Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Get Smart

The Smart Gun Doesn’t Exist for the Dumbest Reasons [More]
I agree


GaryM said...

Lets mandate smart gun adoption by the federal protective service, FBI, US Marshals and Secret Service as well as Capital Police for 10 years just as proof of concept.

What could possible go wrong? At the worst we'll lose a few politicians and that's not necessarily bad.

DDS said...

The Glock line of handguns took off only after police departments started using them.

I would suggest that New Jersey lead the way by:

1. Funding research into smart gun technology and prototype development with New Jersey tax payer dollars.

2. Once one (or more) prototype(s) reach(es) a viable level of reliability, require each and every New Jersey LEO to carry one as their duty firearm.

3. After a sufficient amount of data on reliability in the real word proves the concept, then perhaps require that New Jersey gun stores offer them to the public as a condition of doing business in the state.

IOW, put your money where your mouth is.