Thursday, August 13, 2020

Don't Count On It

Would the Military Side with Leftist Tyranny or with America? [More]

Tiger talk notwithstanding, experience tells us the leadership is political and most troops follow orders. 

I've seen too many express the opinion that the cavalry will ride in and save us, which is just another form of denial to justify not actually doing anything themselves to prepare for the worst.

Hopefully, some good colonels, lower officers, and enlisted men will side with the Constitution, but if they do, their hands will be full. And the lessons of 2016 Turkey have not been lost on them, including how the establishment did not want change and abandons those who challenge and fail to their fates.

[Via bondmen]


Henry said...

Before Katrina, "patriots" were whistling past the graveyard about police precisely this way.
When it hits the fan, trust no one whose paycheck is issued by the enemy.

Anonymous said...

The vast majority of .Mil will do the exact same thing as the vast majority of LEO....look at their paychecks, pensions and dental plans and decide they would rather do without their honor and dignity than those perks and benefits.....then march when and where orders and violate OUR rights without a second thought.