Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Hope Against Hope

Tucker: President Trump's hope for re-election [Watch]
That might buy some time, but I note nobody's talking about the only hope for "the security of a free State."

Especially the "gun lobby" groups...

[Via Laocoön]


Anonymous said...

You can't possibly speak of unfettered immigration of both the approved and unapproved kind, immigration that fattens the ranks of the top down, command and control tyrants whose project du jour is wholesale population replacement? Nah, couldn't be that.

David Codrea said...

There is that, but in this case, I included a link.

Anonymous said...

I'm slow today. Not sure what point Anon was trying to make. Please explain.

David Codrea said...

My guess is he didn't see the link and thought I was referring to gun lobby groups avoiding this: