Tuesday, October 02, 2018

‘Second Amendment Guy’ Ben Stein Should Learn Before Presuming to Teach

“But for the life of me, I cannot see why any American civilians need an AR-15 or any other military-style semi-automatic rifle.” [More]
He sure has a huge "but."

1 comment:

Mack said...

New from Stein:

"Ben Stein’s Diary: Democrats, Call Off Your Dogs - A party that loves to destroy lives, not to mention the Constitution."
* https://spectator.org/democrats-call-off-your-dogs/

Again, where did all of this hatred come from? Mr. Trump is a divisive figure. But he’s not as low as the Senate Democrats. I haven’t seen him torture anyone to death yet. But this is what’s coming, “Trial by ordeal,” and if you lose it and drown, that’s your tough luck.