're like kids-- they get caught and try to hide it.
Learning by Example
The Washington Post has dismissed a reporter for inadequately attributing material and closely parroting sentences from other publications in articles based on outside news sources. The reporter, Marwa Eltagouri, 26, was let go last week before completing the newsroom's mandatory nine-month probationary period for new employees. [More]Wait a sec -- I thought they handed out prizes for that...?
Children's Programming
Netflix Under Investigation for Streaming Disturbing Child Pornography Scenes [More]Maybe Barack and Michelle invited the Podesta brothers on for a little spirit cooking...?
Oh, it's Argentinian. Well, don't cry for 'em. I'll bet the actors all have "progressive" political views we should listen to, don't you think?
Give it a few years and those disturbed by this kind of perverted filth will be smeared as intolerant haters.
So-Called ‘Smart Gun’ SAFETY Act Contradicts Its Name on All Counts
So naturally, the Gungrabby Gabby group is solidly behind it. They welcome all potential incremental infringements on the way to the goal of citizen disarmament, because that’s been the game plan that works. And Himes is a politician that knows his infringements, demanding no end to them, including ending private sales, imposing prior restraints, ignoring due process and banning standard-capacity magazines. [More]Good thing this won't go anywhere -- today. Give Democrats and Republican sellouts a few years to culturally terraform the Republic and assess the chances then.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
The Thing That Would Not Die
Gun Confiscation Ballot Measure Dead [More]That's what we're always supposed to think about Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger.
Life imitates art.
Nonetheless, good job stopping the enemy push -- for now.
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Sharply' Is
Justice Anthony Kennedy to retire, giving Trump a chance to shift Supreme Court sharply right [More]Remember, we're dealing with people who want us to believe John McCain is a "maverick."
Heads, nonetheless, are exploding.
With all the mob-inciting going on, don't be surprised to see some of the more impulse control-challenged acting on their frustrations.
We're the Only Ones Restricting Enough
BLM Agents Open Fire on Innocent Couple, Shoot Woman Because ATV Drove Near Restricted Area [More]Fortunately they were American citizens, so no problem...
[Via Wynn A]
A Resolved Dispute
A well-known Japanese blogger has been stabbed to death by an internet user he had argued with, shortly after giving a talk on "how to manage disputes online." [More]He should have focused more on managing them in meatspace.
Hey, thank goodness a gun wasn't used, eh?
[Via William T]
A Plan Comes Together
You may have noticed that at the same time the left has triggered its hypnotized "bots" to scream about immigration, there is something of a renewal of rhetoric on gun control. [More]I have.
Fairfax continues to ignore the connection.
Then there's this:
Though no law-abiding gun-owner has yet felt threatened enough to use his or her gun in self-defense against a Democratic mob, isn't it inevitable that one will with this new escalation in tactics?Point of order...
[Via George Pace]
We're the Only Ones Intimate Enough
Strzok defended his messages as "intimate" conversations with an "intimate friend," according to those in the room. [More]Who among us has not conspired to undermine election results while cheating on his wife?
The Magic Caliphate
“People were saying ‘you’re going to traumatize children,’” said Nurah Abdulhaqq, a Georgia teen who helped start the group, called National Die In. She said she feared a public backlash if the group went forward with the protest. [More]In other words, it's all about the optics.
Hey, who better to be the arbiter of freedom than a hijab-wearing child of no discernible qualifications who places the blame on "white privilege"?
[Via Steve T]
First Responders
Medina, who was not armed, was the first to see killer Nikolas Cruz walk onto the campus. He told investigators shortly after the shooting that he didn’t confront Cruz or lock down the school. Instead, Medina said he radioed ahead to warn Taylor that a suspicious kid was headed his way. Taylor hid in a closet. [More]This is the level of protection the useful idiots have been manipulated into demanding for you and yours.
[Via Mack H]
Fiddlers on the Dach
Donny Deutsch, Michael Hayden and the Moral Collapse of American Jewish Institutions [More]It figures Opposite Day "progressives" would equate those who support their right to back up the words "Never Again" with those who made the words necessary.
[Via Mack H]
The Gunkapo Hoplophobe
"I don't have an issue with business owners having guns for self protection. I'm a gun owner myself," one person commented on the post. "I have issue with customers being encouraged to carry guns in your establishment. Too much potential for accidents. Even the most trained people have gun accidents, and people who carry in public without training and a permit scare me." [More]Master is pleased.
[Via Steve T]
Can There Be No Peace Between Our Peoples?
“No appeal to decency can ever bring Trump or the Trumpists around. It is not possible to mollify a political cult that runs on outrage, and it’s not worth trying.” [More]I guess not. Although those projecting accusations do bring a debate of note to mind...
Same request as here...
[Via Michael G]
Unclear on the Concept
The Ignorant Do Not Have a Right to an Audience [More]No one does, because that involves the time and effort of others.
What this hive insect is driving at is a way to exclude thought he disagrees with. That the forum giving him an amplifier is a prime, consistent and motivated violator of the truth tells us much.
So does this:
Like most Americans, I spontaneously cheered when I saw the white nationalist Richard Spencer punched in the face during an interview.[Via Michael G]
Air B&D
AIRBNB'S DEFIANT SPOT RESPONDS TO SUPREME COURT'S UPHOLDING OF TRUMP TRAVEL BAN [More]Well now where am I going to go to get raped and murdered?
[Via Carlos Perdue]
The Plan to Save the World
Interesting. [More]
How this guy "knows" is another story, and a seemingly unstated one.
Amidst the moments of hopefulness, I do see things that raise some flags for me -- the biggest being they seem to be carrying out their plan without regard to those of us who insist on knowing what "they'll" be replacing things with and just who "they" are.
Some of us have very definite ideas about what is "necessary to the security of a free State," and you don't want to introduce yourself to us as our new boss.
[Via Tristan M]
Not Equal to the Task
State Senator Nasheed calls for ‘State of Emergency’ to combat violent crime in St. Louis [More]So if she's basically admitting her constituency is incapable of self-government, doesn't that invalidate elections that put her and other local political "leaders" in power? And that solutions are beyond them, too?
And that they need a higher authority to take over?
Sure, Mr. Adams, now would be an excellent time to weigh in.
[Via bondmen]
One Question
He was carrying a knife, duct tape, and pepper spray -- that he purchased at the Short Pump Walmart -- when he arrived at the family's home. [More]So why didn't the family follow gun-grabber advice and just give him what he wanted?
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Unprecedented Enough
The Kansas Highway Patrol took more than $15,000 from Reese in a 1995 traffic stop that resulted in no charges. Since then, and despite a judge's order, the patrol has refused to repay Reese ... "It would be bad precedent, and bad policy, to make this payment in this manner," Colyer said. [More]Besides, it sounds like somebody had one hell of a barbecue.
[Via bondmen]
¡Viva la Revolución!
Whoever wins Sunday's presidential election will have to face not only Mexico's drug cartels, but a new kind of crime involving whole neighborhoods defying police and military personnel. [More]Coming soon, to a Sanctuary City near you.
[Via Roger J]
Things to Come
This is all going to get more extreme. And it should. [More]Just one request: Start it up before the mid-terms and horrify the normals.
[Via several of you]
The Replacements
A 28-year-old Democratic Socialist just ousted a powerful, 10-term congressman in New York [More]The CNN flack sounds positively giddy.
Old Guard white "progressives" are going to increasingly find over the coming years that constituencies aren't the only things that can be replaced.
Tribalism is the future.
Democratic Socialists, eh?
Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie?
Bloomberg-Supported Gun ‘News’ Feeds False Narrative that Heller was Revisionist
Thwarted, resentful antis have never gotten over the rejection of their pre-Heller insistence that “the Second Amendment guarantees no right to possess firearms unless in connection with service in a state-regulated militia.” They’ve been nursing that grudge ever since, unable to let it go or to stop lying that an activist SCOTUS somehow invented “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.” [More]The gun-grabbers are the revisionists. So it figures those who rely on fraud and manipulation would point fingers, project and proclaim the exact opposite.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
It Figures...
COMEY CALLS FOR STRICTER GUN REGULATIONS, ACCUSES NRA OF LYING TO AMERICA [More]Can't wait for this giant mangina to be ordered a "prohibited person"...
Happy Tyranny Day
On this day in 1934, the National Firearms Act, which regulates machine guns, short-barreled long guns, and silencers, was enacted. [More]Oh look-- the liars at Bloomberg's The Trace have resurrected the "slippery slope" ridicule tactic.
Someone needs to tell Nancy.
Travel Ban within President's Authority
Under these circumstances, the Government has set forth a sufficient national security justification to survive rational basis review. [More]In your face, Watson, you robed piece of crap.
From the Ministry of Approved Adages
Fox News Suspends Ex-Trump Aide David Bossie for ‘Cotton-Picking’ Remark [More]Curious. Anderson Cooper didn't say a word when Newsweek contributing editor Julia Reed used it.
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[Via Mack H]
Pick Your Poison
NEITHER “REFORM” BILL WOULD SOLVE IMMIGRATION CRISIS - Why they're doomed to fail -- by design. [More]With friends like these...
[Via Mack H]
Liberals’ Hatred Will Inevitably Turn Into Violence [More]Personally, instead of by government proxy...
I wonder how many personal consequences they'll need to experience.
[Via Sam Adams 1776]
Good Advice
Trump aides urged to get a gun [More]If they do, they should also be urged to get training above and beyond minimal standards, because all it will take will be one "aw sh*t" moment to generate screaming headlines and set the antis into an eye-rolling feeding frenzy.
[Via several of you]
We're the Only Ones Unconcealed Enough
Miami Beach Police Draw Down On, Detain, Disarm, And Throw Around Lawful Open Carriers [More]Cops that don't know the law endangering lawfully-armed citizens with the threat of lethal force? Reminds me Mike DeWine -- it took a couple killings for him to finally decide that maybe some of us (OK, me) calling on him to make damned certain these guys received adequate training were on to something.
Doesn't Fit the Stereotype
Leftists Launch Racist Attack Against Black Gun Rights Activist, Bully Her Off Twitter [More]Doesn't she realize "those people" are all supposed to think and behave in an approved way?
[Via Felix B]
Fitting the Profile
Florida Democrat Arrested For Threatening to Murder Republican Congressman’s Children [More]Figures he's anti-gun...
[Via Felix B]
For Every Action...
Mexican Retaliatory Tariffs Target Republican Areas In The United States [More]I wonder how long it will be until someone figures out money transfers are being reduced...
Sanctuary! Sanctuary!
Williamson County voters to decide whether to become a gun sanctuary [More]Against all infringements...?
[Via bondmen]
A Government Reduction
...the human rights watchdog group... [More]SPLC? The residents' grievances may be real, but that right there makes the whole story suspect for me.
Curious though, how "progressives" object to cultural terraforming when it involves citizens "migrating" legally...
[Via bondmen]
We're the Only Ones Camera-Shy Enough
Body cameras provide insight in police shootings. Why don’t KC officers wear them? [More]And they say there are no stupid questions...
[Via bondmen]
I'm Just Trying to Wrap My Head Around Confiscation Logistics
Americans Now Own 40% Of The World's One Billion Guns [More]Reminds me of a line Vanderboegh used to use all the time...
[Via bondmen]
David Hogg’s ‘Big Lie’ about Second Amendment Falls Apart Under Minimal Scrutiny
“[Y]ou know @SeanDiSomma you should really read the book if you did you would know we’re pro second amendment.” [More]While I can't tell from the pictures if there are any armed guards, the big lie here is that "commonsense gun safety advocates" are anything but citizen disarmament zealots.
Photo Finish
Paul Ryan is evidently too "conservative" for this overprivileged "dual citizen." [More]
What must that make you and me?
Speaking of Exteme Risks...
If a person truly is mentally unstable and dangerous, why are they free on the streets? Why aren't they someplace safe where they can receive the help they need? [More]Exactly.
Monday, June 25, 2018
We're the Only Ones Unretentive Enough
According to prosecutors, while handcuffed to the bar, Covington suddenly grabbed the weapon of an officer who was walking by, right out of the holster, turned the weapon on himself and took his own life. [More]See, this is why gun owners need to be forced by the State of New Jersey to buy "smart guns."
Everyone knows "takeaway" incidents against cops were the justification that spurred initial development efforts, right?
[Via Sons of Reagan]
Keep It Up. Hell, Intensify.
The left loses its cool [More]Good. Normal people see that and are properly "impressed" with what lunatics populate the left.
Demeanor defines.
Somos Los Uniqos Filling the Whole Damn Barrel Enough
Extraordinary moment Mexico arrests town's ENTIRE police force of 28 officers 'over murder of a mayoral candidate' amid country's bloodiest election campaign [More]You mean it's not just algunas manzanas podridas?
[Via Dave Licht]
Long Beach Shooting
Firefighter Fatally Shot While Responding To Explosion In Long Beach [More]Wait for details. Monitor here.
[Via several of you]
“One cannot permit unique opportunities to slip by for the sake of trifles.” [More]For some reason that reminds me of another quote.
Governor Phil Murphy’s security detail, which included members of the Morristown Police Department, intervened on Saturday at the women’s march after an unidentified man allegedly made an unwarranted move toward the Governor. [More]"Unwarranted"? You mean like he thought he was an equal?
Curious reaction, though. It's almost like Murphy thinks New Jersey disarmament edicts don't work on those with evil intent.
Monster Mash
Democratic strategist @PaulBegala, on Trump's event hosting citizens “permanently separated” from loved ones: “It is monstrous to take these folks’ pain and then use it to try to divide America" [More]But when you domestic enemies do it with "student survivors," it's OK?
To be fair, Begala's an authority on "monstrous."
Speaking of Hypocrites
The Hypocrisy Of Eating At Mexican Restaurants [More]Why? While statistically overwhelmingly against Trump's policies, the demographic is not a monolith. There are Mexican-Americans who agree with Trump on immigration. And does no one at NPR remember Cesar Chavez?
Say, what do you "progresives" call people who stereotype...?
Which brings us to Monique Truong's asinine "How much would our broccoli and eggplants cost us?" deflection.
Let's factor in all costs, Monique, including what it will cost to let you subversive collectivists hand over the Republic to foreign invaders.
Did you learn nothing from the regime your family fled?
Or did you learn a lot?
It Depends Upon What theMeaning of the Word 'Arms' Is
Federal Appeals Court Panel Upholds NYC’s Unconstitutional Gravity Knife Arrests [More]What? You mean we can't expect a fair shake from a Carter and two Clinton appointees?
[Via radiomaan]
We're the Only Ones Instructive Enough
Shreveport cop accidentally fires gun while teaching gun safety to interns [More]What did we learn, interns?
"The gun went off" and "it fired." Very good.
I guess that the difference between seasoned professionals and mere amateurs like myself, who have never been able to match that level of performance no matter how many times we've shown new people what to do.
[Via Steve T]
It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Insurrection' Is
Portland's ICE building remained shut down by 'Occupy ICE PDX at sunrise Friday, with about 40 tents and 100-150 people obstructing all entrances and exits. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler has refused Portland police action against protesters. [More]Seems there's a word for that.
And a Constitutional remedy.
[Via Michael G]
If Only We Could Find the Right Incantation...
Honest discourse about Article V convention needed [More]I still haven't seen what would make usurpers who ignore the clear restrictions of the existing Constitution not immediately begin perverting a new one.
Besides a meaningful "or else"...
[Via Felix B]
Dragging Their Feet Until the End
Comment Tracking Number Match - This comment was received in but is not yet posted. Please contact the agency directly for more information. [More]It was submitted on the 19th by WarOnGuns Correspondent Roger J, who wanted "to emphasize the 5A aspect of uncompensated takings, which since Horne v. Dept of Agriculture, applies to private, as well as real, property."
"Jun 27 2018, at 11:59 PM ET" is the final date and time to get your comment in.
My thoughts.
Stephen Stamboulieh's.
Len Savage's.
Compare to those of our "gun rights leaders" at NRA and NSSF/SAAMI. Who do you think told Trump and Sessions they had their backs on this?
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