Monday, September 10, 2018

We're the Only Ones Amber Alerted Enough

Amber Guyger... [More]
About damn time.

She certainly seems more than qualified and competent, in a preferential quotas kind of way...

[Via Roger J]


GaryM said...

Well, she did make it home at the end of her shift, it just wasn't her home.

Steve said...

Saw this a bit ago.

The Latest: Affidavit: Cop said neighbor’s door was ajar

"An investigator says a Dallas police officer who shot and killed her neighbor after mistaking his apartment for her own said that when she inserted her key in his door, it opened because it had been slightly ajar."

Henry said...

The paper actually seems to be doing a pretty good job of following up on this incident.

So the cop parked her car on the wrong floor of the parking garage, went into the apartment building, and entirely missed noticing the screaming red rug outside the victim’s door, which presumably she did not have at her own door.

Such powers of observation. I really don’t see a detective badge in this woman’s future.