Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Oh, That White Male Privilege

And I want to grab the people saying this by the throat and haul them in front of him and say tell him. Tell him to his face that he deserved this because patriarchy. Tell him to his face that he probably was a wife beater anyway and it was just this time he got away with it. [More]
I'd have stopped at "throat."

There's no reasoning with the enemy.

[Via William T]


Marshall said...
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David Codrea said...

Read it again. With the link this time.

Marshall said...

(egg on face) I completely misunderstood the article and wrote a load of garbage (now deleted). Kind of like the false assumptions the subject of the article had to endure from local people who did not know/understand the true situation. Writing from ignorance reflects poorly on the writer; lesson learned.