Wednesday, October 02, 2019

We're the Only Ones Properly Adjudicated Enough

With the Guyger Verdict, a Texas Jury Chips Away at the Unwritten Law That Helps Bad Cops Go Free [More]
God help me, I agree with David French.

I listened to a recording of Guyger's sobbing, fear-based excuse-making and the immediate thought that struck is how unfit for that line of work such a weepy, entitled coward is, and how those very traits make things incredibly more dangerous for everyone they encounter.

[Via Mack H]

1 comment:

vintovka said...

10 years is still a weak sentence for something that, if one of we mundanes did it, would send us up for life. Drejka, in Florida, could get 30 years, and he had been physically attacked. But then he didn't have a badge, with its magical sentence reducing power.