Monday, August 03, 2020

Speaking for Biden at DNC will Complete Kasich’s Betrayal of Gun Owners

If Kasich is their benchmark for extremism, there’s no way these people are ever going to tolerate the existence of anyone to the “right” of him. But it is telling that the doctrinaire “left” knows better than to trust phony “conservatives.” The mystery is why any Republicans would be dumb enough to. [More]
Democrats are more than happy to let useful idiot "Republicans" carry their water for them. Funny though, how today's "reasonable moderate" becomes tomorrow's "uncompromising extremist" when it's time for a general election.

1 comment:

Mack said...

Just posted my comment.

No question this was worth the wait, but isn’t it a shame you had to write it in the first place?

I suppose the same will be said of DeWine eventually.