Thursday, May 02, 2019

Speaking of Aptronyms

The problem is — and I’m hardly alone in thinking this — that the NRA doesn’t really support me, at least anymore. Their mission, once focused on education, safety and proficiency, seems to have narrowed to a fixation on the preservation of both Republican politicians and the unfettered ability to buy, sell and carry any and every kind of firearm in every conceivable time and place. [More]
So says "Greg Hunter," Fudd and Democrat apparatchik. Way to give aid and comfort to the enemies of gun owners, Quisling. If I were an FFL and I knew this guy, I'd tell him to get the hell out of my store.

You want the NRA's original mission? It was to train American citizens to become proficient in keeping and bearing “weapons of war.”

Here's where being marginalized by the media and the search engines kills us-- by having this disinformation appear on NBC News, this will get thousands of times more eyeballs than niche "gun advocacy" sites can draw, and influence thousands of times more voters. That's the reason behind the only thing I ask of readers, not that most will bother.

[Via Roger J]

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