Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Don't Poke the Bear

‘Masked Antifa in Portland opened a black man’s car door’ and it was a REALLY bad idea [More]
What cowards they are, and what tattling children.

Here's someone they fell "braver" about attacking.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Dave Moore said...

I have awakened someone in their car that I was genuinely concerned about. (Car in a bad place, parked askew.)

I was alone. I stood at in front of the hinge, and knocked on the windshield, while asking loudly, "Sir? Are you OK, sir? Do you need help?"

I did not, and would not have, opened the door.

When he shook himself awake, I backed away from the car, hands up.

He started the car and drove away.

That was some years ago.

The last time I stopped to render aid, it was for a man sprawled on the road just around a blind curve, next to a bicycle. I stood well out of reach, with my car running and my headlights on, shielding him with my car from incoming traffic, called to him several times, and finally called 911. When they told me they were sending an officer, I asked them to stay on the line until he arrived. Again, the sleeper woke up, climbed on his bike, and wobbled off. Then i terminated the call.

But both times, I announced my intentions, and stood where we were out of each other's reach.