Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Keeping It Classy

What professional position has this c-word ever held where Mommy's connections and influence were not factors?

[Via Michael G]


I guess @Jack wants to make it look like he's fair and balanced.


Henry said...

You found the Golden Ticket, David… a Democrat hate tweet actually pulled by Twitter.

Anonymous said...

I never want to hear again how mean trump's tweets are from the people who cheered on a fellow mentally ill leftists who cowardly attacked rand paul from behind while he was mowing his lawn. I am guessing if someone tackled her scarecrow looking, botox ridden dementia mom from behind she would be screaming and crying.

Pat H. said...

They've cheered the AK attack by a rabid follower that almost killed Steve Scalise.

To answer the direct question though, Christine Pelosi positions have ALWAYS depended on who her mother is, and her father's copious money pile.