Friday, May 22, 2020

Canadian Gun-Grabber Admits Disarmament is the Ultimate Goal

“Likewise, the term ‘shooting yourself in the foot’ is not just a metaphor,” Tony bloviates, oblivious that he has just stepped in a real-world refutation of his ignorant arrogance.  Remember DEA agent Lee Paige, the guy who claimed to be “the only one … professional enough” to carry a gun, and then did just that? [More]
What do you call a system where the rulers can deploy enforcers with “weapons of war” and the ruled are disarmed by diktat?


Anonymous said...

"and the ruled are disarmed by diktat?"

There is cause for great concern that the would be rulers can't seem to help themselves from tightening the screws.

But there is some small reason for hope that the diktats passed so far in California, Maryland, New York, Connecticut,Virginia, and even as far away as New Zealand, seem to be uniformly ignored by as many as 80% of the targeted gun owners.

The cherry on top is a seeming indecision by the folks who issued those diktats on what they can and should do next.

The question becomes, how far will people allow themselves to be pushed before, as often happens, they say to themselves, "You can kill me, but you can no longer tell me what to do."

Mack said...

***What do you call a system where the rulers can deploy enforcers with “weapons of war” and the ruled are disarmed by diktat?***


In the future, see if you can link the two.