Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Couldn't Happen to a Bigger Flake

Woman Who Ambushed Flake in Elevator Is Director of Soros-Funded Group [More]
Did he really think his stupid vote delay would somehow make "progressives"  like him?

Every time Republicans "compromise," the enemy takes it and then turns around and calls them haters to scare and squeeze even more out of them.

Every time.

The circling pack of jackals analogy is more than a metaphor.

[Via Mack H]


Anonymous said...

Flake got "primaried" out of office. He was a GOP in name only. Perhaps now he hates the GOP. He knows exactly what he is doing. Revenge. Sociopaths don't care what others think. They just know what they "deserve and demand". He did not get that, so revenge is the simplest answer.

David Codrea said...

No he didn't. He announced he would not run for re-election in Oct. 2017. The primary was last Aug.