Thursday, March 26, 2020

Praise She from Whom All Blessings Flow

Pelosi’s bill also contained bailouts for the post office, almost everything the Democrats want to change about voting, federal employee collective bargaining, requiring airlines to offset their carbon emissions, forcing companies to have a diverse corporate board, etc. [More]
Speaking of the Post Office, has anyone seen any warnings from them about not licking envelopes closed, or are they the nation's biggest source of distributing infected materials throughout the land?

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

danno said...

Nothing about licking envelopes, but there is a sign on the door about maintaining "social separation" in line. And conveniently marked out 6' separations on the floor.

I can hardly wait for December where the normal line is standard separation line from the counter to the door! "Social separation" is not going to work. Fortunately here in the Sonoran Desert we have a season of severe heat between now and then.