Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Shell Game in Progress

The messaging is particularly odd because, while Soros has said he favors stricter gun laws, he has not sunk much into gun control causes in nearly 20 years. [More]
He doesn't have to. He's setting up the system where it will be automatic.

He, and Bloomberg's The Trace, are counting on gun groups being too dumb or too cowed by the prospect of being smeared as haters to make the connection public.

Who thinks Alex Yablon doesn't know that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At the debate tonight, Mini Mike claimed his gun ban groups have 6 million members! Also, none of the media people or politicians on stage would refer to it as a gun ban or gun control - it was always "gun safety." I have noticed the legacy media has totally switched to calling it gun safety, sort of like how it changed from illegal to undocumented.