Wednesday, February 26, 2020

And If That Doesn't Work?

Still spewing nonsense after his National Coalition to Ban Handguns and Pulsing Fist gigs didn't work out, I see...

And speaking of [NSFW] George Takei's failure to achieve relevance isn't it interesting the way they honor and thank Spike Lee, who notoriously advocated:
"Shoot [Charlton Heston] with a .44 Bulldog."


vintovka said...

We have a double standard on prosecution of Federal crimes, as demonstrated by the continued freedom of felonious characters named McCabe and Comey. Why not a double standard on threats as well? If made by a progressive, it's merely a rhetorical device; if made by a conservative it is a serious matter that requires police intervention. How long will we put up with this hypocrisy?

Henry said...

If you’re a conservative, your very speech is violence.

But if you’re a socialist, your violence is free expression, and justice.