Thursday, November 21, 2019

We're the Only Ones Ready for the Big Leagues Enough

“The most frustrating part about all of this is that they did not come check on us,” said mother KeeKee Todd. “They knew what happened and they did not come." The report goes on to say Terry and Gross told deputies they had not contacted their supervisor. When the deputy told them they should get out in front of it and let their supervisor know what happened, their response was “we are getting ready to go out.” The deputy wrote in the report that neither of them acted like they were going to contact their supervisor. [More]
Incompetent and their first inclination is to keep quiet and hope no one notices so they don't get caught?

Sounds like these guys are naturals.

[Via Neil W]

1 comment:

Henry said...

“someone pulled the trigger, and the rifle went off”

These guys must be a hoot testifying in the courtroom. “Your Honor, someone ran the red light and a car hit another car.”