Thursday, June 14, 2018

Enemy Intel

Received via email:

"FYI. Today I listened in on a 30-minute conference call sponsored by Everytown/MOMs GSAN.

They are HIGHLY organized. This is what we face: Elected representatives are bombarded with weekly calls from people using a script.

GSAN works three sub-committees.

1. Voter Outreach
  Volunteers call MOMs members, seeking their participation as volunteers. They use automated-dialing and provide scripts. They can re-connect the called person with the office of their own elected representative. They use something they call a Hub-Dialer, which taps into a database of members. Key is pushing back on NRA-supported legislation. 

Some of the information was misleading, such as alluding to NRA's proposed legislation "making us less safe". 
Against national CC recioprocity because it reduces us to the laws of the weakest states; no acknowledgement that a concealed carrier must obey the laws of the state in which s/he is. 
Silencers. You can't hear the shots (and then know to run.)

2. Welcome Outreach
  Volunteers call new members to welcome them, using automated dialers and scripts and try to call within two weeks of membership date. 

3. Hustle Team (Texting)
  An effort involving texting messages."

[By Gus P via Roger J]

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