Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Oops, Our Bad

Establishment media outlets repeatedly bungled their coverage of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, spreading misinformation as a result. [More]

Like in "botched gun sting"?

The lazy useful idiots no doubt amplified talking points, but the narrative being parroted was pure DSM.

"Not Evil Just Wrong" is a Groverian delusion.

If "three times" is "enemy action," what the hell is nine?

The propagandists weren't "pushing misinformation." They were lying on behalf of their handlers. For power. Over you, me and ours.

[Via Bill M]


Mack said...

Newsbusters has the language right.

Anonymous said...

An article on Drudge earlier today had a headline that 92% of Trump news coverage is negative, so it would seem that a "mere" nine "bungled" stories are to be expected from our betters...