Wednesday, September 25, 2019

'Could' Presupposes a 'Could Not' Possibility

Red-Flag Laws Could Stop Suicides [More]
Because keeping guns out of the hands of the despondent has worked so well in Japan...

Curious -- I see no attempt to separate suicide rates among the criminal "prohibited person" underclass from the general gun owner population. Ditto for "Only Ones," with their significantly higher rates. I also don't see any way to account for how many suicides are impulse decisions, meaning by the time a report was made and responded to, it would be game over, and how many documented and verifiable "saves" are we able to credit to red flags in the 17 states and District of Columbia that already have such edicts.

It's almost like Brian Barnett, with his special interest in lauding bathroom choice for HuffPo, is a gunquack with a "progressive" agenda instead of a scientist.

[Via Mack H]

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