Thursday, September 05, 2019

Aid and Comfort

Thanks to Lois Beckett, Alex Yablon, and especially Massad Ayoob for their help researching and fact-checking this piece.  [More]
Beckett and Yablon, especially, I can understand.

I'm still trying to figure out why someone from "our side" would want to help Vox when he's got to know they will use it to attack RKBA. It is an interesting admission on where they have to go and who they have to ask to keep from making fools of themselves, but I still gotta ask what happened to "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake"?

I never understood "fact-checking" proposed infringements, either. I'd want them vulnerable to challenge, rather than helping the oppressor make them bulletproof.  Case in point, thank goodness no one helpfully pointed out the fatal flaw in Nevada's Question 1.

Excuse me, but you won't shoot me that way, with the safety on.

"Oh, you're right. Thanks."


[Via DDS]

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