Thursday, April 16, 2020

Just Like the Founders Tried to Tell Us

This is why a universal militia is required to produce rule of law - the power to deny power.  [More]
Good and needed words. A (very) few of us have been pleading with the bigger fish to embrace the first 13 words in their advocacy, their lobbying, and their legal actions.

Yes, the only link I have is to the quote is to a Facebook post. I recently had someone ask me if something important I had linked to appeared somewhere else because he didn't do Facebook.

Gee, that's too bad.

[Via Doug S]

1 comment:

Ken Windeler said...

Some do not realize this. Back when m1911.oeg had the gunpolitics forum I was basically challenged by another member because I felt like you posted that "the militia" was a key word in The Second Amendment. The definition in my American Heritage Dictionary was pretty clear on what constitutes "the militia." So much so that I had sent a letter to SCOTUS back during the Heller case.

The debate over at gunpolitics was that the Heller decision was based on an individual right, not the militia clause, whereas I felt that 2A guaranteed as well as the militia clause in the Constitution established both. "We the People" are "the militia"