Monday, May 18, 2020


The very sad truth though- the Feds may never have to force a vaccine because businesses will do it for them and so will county and State elected officials. [More]
Kind of like the government doesn't have to censor because the media and social media do that for them...

1 comment:

Henry said...

'Twas ever thus... the Clinton administration (Tipper Gore) used the RIAA and the ESRB; the Kennedy administration used Hollywood's Jack Valenti.

As for the "violence rating system"... the president thanked the industry for adopting such a system voluntarily, as had been requested by him and the first lady. Their reward for complying voluntarily? The government will now impose on them a better, federal system. See how it pays to cooperate?

Big Brother works best after the citizens have been trained to censor and oppress themselves.