Monday, December 21, 2020

We're the Only Ones Compensated Enough

The HPD ‘Top 10 Earners’ list shows one police corporal bringing in $255K in just nine months of 2019—this would equal $341K for the full 12 months [More]

Anyone that highly paid must be qualified to tell you and me we can't have guns.

Fortunately for them:

Hawaii Most Obedient State in USA

Life in the Igeocracy!

What paradise haven't control freak kleptocrats ruined?

1 comment:

Old 1811 said...

One factor to consider is that the cost of living in Honolulu is 65 percent higher than it is in Chicago, and 106 percent higher (i.e., more than double) the COL in Columbus, OH. (I picked those two cities because Columbus used to be the benchmark for COL calculations, and I used to live in Chicago, so I have some knowledge of the costs.)