Thursday, September 24, 2020

Does This Door Open Both Ways?

 For no particular reason, this morning I’ve been thinking about Nicolae Ceaușescu’s last public appearance. Too soon? [More]

Ha ha, "conservative Republican" for Biden!  

For no particular reason, you just made me think of Jamal Khashoggi.

Too soon?

[Via Michael G]


Anonymous said...

That was an awesome comment!

Mack said...

What is left to 'conserve' anyway?

How about 'Patriot' - works for me.

DDS said...

"What is left to 'conserve' anyway?"

An excellent point. "Conservation" implies a defensive strategy designed to keep what's left. Ask Robert E. Lee how his strategy of defending the Confederacy from Union attacks worked out. The attacker only has to pick one spot, achieve local tactical superiority, and take the objective whereas the defender has to be prepared to defend anywhere and everywhere.

Having been in that posture, we've seen the legacy of the founders eroded one nibble at a time. The cartoon comparing RKBA to a cake comes to mind. When do our supposed pro-RKBA politicians see themselves going on offense to regain some if not all of what has been taken from us?

"Never" suits most of them just fine.

I want my damned cake back and it is past time to be asking those who desire our votes about their plans, not to preserve the morsels left, but to restore the whole damn cake!

Let them know. "Never" does not suit us!