Tuesday, May 19, 2020

(Turn and Face the Strange) Ch-ch-changes

The most notable changes are the inclusion of the firearm information at the top of page one instead of page three, the change of “county” to “county/parish/borough,” and the addition of “non-binary” to the gender. [More]
See? They're woke and respectful when they're requiring you to submit to their infringements or else.

Not your granddad's 4473...

[Via everrest]


Henry said...

Well, it's about time. I've been defiantly octal since 1969. I actually did once nudge my wife to watch our odometer roll over when it was approaching 77,777. She had no idea what I was talking about.

Ed said...

I too went through a three bit period before transitioning to four bit and hexadecimal. My odometer has a little further to go before it approaches FFFF.