Thursday, July 09, 2020

Trump's Pettiness Could Be His Undoing -- and Ours

I've done my share of criticizing Jeff Sessions, specifically over the way he did not use the full power of his office during the phony smear job coup attempt. That said, Trump rubbing Tuberville in his face is pure vindictiveness, and working against Sessions works against the president's stated campaign pledges on guns (Sessions earned an "A" from GOA) and immigration (Numbers USA calls Sessions a "true reformer" based on his performance and Tuberville won't say what he'll do).

I've said before 2020 is Trump's to blow, and when I see him doing stupid sh!+ like attacking Thomas Massie and guiding his policy decisions with direction from Jared Kushner, what I see is him dousing the fire in the bellies of those who want to support him.

3-D chess my ... eye.  If he loses, I'll be madder at him than at anyone.

[Via Laocoön]

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