Thursday, March 21, 2019

You Got a Permit for Those Rights?

But if we let them have free speech, we have to let everybody have free speech! [More]

They're clearly not in anybody's way, so the priority here is to use BS "rules" as an excuse to harass and intimidate.

What an ugly world the domestic enemies are bringing about.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Henry said...

I particularly like the excuse of "if you don't reserve the free speech area, you are trampling on the free speech of others who may have reserved it." Apparently, there's only so much free speech to go around on this campus, so only a few people can use it at a time.

Funny that we have to wait our turn to use the free speech, but when the left goes to a conservative presentation and drowns out the speaker with heckling, no one tells them they have to wait their turn.