Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Kent State Open Carry Walk Shows 'Reasoned Discourse' with Gun-Grabbers Impossible

Being an alumnus myself, I know how to get around the campus. We also had political divisiveness in those days, as the words “Kent State” practically scream. That’s a bit of cognitive dissonance from “progressive” academia today that makes no sense to me: Unarmed students were shot by government troops, yet the students opposed to the Liberty Hangout activists were there to demand that everyone be disarmed under force of government arms. What could be a more egalitarian power-sharing arrangement than the right of the people to keep and bear arms? [More]
Some young people understand what the majority of their generation has been swindled out of, and they're unafraid to pick up the torch and run with it. That's a necessary and a hopeful development to be encouraged. They are the future.

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