Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Will of Landru

In the 21st century, our rugged, go-it-alone mentality has horrific consequences. [More]

There is a solution:

You will be absorbed. Your individuality will merge into the unity of good, and in your submergence into the common being of the body, you will find contentment, fulfillment. You will experience the absolute good.

[Via Mack H]


DDS said...

As long as we're on a Star Trek theme:

DDS said...

Upon further review:

Their masthead says "A new look at the Old Dominion.

Then they state, "In the 21st century, our rugged, go-it-alone mentality has horrific consequences."

Patrick Henry must be spinning in his grave.

Mack said...

David, you're funny.

But isn't sad that you have the opportunity to use that iconic Star Trek episode.

"Phasers on Stun." No how about ENDING this?

As for DDS, I agree with both comments.